How to tell if your Blackheart sucks

The main benefit of BH/Doom over BH/Sentinel is that it makes the basic counter-strategy against BH (just block) ineffective.

Well, yes, there is certainly that. Although this benefit is limited until you corner them, and BH cornering someone is generally a pretty good thing regardless of whether you’ve got Doom or Sentinel. The drawback is that somebody who decides they really do want to attack you usually has an easier time getting around Doom than they do Sentinel.

I dunno I don’t really see that being the case. From personal experience, nothing short of a psylocke assist really makes having cable instead of a capcom or cyclops assist a downfall. Sentinel really isn’t a treat at all, you just have to be patient and not mind getting chipped by his attacks. Just know when to pushblock and when to counter call your assist to punish the sent of the assist that they’re calling cuz a pressuring sent will almost never be able to punish your cable without putting himself in danger. I hate trying to explain the situations in which you’d do whatever works best b/c there’s so many slight variations to every possibility so like I said b4, I’ll try to get some stuff on vid soon.

Well this seems to be some stuff.

It seems they released some footage from the Fairfield tourney.

But no vids of Stilt :(…

Maybe someone has some more though…

Yeah, that was the guy who was mostly recording CvS2 stuff, I’m afraid. Eh. The guy who recorded the MvC2 stuff has posted a trailer and nothing more.

Ah well, congrats on 4th anyway.

Was this the last tourney that they have been waiting to put vids up for, or was this like a different one?

Either way, how’d your match with Cable guy go in your opinion?

Well, I once again used Spiral in that match, because it seemed that Randy Lew’s Spiral had messed him up pretty badly. Mine did in the first game as well but I wasn’t able to hold him off with Cable/Sentinel very well. Second game, I went to Spiral/Sent/Commando and the wheels kind of came off. Numerous people were verbally wondering why I used Spiral on him instead of BH (including Cableguy himself), and in retrospect I’m kind of starting to wonder that myself. Randy thought that Watts would have probably messed him up, and I’m not sure Cableguy’s patient enough that I don’t agree with him. Hard to say. Could have gone better, though.

Ahhh I see, I am sure you thought that was the best chance to get a win.

I’m entering a tourney next Sunday. Gonna use Watts and Santhrax, and I hope that they film at all. Maybe someone might film casuals as well, who knows?

But I’ll have analysis and ish that Sunday night.

I’m bumping this since the vids of my first marvel tourney should be up within the next few days. I don’t know how many matches of me were taped, but I’ll probably post em in the General Strategy section. I used Watts most of the tourney, but 2 matches I did use Scrub.

It’s been almost two weeks now. Where is it? :confused:

Bah the dude that captured the vids I guess isn’t putting them up. Sooo I’ll just tell you guys how I did.

Casuals: I went 17-3 in casuals just using Watts. There was one match where I faced off against rape squad(storm/im/sent for those who don’t know), where I didn’t really know how to fight it with Watts, so two losses came from that. The other loss came from a guy who used Spiral/Cable/Sent. I kinda knew how to fight that team using Watts, but it was still so brutal; god are all fights against Spiral/Sent supposed to be brutal with the assist and the point character? Somehow though, I manage to get Spiral out, with a loaded metered Cable. I mistimed one set of demons and ggpo my team.

As for the actual tournament: The first round, I got a bye blah blah. Second round, I faced a guy who played Mag/Cable/Doom for the first match vs. my Watts. I was really confident in not going for the counter with Cyke, because back here in my town, there are two players who play Mag/Doom here in the way of Mag/Sent/Doom. However, I didn’t want to take my chances with it, so I just stuck with the normal gameplan I had in building meter and trying to hit the DHC one of the characters, in this case it was Cable. Second match, he switched to Scrub starting Cable. This was a very very tough match, in where I made some bad demon telegraphs and ended up almost losing BH. Also, when I got Sent in there, he got roughed up pretty bad because it seemed that my opponent would call Capcom at the right times when I did NOT have Unfly. So I decided, that I would bring Capcom in to let the others heal. I have a very good Capcom it seems, since it took out both his Cable and Capcom, leaving a reeling Sent vs. a full life Cap in the end, and I win on time out.

