How to tell if your Blackheart sucks

This is actually one reason I basically never use BH with an AAA other than Commando any more, because it makes cutting Cable’s escape routes off so much easier. Cyclops is forgiveable somewhat because of the amount of block stun it induces and because random Cyclops hits can lead to other things, but BH/Commando is simply way better than BH/Cyclops in every way.

The general mindest you have to take is, BH has better pokes than Cable, better mobility, and if you bring a team that gives him firepower, you shouldn’t be letting Cable get away with taking a hit and surviving it much. You took that test at the beginning of this thread, right? Being able to do damage to Cable anywhere on the screen without getting shot in retaliation and being able to realistically kill a character in one combo were a couple of the major questions on it.

So all these things leave Cable generally wanting to stay back away from BH. Which is smart: Cable wins this fight if it’s fought at a distance, and BH wins it up close, so the obvious answer is to stay away. This is where having Commando around matters. For every step back Cable takes, you move forward and take that space back from him. Eventually, he has to go over the top to keep from getting cornered. Somewhere between having BH himself go up with him, and having Commando there to create a nice white wall of light, you don’t let him.

And from there, you relentlessly back him into the corner and don’t let him out alive. If getting you off of him is as simple as calling an AAA, you’re doing something wrong.

when smashing the ground, doesn’t CC move cable away from BH?? so everytime CC assist hits, you’re doing the opposite of what you want … as you stated it… closing space between you and cable.

i’d have to see how you do against the top teams, but I seriously do not think BH/CC is nearly as scary as BH/cyc. bh/cc is pretty much extinct on the east coast. that block stun from cyc is the difference between pindown and letting your opponent get away… and that’s not even mentioning the fact that cyc is invincible, cuts through doom, and cyc is a better character over all…

Ah dammit. Someone post the videos, I’m to lazy to get the damn link.

Anyway, I think that everyone here can come to this, when BH get Cable to the corner, he is not supposed to survive. The thing is, Cap knocks them back toward the corner, meaning that he will help close that space of because Cable will have to go over the top of BH to keep from getting cornered. The reason for this is because of what Stilt mentioned. BH is more mobile, has higher priority pokes, and other things that Cable does not have.

It is no question that Cap is the best to do this, because what Cap does more than anything, is knock Cable back toward the corner. Meaning, that anytime Cable super jumps, and tries to go over BH, Cap is going to be there to greet him. Even if he blocks, it will still serve the purpose because he will still be in the corner when he blocks Cap.

And the from there, it’s just constanst pressure until that one poke or that one demon until it’s lights out for Cable. I hope this clears things up.

Eh. I don’t care what’s popular on the east coast. Nobody on the east coast takes BH as deep into tournaments as I do, and I’ve done a lot of playing against a lot of competition with both BH/Cyclops and BH/Commando. There is simply no comparison between them. I could go on for hours ranting and raving about all the issues.

Commando is a better assist punisher.

Commando gives you better space control.

Commando gives you the ability to convert any solid hit BH gets out of the air into a combo that can kill someone, whereas Cyclops (as well as Tron) only work effectively from a grounded position. That is simply HUGE.

The block stun that Cyclops gives you can be done better with Sentinel’s drones over a larger area and covers more space for a longer time.

There is no DHC that Cyclops sets up that is as damaging as the one I invented for BH/Sent/Commando with as efficient of meter usage other than Cyclops hit into inferno/HOD/DHC glitched headcrush. And who the hell wants Juggernaut/Cyclops/BH on point? Gawd, that’s awful. :confused:

Commando does not knock Cable far enough back that BH cannot very quickly follow after it and close that extra distance. Random Commando hits mean that Cable just lost half the battlefield’s length in position that BH’s going to close before he can move again. And if BH combos almost anything into a Commando hit, Cable is dead. DEAD. Anything Cyclops sets up that can do that? Negative.

I don’t think it’s a huge secret that I consider BH/Sent/Commando to be the best all-around BH-on-point team in the game. I don’t know of another team that even merits a serious conversation. BH/Cable teams are good as counter-teams or for taking down low level competition, but ultimately it’s a Cable team that leaves BH no truly punishing offense, and if Cyclops is the third character that offense is going to be grounded to boot.

In a nutshell… if you want to get anywhere in this game with BH, you need some high damage offense, you need a way to zone off and hurt Cable, and like any other character, you need a way to be able to hurt people both from the air and from the ground. Every truly good character in this game needs these things. Cyclops does not give you these things. Commando does.

I used to think the same way you do. I always had Cyclops third with Blackheart. I loved his blockstun, his invinsability and his easy set up for the infinate. However Stilt is correct, Commando gives you the much needed damage that BH needs to be successfull. The space control commando provides to corner your opponent and not let them go over top you is significant.

I used to play BH/Cable/Cyclops and (you can ask Stilt we’ve had our arguments about Cyke and Capcom) I would have never thought of replacing Cyke with Capcom. However as soon as I droped Cable from my team I went with Watts and never looked back. I started playing much better not having to rely on Cable to win the match for me.

Blackheart needs meter to survive, so there is no point taking Cable with him.

