How to tell if your Blackheart sucks

I got serious problems dealing with BH. Any scrub BH can beat me. I just get dizzy with his patterns. A Cyclops backing up is also a trouble, I can’t land a solid hit.

1-What can break up a BH?
2-The demons, what can destroy them effectively?
3-I was thinking about calling an assist to protect me from demons while I rush under BH, is that ok?

  1. Cable (you’re asking “what” here -> Cable’s Gun. LOL]
  2. Well, maybe you don’t have to, just don’t get hit, sj or dash foward, maybe aim for a cross-up
  3. CC is nice with Cable.

well, that’s what I think. idk for the other people around here. that’s what i usually do when i face BH with Team Watts or BH/Cyclops. pretty much the same.

Hey, I have some questions on BH\Sent\Cyc. Is this team feasible at all vs teams like MSP or Cable teams and does it have some longevity to it? I seriously considering quitting marvel all together as I can’t seem to find something that works for me, but at the moment I want to try one last team. Any strats and ideas you guy can give me on this team?

IMO Try Santhrax or Matrix if you don’t like BH.

storm-A/sentinel-Y/ Cyc or Commando is too much fun.

Ok BH Experts take him to the depths of hell and show him the way BH

Well, It is a hit or miss pretty much. If you really want to play that duo, you may want to choose BH/Cable/Cyke, because it plays kind of similarly to Cable/Storm/Cyke.

If you really want to play BH/Sent, against like teams like Cable or MSP, you would want to use Cap, because, it seems you really want to piss people off when playing BH, and getting hit with demons all day and then after those demons, getting hit with capcom, it’s demoralizing. Moreover, with Cap on your side, you can do a lot more damage against those big teams like MSP or Cable-centric teams. For example, whenever you hit hk demons on someone who is airborne, you can st. lk + cap, st. lk xx inferno(xx HOD(xxDHC)). Guaranteed everytime.

With Cyke you cannot do that. As a matter of fact, the damage potential is greater with BH/Cap than BH/Cyke. Basically, all BH/Cyke has, is an infinite setup(very VERY GOOD for Cable), and the mutiple Inferno combo(which all depends on your timing, I’ve gotten about 6 before at most, but you can at least get 2 to 3 easy), but for defense, Cyke is not going to cut it at all.

I hope this helps, other people will be along to correct me or add on to it.

yeah. cap is good against those teams. although im not saying cyclops is not that good. just learn to use and be comfortable with such assists. we’re only here to give advices, still at the end it’s up to you. although cap is still the best, i agree with him. and you still got sent/cap which is also a good team. [my av. lol].

More BH-Cyc stuff:

Here’s something amusing for you BH-Cyc fans to look at…

BH-Cyc Hit detection/reset trap

With BH-Cyc, it’s easier to do something like this.
1]launch, AC,

2]b+hk, guide yourself for cross ups and use the hk to hit them at exactly 1 millimeter before they touch the ground [so they can’t call an assist and are forced to guess how to block you].

3]If they are…
a- drifting away from you, hold towards sooner after the release of the hk so that you can overshoot them and attack from behind high if desired.
b- drifting towards you, you neutral or hold back and lk them in the face as you land
c- in either of the above cases, you can land and lk them at the last second before landing if you catch them blocking low, go into cyclops, sj hk them, airdash back whiff a hk, land beside them, then relaunch them setting all this up over again.
d- if you see them blocking high, you can land right beside them and ducking lk them into Cyclops, and you guessed it, do all this stuff over again.
e- you can occasionally try to cross them up so that the demons reverse their block and wind up the first hit.

You know the funny thing about all this?
You can [with greater difficulty] do almost exactly the same thing with Capcom assist for BH and do more damage per rep.

1]One of the following…
a- Point blank dlk, call Capcom, dmk, sj cancell, hk, airdash hk[whiff this one], land, launch for an AC, Proceed to step 2
b- jump [or sj with REAL low airdash] lk,mk, land, dfhp+Capcom to launch, sj uf lp,lk,mp, AD lp,lk,mp [substitute the mp for a throw if you’re sure it’ll kill them. otherwise don’t.] Proceed to step 2.

2]Use the flying hk for coverfire as illustrated above under BH-Cyc to end your air combo.

3]If they are…
a- hit by the hk, you launch and insert Capcom into your Air Combo for even bigger damage while maintaining this hit detection trap.
b- blocking low, air lk and Stilt combo them into oblivion anytime they block low [if you air lk, land, lk, call cap, mk, sj cancell them, you probably will not make it to them with the sj hk before Capcom blows them into the stratosphere…]

Woah, Hey, Hold the phone here, STILT DHC??? I can use this instead to fuck him up FIRST HIT!!!

Nerermind. :rofl:

I’ve taken a vacation trip up to Portland and have been playing against a bunch of the old folks from there. I’m starting to play around with the idea of just starting Sentinel in most cases (just about everything that isn’t Cable, really) and play a passive-aggressive game plan where I’m generally keeping the opponent at arm’s length with repeated laser beams and leaving them to guess just when that inferno column is going to come out. The conservative Sentinel/Commando game gets a lot more annoying when they’re looking over their shoulder for BH, which keeps them from going over the top a lot. Then if they do go over the top they’re left wondering if Commando is coming out or if I’ve got the space I may just fly back, fierce/BH/land/fierce/HSF/fierce/BH/drones and they’re stuck locked for a moment and are back at full screen once it’s over with.

