stilt: the length of your posts tends to drone on. Learn how to be concise. It makes you look less insecure about your own insights. About your test (as if it makes you the authority for some reason?), you’re forgetting I brought up the point of using BH/cyc from the beginning… that’s my way of telling you that I’ve been using BH longer than you have, more extensively, and even back at the time when you were arguing that Strider/Doom was worthless back in (yes, back then). and you can guess who julian learned BH from in the first place. so plz stfu when you think you have a handle on all of the knowledge in this game.
and yes, my money match offer still stands. I’m out of serious practice in marvel because I play mostly t5:dr these days, but if you think I’m just a scrub (even tho you don’t know who I am LOL), I will put my money where my mouth is. btw, i play AT cf, not saying something like I play in the same state as where cf is lol.
i could go on and on about your points (eg., CC knocks your opponent higher than Cyc, so inferno xx hod off of CC actually does less damage than cyc. but you knew that already didn’t you? sentinel assist is worse in getting someone off of you than CC … and two bad anti-rush assists doesn’t make them good, but you already knew that, too right?), but you typically come back with something theory fighter-ish like back in the days of your arguing against strider/doom. it’s rather annoying.
I’m going to just address the one or two actual attempts at substance you made here, because the rest of it isn’t even worth bothering to respond to and does nothing to improve my estimation of your l33t BH skeels.
Actually, this is rubbish. Commando does more damage than Cyclops before the inferno goes off, and is all in one hit, so it scales less off of the super as well. If you go for inferno/HOD in a fashion that’s going to hit consistently off of either of them, they’re going to be high enough off of the ground in either case that there’s not nearly enough extra demons hitting off Cyclops to make up for the scaling and the extra damage of the assist itself. If you try doing Cyclops low enough that you’re going to get any significant extra demons or a double hit off the inferno anywhere other than the corner, Cyclops and the inferno usually juggle the guy out of the super before you get anything.
If you want more damage from Cyclops in particular, your best reliable option is to hit with a sj. rh over the top, airdash around, land next to them, and inferno/armageddon. This does roughly as much damage as BH/Commando inferno/HOD, maybe a little more, and both of them do a significant chunk more than BH/Cyclops inferno/HOD.
If you want to increase the damage from other assists by the HOD being lower, probably the best two that come to mind are Sentinel’s RP assist and Juggernaut punch assist, preferably glitched. If you want to just do tons of damage at the expense of everything else probably the best shot is BH/Tron if you don’t want to use a DHC. If you do, I’m not sure it gets much better than BH/IM/Sent-A with the triple DHC, which I haven’t done training mode on but wouldn’t surprise me if it was 100% to another Sentinel.
If you wanted to get cute you could do inferno/armageddon off of Storm-B DHC hail, which if it bounces right does more than Storm/Sentinel DHC. If you wanted to do my Watts DHC and wanted an invulnerable AAA that you can hit off of reaction, Guile’s your man… if you don’t care about the fact that Sentinel/Guile blows compared to Sent/Commando. (I do, or else I’d be tempted to use it.) If you want to do really outlandish amounts of damage in big whacky DHCs and don’t much care if the team sucks for the trouble, probably the best shot of all would be BH/IM/Sent-A, where you can take your pick of JD or inferno/HOD off of Sent-A, DHC proton cannon DHC HSF. That might just do 100% to Sentinel.
At any rate ™, I got off on a tangent here. You might have noticed, I do that. If you’re looking for “concise” look somewhere else. I’m the guy who writes post-tournament novels for the amusement of other participants.
Sentinel/Commando is a bad pair of anti-rush assists? You’re high. Almost any character can defend themselves from the rush with those two. If you’ve actually got something good in front of them, like Storm, Cable, or BH, you can’t ask for a much better defensive team.
The air combo wasn’t as good as what Valle used to do years ago. He used to do a full double chain into air throw reliably.
But… um, yeah. OMFG, those guys were awful. I was starting to be afraid that the stupid was going to leap off the screen and start burrowing into my brain.
Word from the wise… if any of you guys were in those videos… well, don’t admit it unless you want a really, really long rundown of everywhere you screwed the pooch. Nobody in those videos has ever read this thread, I can guarantee it.
<StiltMan> So, Sabin… who the hell is Jaded on SRK?
<Sabin> stilt: ? no idea
<StiltMan> He’s trying to tell me he’s one of the original BH players
<Sabin> i never heard of him.
<Sabin> og BH player is
<Sabin> julien robinson
<Sabin> alex koo
<Sabin> bryheem
<Sabin> thats it
<StiltMan> Yeah, I know Julian
<Sabin> few other ppl from philly
<StiltMan> He claims he plays at CF
<Sabin> ive never heard of him lol, and everyone plays at nelsons house anyway, not cf
<StiltMan> I hadn’t heard of him either
<Sabin> stilt: well its no surprise, really
You know… I would tend to think that if there were any truth to a claim like what you’re saying here, I’d expect a guy like Arturo Sanchez, who’s been a part of the EC Marvel scene since the days we’d have all said “Justin who?”, to have at least some idea who you are. :lame:
On the other hand, he was kind compared to Viscant:
<StiltMan> Who the fuck is “jaded” on SRK? Anybody have the slightest idea who that is?