Second opponent I faced was a Clockwork user. So I decided to not take any chances and go for the counter with BH/Sent/Cyke. Turns out, guy has a MONSTER Strider, so he starts him, and basically OCV’s my whole team with it. So I figure, that maybe I cannot get him to slow down enough to keep him frustrated, so I switch to Scrubclops with the second match, since I did have a Cowboy hat on at the time, I figure I will shoot the shit out of everything. I easily take out his Strider/Doom with Cable/Cyke, and just switch to Sent/Cyke to finish it out in the next 2 matches. Dude had a nasty Strider though…sheesh…

So now it is Winners Semis, and me and my friend Sora find out that we both are in Winners Semis, so we were like, we can make this an All AUG Winner’s final like what? Anywho, I drew the guy that beat me in Casuals with Spiral/Cable/Sent. However, he didn’t pick that again, he used MSP. So, I pick Watts again. I started out with a good opening. However, All the MSP’s that I have ever faced in my life, are and have been very rush and impatient. This guy’s MSP, was the most patient I had ever faced. I had good control over this match, but again, I made one mistake by not completing a B&B, and he was all over me like white on rice from then on in. The second match, I decided, that maybe I would have a better chance at prolonging the match with Sent/Cap than BH/Cap. So I started him in the second match. I did really really good with the zone defense, and managed to get rid of his Storm, but then I made a really really lazy Cap call late in the match against his Mag/Psy, and he double snapped me. Guard Broke BH, and thanks for coming folks.

So, I got my first loss, and then I had to go right back and play someone who played SSCable. For some odd reason, I have never faced this team with Watts ever in my life. So, I start Sent instead of BH for the second straight time, since I do face SSCap, and whenever they start Storm, I start Sent, unless I know that I can really take their Storm with BH. But I guess that since he was using SSCable, a team that requires the user to have a really good Storm, I had to go against it with Sent first. My guess was right. His Storm was good, and managed to get me in the infinite, but he messed up and bye bye Storm. So, I manage to maim his Sentinel, and trap him with Sent/BH, then I left an opening for a CAHVB and he took it. His Cable was really good, and carried him the rest of the way to the win. Second match, I switched to Scrub starting Sent. Did pretty good, and got a bunch of Sent/Cap fast flies in this match, but it seems his Cable was outthinking me on every facet, and so I lost the match to his cable.

Overall, I got 5th. I’m very happy about how I did. I never would have got that in my first tourney that I would get to Winner’s Semi’s and put up a good fight, and all. I wasn’t really disappointed with my play at all, because the two matches that I lost, they had to basically be taken away from me. I left it all on the sticks, and that’s all I could ask for. Another guy got 7th, and it was his first tourney as well. We were called the Cinderellas of the tourney. But I have gotten better now because of that tourney, and will continue to beast.

good shit. Play on playa

w0w. 5th on your first tourney. Good one


Maybe you can ask [or bribe] them for the footage so you can put it up for them. Something like that needs to be added to your personal collection.

I’ll see what I can do. I’ll go to Atl and choke that nigga if I have to.

^ lolerz

hey guys it’s been ages!!! by the way stilt i’ve seen your matches, your zoning with bh/sentinel is pretty good. However i’m concerned with your use of capcom i think you call him out quite a bit. I know cause i used to have the same game but lately people caught on to it and the first thing they do is kill capcom. Though it doesn’t matter to me cause i’ve been playing BH for 4 years allready, so even without an AAA my BH is pretty deadly. Anyways, besides that your games is pretty much tight, and what i mean by that is that you keep firm control over your opponent’s game which is the point of playing BH. I was pretty happy to see a good blackheart oriented team going against mainstream teams like scurbs and santhrax and kick ass. Though i will say that your blackheart on point was not aggressive enough it kind of felt like BH was more of an assisst than a point character. Well, for team watts i guess blackheart is not much of a point character, and his roll might be better as an assisst. All in all if i had to give your game a score it would be 9/10 good stuff man and keep it up.

Id like to ask if blackheart has an infinite and how would you be able to pull it off… corner or not corner would be fine…as logn as I could get it to work… thanks
he has been an interesting character ive been playing with for some time now…

yes he does have one. check meikyosisui10 vid. it’s easy but the timing is kinda strict.

guys, forget about black’s infinite it’s worthless and actually can cause you to lose the game even if you pull it off!!