Stilt: I agree with your strategy of rushing Cable down, I do the same thing. However I forgot to mention that I was having trouble against a good Cable that has Psylocke third. You don’t want to rush this team down unless you have Isolated Psylocke from Cable first, which is easier said than done.

Ewwww. Somebody’s playing Cable/Psylocke, and it works? Kill it with fire! :sweat:

Your real issue here is Magneto/Psylocke, not Cable/Psylocke. Yes, if Cable can sit on a lead and wait for the enemy to come to him, and if he’s got Magneto to help as well, then yes, he’s in a very good situation that’s very hard to beat. Magneto/Psylocke is about the only third character who’s going to half reliably give this to him, so I’ll assume that’s what’s going on. Psylocke basically says to any character in front of her, “point blank range near the ground is yours and you can hurt anyone who comes into it”. If Cable’s got a lead, that’s awesome.

However, there’s a flip side to that. Everywhere else belongs to the enemy. Magneto-A helps with that a fair amount, but at the end of it all, if Cable is behind, it’s not enough. Cable doesn’t have the mobility to make her point blank range work if he needs to come back. She doesn’t give him much vertical or horizontal space control at all. And the fact that Cable is the second character and not Storm means that Magneto’s offense and ability to hit the panic button to escape from the game at will in front of him is crippled. So what you wind up with is a bastard stepchild of MSP and Team Row that loses a lot of elements from both.

Yes, if Magneto messes you up early all by himself and gives Cable a lead to protect, you’re in trouble. So kill Magneto and don’t let him give Cable those situations. If you’re ahead against Cable/Psylocke, you can pretty much point and laugh. The only situation where Cable/Psylocke beats anybody from behind is if they walk into Psylocke while he’s stacked with meter. If Cable’s ahead, he can force a lot more of these situations simply because he knows the enemy has to come to him; if he’s behind, what’s he going to do? :confused:

maybe i’m skewed because I’ve been using BH/cyc since BH was first found to be good (with a crew in Boston)… this is back when spiral was unknown, sentinel was unknown, and strider/doom was one of the best.

a few people do use bh seriously here, but team watts is non-existent. basically if you don’t have sent, cable or storm with cc, any other CC team isn’t taken seriously. cc just gets raped to no end.

this is from playing against justin and sanford every other week or so at cf(and all of the people used to playing against them). you’d probably have to ask justin and sanford themselves to believe it when they say cyc is such a good assist for anyone. CC just has very particular uses.

Yeah he does play Mag/Cable/ Psylocke. I always sit on the lead when I have it, that’s not a problem. It’s when I’m behind with BH is when it gets a little bit tricky, actually a lot tricky. The hardest part is figuring out the best way to advance and get close to his Cable. He places his bullet and his grenades so well it’s really hard to advance over top him. Not to mention he is very patient on his super jump which makes it that much more difficult. If he is locking me down like that, my only other options are to normal jump towards him, or dash up to him when he has superjumped. Both are very risky on a loaded Cable. He always has meter because like every other good Mags you don’t really need it.

I am playing Watts. So like you said if you have Sent you are better off taking commando.:confused:

Exactly. This is why I said, your issue isn’t Cable/Psylocke, your issue is Magneto/Psylocke. You’re losing to it and you shouldn’t be. Magneto/Psylocke not having a Storm DHC for offense and escape is the weak link of this team. If Magneto isn’t able to do his job (and with this team, he really shouldn’t), this team loses. Focus your effort on not losing to Magneto and Cable won’t matter any more. If you’re starting BH, focus on killing Magneto. If you’re starting Sentinel, focus on killing Psylocke first and consider Magneto to be gravy if you can get him too. Sent/BH/Commando is absolutely lethal in juggling Psylocke when Magneto is on point and can’t DHC safely to stop you; soften her up with a Commando hit or two and you can kill her on one meter from there.

If you are stuck having to deal with Cable without having already won the game against Magneto, you do have to be careful to a large degree, but you have a lot of places you can move because Cable has limited tools to keep you away. Normal jump forward, super jump over the top as he’s coming down from his own super jumps, call Commando to keep him from going over the top… you know the drill. It’s still Cable, and Psylocke is less help in restricting your ability to approach than, say, Cyclops or Commando or Sentinel. Mag-A is more of a pain than Psylocke is on that count.

You are not threatened by Psylocke anywhere other than at point blank range near the ground. So attack judiciously while you’re there and more relentlessly from the air over his head when you get to him. Call Commando to hit him and then super jump to follow up from the air. He can’t come with you because of the block stun and he’ll probably sail right into a rh if he tries it, in which case he dies. If he calls Psylocke, oh well, Commando takes pixels of damage that heals in seconds and BH doesn’t care because he’s out of the way, and he just gave you a free opening to poke at him when you came back down to the ground because Psylocke was already out there. If he tries to shoot Commando out from under you, you hit him with a rh from the air and he dies. If he calls Psylocke first, punish her with Commando if you’re close and let it go if Cable has meter and you’re not. If Cable weathers all this and waits, throw inferno/chip super of your choice after Commando from time to time from a careful distance and give him a reason not to sit.

