Well, when I’ve been playing the game at all lately (which hasn’t been all that much, STHD’s taken a lot of my gaming energy out of me) I’ve been using these teams with BH stuff:
Sent-A/Cable/BH. I used to use this team in tournaments a lot, although I haven’t so much in recent years since I discovered how bad it can be against MSP. I already had known it had issues with Sent/Commando teams and when MSP got thrown on the heap of bad matchups I kind of abandoned it in favor of Watts. However, I’ve been pondering whether or not I should take another look at it lately and rethink my game flow with it. I used to play it where I’d put Cable in back to preserve a DHC and play it with the idea that the DHC would probably put BH into the game later and if I wound up losing Sentinel early I’d have a more serviceable pair at the end. That may have had a lot to do with why I left the team off, because I no longer really think that’s a particularly good strategy. These days when I play it I usually use the above order, or I’ll play reverse order, and have Cable in the middle regardless. Then I play it where I’m using it more like a faux Team Scrub early, where Sentinel’s job is to use BH to zone and to restrict movement rather than to trap so much, and to try to fill the meter for Cable later (which is another element that I didn’t use before). I think the main thing that I need to do to make this really work is to start shooting people with Cable when they get hit by EITHER of the assists, which is perfectly possible but which I hadn’t been doing with Cable/BH so much before.
BH/Storm-B/Sentinel-Y. I still frequently call this the “All-Ugly Team”, because it is indeed pretty disgusting. Storm’s lightning attack assist serves as the main BH setup, although if you’re used to Commando timing it takes some getting used to – it’s faster than most other BH setups. The flip side is that it’s full screen and BH can hit an inferno off it easily into whatever super he feels like as long as he’s quick. Inferno/HOD or inferno/armageddon off of it into DHC hail are both possible and hurt a lot. Storm/BH is better than you’d think, although if BH dies outright then Sentinel’s drones by themselves are also good. We don’t need to explain Sent/BH by now, although the lightning attack assist if Storm survives works well as a good horizontal controller, sort of a faux Mag-A. I’m not sure whether Sentinel’s better used as an endgame turtle after a Storm/Sent DHC or if he’s better off trying to freestyle to fill the meter to either double DHC back to BH or triple back to Storm. Regardless, it’s a nice set of options to have for different situations.
Sent/BH/Doom. Think team Clockw0rk except with BH taking Strider’s place. This team is better than it looks and about as old school as it gets, but I’m not entirely sold on it. OTOH, Doom makes Sentinel’s position arguably better than the other two teams above do, because he’s an excellent interdictor against the rush. I’m not fond of BH’s situation on point in this team though; Sent-A helps a bit for setups but BH likes having the drones around for interdiction more than he likes Doom. BH/Doom is better than you’d think but… eh.
BH/Doom/Commando. This one is another case where you take an old school Strider team and put BH into Strider’s place. BH is way, way more powerful on this team than he is on the previous one, enough that I think it’s just about worth it. You don’t have to execute nearly as well with this team as you do with Strider/Doom/Commando to win, although you’re still going to need to learn how to get Doom to protect himself. Standing photon charges are a lot better than people realize for space control, I think, and Doom can be deceptively good in ambush rushes. However… yeah, this team’s in trouble if BH doesn’t kill most of the opposition by himself. However, if you’re up against an opponent who doesn’t match up well with BH, this might well be the best team you could pick against them, because he’ll likely wipe out the whole team by himself. I’m finding myself thinking I ought to use this team early in tourneys for that reason alone.
And, of course, BH/Sent/Commando… no secrets there.