How to tell if your Blackheart sucks

okay that should be a hella easy matchup still. just stay on him with jump attacks while calling doom. it’ll stop his blackheart assist and his capcom assist. don’t really know what else to say. on low tier teams like that, it’s all zoning…

his capcom assist isn’t what gets me. i web dash into ground assist all the time though.

Only thing I could say is to pressure with bbhood projectile and webdash. I guess if you would time it right, it could stuff BH.

Can anyone explain to me why Cable/BH/Capcom counters Scrub? I played that team against my friend and wiped the floor with him last night.

just because you wiped the floor with him doesn’t mean it counters. and did you notice his sent running into inferno a lot? that could be it.

Your Cable is stronger. Capcom nullifies Sentinel C somehow. And Blackheart controls too much space, which makes more difficult for your opponent to do sj nades when he thinks its safe or stuff like that.

Your Cable can runaway or rush. His’ can only rush. And Blackheart is kind of tough on Sentinel too. I think Cable/BH/Capcom has a better chance to get a lead and then it gets a big advantage. Not an amazing counter, but a good option IMO.

I am a bit less enamored of Cable/BH/Commando against Team Scrub than I used to be. My experience with that matchup is, they either know how to fight it, or they don’t. If they don’t, then you’re going to OCV them virtually every time. If they do, it’s not free by any means.

Ultimately, Cable/BH/Commando wins this fight if their Cable is able to turn the match vertical instead of horizontal. You’ve got all the vertical control, and they’ve got all the horizontal control with their Cable on point. Keeping them at longer ranges is generally better, and you have to be careful calling BH because unless you’re already super jumping out, there aren’t many places where you can call him safely unless you’re going over the top. Ultimately this will go the way of your Cable if you don’t do anything to get your Cable or your BH shot, and you ultimate goal in realistic terms is to get them to call Commando and you countercall enough times that you can shoot him for a meter or two. Never, ever call your Commando first unless you are virtually certain the other Cable’s going to attack too much to avoid blocking it or unless you’ve got the space to shoot his to death when he does.

With Sentinel on point, this is a harder fight than it used to be. You absolutely have to assert that Sentinel is not allowed to have the ground at longer ranges and not give it up easily, because that’s the main spot where Sentinel can do damage. You have to force Sentinel to not feel like he is free to move against you, which means you can’t let him have the low altitudes easily without getting shot. Here, fierce and BH works together with going very low super jumps and throwing grenades around. You have to be careful doing this with st. fierce, though, because at a certain point it’s possible to counter-AHVB when BH is sitting there waiting to get shot along with you, and if that happens, it’s game over. Theoretically, Sentinel can’t attack Cable without putting himself or Commando on the line, but Sentinels are getting a lot better at unflying in time to avoid a Commando hit. The main answer for this is to super jump when they get out of block stun and shoot them. They can’t do anything about it if you shoot them at the right instant there – unfly mode can be guard broken, and the only way to get their guard back is to fly again, where they can’t block.

However, it’s a mess in a lot of ways, more so than it used to be. You have to play the game a lot more perfect than you used to, because Sentinels are getting sharper about not giving up Commando hits and zoning it off, and BH is less effective at stopping him from getting in if Cable doesn’t take more risks than he used to have to. I still use it from time to time myself, but it usually only works if the other player isn’t used to it.

Well, I don’t know what to say… the guy who was taping the matches at the June tourney hasn’t put 'em up yet. Beginning to suspect he just won’t.

Man that sucks.

I’m still working on getting my vids, but I got to level up first too. I’m a little rusty since I’ve been play 3s a lot lately.

I think peeps are afraid of seeing the BH beasting haha.

what are some good teams with blackheart? ive had a few ideas of messin around with blackheart on some teams but cant realy find many good ones i kno about BH/sentinel/capt. comm but any other good ones worth mentioning?

I have a question, big wooo!

What will BH’s jumping lp beat out in the beginning of the match? I want to test it out, but I’m curious what to test it against.

I’ve found that the j.lp beat out pretty much all other jumping attacks at the beginning of the match if you’re fast enough. At worst, you’ll cancel with a high priority move like cable’s

jlp, call capcom, mp, inferno [no super] if you want to do this.

Okay, we’ve finally started to see some signs of life from the guy who took the videos of me, among others, at the June tournament in Fairfield. I know that both matches of me versus Crizzle got taped as well as my first round rematch against Larry S from the previous tournament and the winners’ final match where I got torn up by Chunk. My first match against Crizzle was probably one of my better accomplishments in my recent tournament career; Crizzle made the top 8 in the winners’ bracket at Evo West, and the first match was all my BH/Sent/Commando against his MSP. This is also the same guy who perfected Mikey in the winners’ final in May.