<Viscant> mindless srker who needs to be violently raped by jackals
<Viscant> they all kind of blend together after 10,000
Alright citizens lets put our e-penisis away and talk real strategy because lets face it no ones BH is getting better when we are just talking about who’s is better.
saying jaded sux because no one knows him is like saying the guys who make the formula for Dr. pepper suck because no one knows who they are.
I made it to the semi finals at Evo 2k5 with BH/Sent/Cyc and no one had a clue who I was, and still don’t.
I enjoy the stylings of both cc and cyc for different reasons, and different matchups.
continuing to critisize players for thier lack of ability or lack of popularity will prove to be just as effective as racism is today. Just because someone does not belive what you belive does not mean what they are saying is not valid. Cutting people down because they do not see eye to eye with you is counter productive, and gives the BH community a bad image. All of this forum junk is on e-paper, if you really have something to prove then play the person in real life and leave all the shit talking for the battle field. This needs to be a place of strategy, not needless insulting. Period.
Lets make blackheart, not commando or cyclops, a real threat.
Void, care to give me some insight on the road to you making Semis last year, like who did you face, how you think you did against em, etc? I’m really curious about this stuff.
Semifinals at Evo? As in, top 5? Was that actually the only team you used or did you mix in a lot else? Or do you mean you got to the semifinals of some pool?
My main beef with jaded isn’t that he doesn’t agree with me, it’s that he’s making a lot of noise without a lot of substance, and a lot of the noise seems to be covering for a lot of elements of his game that seem rather shaky to me. And if a truly outlandish claim like, “I taught Julian Robinson how to play BH” were true, someone like sabin, who together with Eddie Lee basically was the east coast’s first main threat at national tournaments (if I recall correctly, they both got top 5 at the first national MvC2 tourney at B4), would have at least some idea who he was. Every other name sabin gave, I recognize. This guy, I don’t, and if he’s claiming to be one of the first old guard BH players, and if neither sabin nor Viscant know who he is, that doesn’t say a whole lot for him.
I’ve used both BH/Cyclops and BH/Commando in tournaments myself, and my experience is that once people stop running into Cyclops as a defensive call he stops being more effective in a hurry. OTOH, it’s also possible that BH/Cyclops just needs to be played in a different style than BH/Commando and I need to get more aggressive with it. I’ve been tinkering with BH/Storm/Cyclops a little lately, I don’t think the team’s just unpardonably bad, but I’m not at all sold that it’s better than Watts.
Well, don’t feel bad. I’m going to be in crunch mode at the new job until like a week before the main Evo tourney, and then I’m going back up to Portland for a month or so. My daughter’s birthday is two days before Evo, so I don’t really dare go to the tourney, I’m afraid. :sad:
However, I too would be curious about this “Void in semifinals”.
I think I just found a guardbreak with Blackheart and Commando which could be very damaging. When you’re in the corner just after you killed off a character, time your superjump so that when you’re coming down throw the rh demons. As they come in they block the demons. While they are blocking the demons in the air, you’ve landed, call commando superjump throw rh demonsxxx into air judgement day and dhc. does pretty good damage. I’ve tried it against the computer several times today, so I think it works.
Yes it was the main semi finals, not just of my pool. I swept my entire pool, only losing once. I can’t recall stratagies and tactics because it was a long time ago, and to be honest, school is top priority for me right now, so I dont have a lot of time to play, and I really haven’t played marvel competitivley for the past 7 months. Though, summer is comming so I will have more time to play. If any fellow blackheart players are going to Evo, perhaps we can put together a team.
just a thought.
Just a note to cooscoos: The people I played were no namers, but they were good. I played against MSP, Scrub, Team Steroid, and MSS. My toughest match was with the MSS guy. MSS is a solid team to play against any BH/Sent/AA team because there is not much element of rushdown to fear except from sentinal. He was the only one that was able to beat me once. Everyone else I played was a blur, I know I made a lot of mistakes, but they dident take much advantage to capatalize on them. My sentinal was solid during tourney time, I got a lot of practive playing people like Josh Wigfal and the like in casual play before hand. I think my biggest advantage was the element of suprise, by using a team they may not have fought a lot against, and having a lot of patience against teams like Scrub.
Yeah I know. You have to pretty much superjump as soon as the character leaves the screen. The timing is difficult. A lot of the time the character appears on the screen before the fierce demons appear. However if mastered, can lead to Watt’s dhc for a sure kill. Pretty nasty heh?
Yeah you are right about that. It’s worth learning the timing for in that regard for real. I got some peculiar questions myself though.
What’s the timing for hp thunder xx hod on big characters? Everytime I do it it’s either too fast or way too slow.
How do you fight Runaway Storm with BH? Does he lose this just outright? What I try and do is force her to stay midscreen with Infernos and time Cap xx Inferno for when she does sj. Fierces most of the time, and when I can keep her grounded, I try and keep her there. Are there any pokes of BH’s that can beat out her cr. lk?
Third, I wanna learn how to play BH/Sent-a/Cable. Why? Just for fun. How does this team work? I can hit the BH/Sent DHC from a Cable assist pretty easily(memorized the timing on the inferno easily), but am I trying to keep opponents grounded pretty much? Also, can this team counter Scrub?