Mix this in with a judicious bit of fierce/fly forward/short, with Commando coming in at unpredictable enough intervals, and stir. It seems really heinous against anything that isn’t Cable, enough that I may just start Sentinel and use it against just about anything other than Team Scrub and Clockwork. (With Clockwork I’d swap Commando for Cyclops and still use it.)

watson is THEE bh team.

btw incase anyone didn’t know, with sentinel/bh-B, you can call assist, throw, the piller launches them up high, then you have enough time to recover from throw and dash under…


YO yo yo, hope this thread is still somewhat alive because i have a question.

What kind of fly combos you can pull of with Sent and using Blackhearts AAA? i know a couple in Training mode, but i doubt they work in actual gameplay or i cant pull them off during matches cuz im still a newb in MvC2 =).

for some reason i love Bh anti air fastflys, you can do something like, sj, lk, fastfly, lk, rp, lk + bh, rp, ice hits, then fly under(reset), wait a sec, then lk, mk, rp.

Here’s more things you can do with BH/cyc you can’t do with BH/cc (or any other AAA for that matter):

  • if you land inferno xx hod in the corner(on block OR hit), your opponent is forced to block cyc on wake up(which forces them to block another inferno xx hod). This works nicely, especially on block, because your opponent will get frustrated to no end if they don’t know how to escape inferno xx HOD.

  • bh/cyc rushdown cycle: goes like this: sj. rh, then on the way down, tap sj. short, sj. forward, c. short+ cyc, c. forward ^^ sj. rh (on the way up), air dash to other side (assuming they’ve block the cyc and didn’t get hit… if they do get hit, start infinite). You will be on their other side, so as you fall, fall towards them and use sj. short, sj. forward, c. short+ cyc, c. forward, repeat.

hey guys i have a little question, kind of been bugging me lately, what do you do against mags/xxx, with black/capcom?

i think someone answer this already but i have not seen the post, and magneto is really kicking my ass in chinatown lately. thankx for the help

I’ll help! I’m going to do do this with BH/Sent/Cap vs Mag/blah.

The first thing that is helpful to know, is that switch glitch j. lp will beat out any of Magneto’s jumping normals cleanly. So, you can open the match with switched j. lp + cap, j. lp, cap hits, and it will get you a good lead, and space to work around, and throw demons in.

A key to anyone fighting Mags is to stay mobile. Always be sure you can stay mobile, and empty jump a lot and watch where the Mag player is going to do. Often times they will like to go up and try and ROM you, or fly screen to a 50/50 mixup. Also, listen for the “swish” whilst in the air. Sometimes you can catch them with a sj. lp/lk before they get up to you.

If the Mags player can GC out of Inferno xx HOD, call sent while doing it, or don’t do it unless you’re sure it will hit. Also, try and not random inferno too much. Mags can bait that and airdash at the last minute.

When you hit with a HOD combo, or successfully chip with it, you can go into jump back fierces + Sent and see what they are going to do next and go from there.

Anywho, I hope that some of this stuff helps you out. Mags is a tough fight, but the key is patience.

I have a comment though. With bigs, you can potentially do a multiple inferno combo with BH/Cap.

If you catch them with Demons in the air, or if you do j. lk, j. lk in the air and catch them, and you are remotely near the corner, you can do st. lk + cap, st. lk xx inferno, and it all hits. Sometimes, if you time the inferno right, you can double bounce to do mutiple infernos.

Hope this helps anyone.

thanks cooscoos, however if you don’t mind me asking , whats the SWITCH GLITCH? i have never heard of it.

Also with mags i am always very mobile if you are not then you are asking for death. But that in it self is the problem blackheart was not made to be that mobile, so the damage that i can do to mags is minor. Besides that everyone in chinatown know my blackheart so the first thing they do is kill it before i even get the chance of using him (i really hate those damn infinites). And if i use capcom to much, then i’ll lose caps as well. so i think it comes down to the second character but cable is also weak to rushdowns also. I’ve used sentinel in the past, and even though i am an fairly avid sentinel user, i don’t use him with balckheart because he is really not my game. But i guess i have to go the way mainstream game is going.

I think all I can say is, if your Blackheart is getting killed like that, I guess it could be of one of two things. The first thing, as with any character in the game, is that you may be too predictable with your patterns. Ask yourself when you play, how many times do I do a certain pattern in a match? How many repetitions does it usually take for someone to get to me after it? If you know these things, you can counter it or do something to make yourself more safe.

Second thing is, you may not be empty jumping enough with Blackheart IMO. Fighting Mags from my experience, requres some empty jumping. This is because with anyone, you must kind of scout ot how they want to get at you before you go and counter it. Empty jumping is a key for that, especially for BH.

One more thing. From that paragraph, am I right to assume that you play Cable/Blackheart/Capcom? If I am right, start Cable with that team, if you don’t already.

Anyway, that’s some stuff that I was thinking of when I read that. I hope this helps you, and people do correct me if I’m wrong. I don’t have the market cornered on BH, so others chime in.

thanx cooscoos, i’ll do as you say and see how things turn out, im going to chinatown tonite (most of the best players in NY gather there on fridays).

also that switch glitch has been around for two years already and i haven’t heard of it until i saw it in video opera( thanx radiant). Now thinking on it i always wonder why my opponent would start msp with storm on the vrsus screen then switch to mags, like that would do anything. Now i know it was for the switch glitch, sheesh! kind-of embarrasing i’ve been playing mvc2 for 5 years and i didn’t know of this.:sweat:

yeah… no prob man…

it’s because magneto’s has a very high priority with only 1 frame (beats almost anything…)

No habla ingles??