So hopefully we’ll see June Fairfield tournament footage before… uh… the July tournament. :sweat:

yo, i got an offnote question that deathfist just reminded me of…

does crizzle = chunksta? somebody was telling me something and made it sound like they’re the same person.

No, they’re not the same person at all. Chunk usually plays MSS and sometimes uses Sent/Storm/Cyclops and is probably the best player on the west coast right now. Crizzle usually uses MSP and very little else that doesn’t amount to mildly screwing around, although he’s very sharp with it.

arite thanks.

Stiltman, [and everyone else for that matter] I’m curious to see video of how you personally defend against the rush using the drones, and unleash combos on people with BH using the drones. I also would like to see some patterns with the drones that really piss rushers off. I have some, but I’m kinda rusty with them since I don’t use Sent enough.

As a side note, I did the Inferno XX HOD whiff DHC HSF to someone in a tournament Saturday for the second time ever. :badboy:

Tell Crizzle to hurry up with your Watts vs MSP match.

Well, unfortunately it’s not in my control (or Crizzle’s), I believe that Eph has them. Not sure when he’s planning on getting it out.

There are basically three different distinct modes where BH can be played that I can readily think of that I use, depending on what I’m up against. Just for reference’s sake, I’ll categorize them as Freestyle, Lockout, and Zone Blitz.

Freestyle is where you’re basically trying to keep their angles of attack to a mininum as usual, but you’ll vary between different modes of it, sometimes using the lower normal jump fierce and sometimes using the sj rh, carefully aimed and timed so that you know there’s drones below you when you’re super jumping so that you’re not going to land right on a Magneto player. Alternating between the high air and low air attacks will give them a few more openings to get to you, but they’re usually not just great ones and if you know what to do when they get there they’ll usually be wild enough to do damage that you can bait them into an ambush that’ll do a bunch of damage. This is what I normally do against most characters or players that just suck.

Lockout is when you’re pretty much staying low to the ground most of the time, using j. fierce and the drones to keep them from ever getting close to you near the ground, and only going to the air if they go first and are trying to airdash over the top. It takes a lot of patience to do this and it’s not usually the best way to do a lot of damage, so mixing a little freestyling is often not a bad plan, although if you just want to frustrate them and make them get through walls all day, this works very well in its own right. It also is a very good way to finish a tournament game where you’re ahead.

Zone Blitz is what you do primarily to Cable and a turtling Sentinel, where you are slowly moving forwards and cutting off their space until they’re in the corner, and then you don’t let them out. It’s not really rushdown in the sense that Magneto or Storm do it, although it’s about as aggressive as BH really gets. But the general plan here is to zone them off into the corner and not let them breathe until they’re dead. If is pretty much the only way BH works against Cable, although it’s very effective if you do it right. The mindset for it is not unlike what Sentinel has to do against Cable as well.

All of these are rather in opposition to the typical, “OMGLOLSJRH!!!” that most (bad) BHs deploy. Or as Preppy put it on his site, “don’t insult him by just mashing on demons.”

welp stilt pretty much covered all that angles except for the method of a chipping blackheart like you get with a team like bh/cable/doom. the same idea of getting them in the corner applies with a few minor changes in the sense that you never want to be at the same level as your doom assist unless they’re blocking it and you’re adding pressure. Soon I’ll start recording vids of my playing a friend that’s got a pretty damn good rush down game to show the applications of what stilt said cuz they’re right on.

Well, the mentality behind BH/Doom isn’t that much different from BH/Sentinel, you’ve just got different tools to work with. BH/Sentinel is far superior in depth and firepower, but BH can make enough of a mess with Doom behind him that it’s not entirely unworthy of tinkering with. The main adjustment you have to make is, Doom’s rocks hang around in a different position that’s slightly less suited for covering the overhead angles and have shorter range, but they’ll chip more and they’ll stick around longer if you can assert control over those angles yourself. You pretty much have to use a variant of the Zone Blitz with Doom to maximize his effect. If I were going to use it in a tournament setting, I’d use either Commando or Cyclops in back to maximize BH’s power. Cyclops would be there to maximize the number of chances I can have to get them in the corner on one hit so that I can put Doom on them as many times as possible, while Commando would be the more patient, methodical method of zoning them into the corner on your own.

Either way, I don’t think I’d want to use BH/Cable/Doom just because I really think that would be pretty heinously vulnerable to Sent/Cyclops, Mag/Cyclops, and very likely Mag/Psylocke as well. Having the extra AAA power really is a huge help against these things, which is one reason I’ve ultimately abandoned my old Sent/Cable/BH days.