As long as you don’t walk into Psylocke, this shouldn’t be that gross of a fight. Yeah, Cable’s in better shape when he’s ahead, but you’ve got a lot of angles to attack that Psylocke doesn’t restrict you from using, so use 'em.

Well, I have actually talked to Justin a bit myself, and I do agree that Cyclops is a really good assist for a lot of characters. However, BH isn’t one of them. If you’re getting your Commando punished too much, you’re calling Commando too much and not doing enough with Sent-Y and BH himself on point to avoid these situations.

At this point, I’ve honestly got to tell you outright: go back to the beginning of this thread and read the very first post that I put there. It’s a quiz where I said outright, two and a half years ago, “there are a lot of bad habits and misconceptions that BH suffers from that ultimately cause most BHs to suck, so take this quiz and see if yours is one of them.” From what I can tell, both from discussions here and from video I’ve seen, east coast BHs (yes, including Julian’s) fail all or part of this quiz.

Then go watch the videos: . Look at the one between me and Killakelly in particular, because that’s probably the best illustration. A lot of those situations where where I convert demon hits into bigger combos simply aren’t possible with Cyclops. Many of them are too low to the ground for a self-generated infinite. And in game 2, you get an example of my DHC on his Cable. Look at his life bar before and after, and show me a team where BH/Cyclops is going to do that much damage. If there is such a thing (and I think BH/Storm/Cyclops is probably the most viable theoretical possibility) then fine, I’ll fess up.

BH/Cyclops might have worked in the days when most characters who weren’t Cable didn’t kill you on their first hit, but I don’t think it’s going to work today. BH just needs more firepower than Cyclops gives him. I think I’d probably think good and hard about going to Tron before I’d want to do Cyclops. You could probably combo poke/poke/Tron/JD into just about any top tier char’s DHC and do more damage than you can get off of Cyclops. BH/IM/Sent-A, if you’re good with Iron Man, wouldn’t be a bad one either, for the poke/poke/Sent-A/JD/Proton Cannon/HSF. OTOH, these options are all as limited as BH/Cyclops are about converting a wide variety of hits into big damage.

If you want other options that aren’t Commando for converting small hits into big damage, the best alternatives are Cammy or Guile, frankly. However, none of them is nearly as effective for all around space control as Commando, so I don’t use them.

stiltman: what I wouldn’t give to see you play with that team (bh/sent/cc) against some of the teams at cf. almost everyone uses mag/storm on every single team. and the cables here actually block , unlike killakelly lol. Kinda looked like you were playing against the computer seeing how much he got hit by just one sj. rh for apparently no reason at all.

maybe the main difference here is that if you pick bh/cc, you will get rushed down like there is no tomorrow, where at least bh/cyc can fend against rushdown…

btw, if you want a team that does as much damage, look at bh/sent/cyc. sent/cyc has to be one of the most offense-oriented combinations in the game… again , you probably woulnd’t believe it until you see it at cf. btw, damage in this game isn’t just damage in 1 combo, it’s also about combo opportunity. look at MSP.

Um… wow. :sweat:

PLEASE tell me that you did not just imply that I’ve been a regular in tournaments in Seattle for years, placed in the top three to five throughout the time they were holding tournaments, and moved to California more recently, and that you think this means I’ve never seen a Magneto/Storm attack before. :confused:

I’m going to say this real simple-like, and I’m going to say this only once, because I don’t need to argue with you on this. If your BH is getting rushed down, then it sucks. If you need to rely on any particular AAA to prevent this, then it sucks. An AAA should not be your main reliance to keep yourself from getting rushed. BH is the most difficult character in the game to get rushed down, if you’re praying for Cyclops to save you, then yours sucks. Okay? Is there some part of this which isn’t clear in some way? If you’ve got Sentinel’s drones and Commando’s AAA and you can’t find a way to defend yourself from Mag/Storm rushdown, then you’re doing something wrong.

Killakelly was not submitted as an example of a top player. It was a demonstration of how much offense BH can break open with Commando out of converting little hits into big hits. A great deal of those hits that turned into bigger things aren’t consistently possible to convert with Cyclops. That might very well have something to do with why he wilted so badly – he very well might not have expected that BH could do that much damage out of the air, because nobody had ever done it because the BHs down in California use Tron or other weird stuff, just as the ones on the EC use Cyclops. None of these other common BH assists allow converting most of those hits into bigger damage.

Okay. That’s just freaking wrong on so many levels. :bluu:

First off, yes, I’m aware that Sent/Cyclops is a good offensive pairing, thank you very much.

Second, did you really just tell me that it isn’t just damage in one combo, it’s about opportunity, after this whole conversation? Have you even been reading what I’ve been telling you? That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you for several days now. You didn’t get it before? Tattoo it to your forehead if it’s what you need to do:


Okay? Do I need to put that on a billboard, or are you getting it yet? :annoy:

Alright Stilt I’ll take your advice and concentrate my gameplan on taking out his Magneto. I never really thought about it that way, but it does make sense. Lately I have done a lot better against him because my Sent has been improving. My Sent is much more mobile now with well timed dashbacks and crouching fierces which allows me to lock him down more now to a certain extent. Normally I would start BH against Mags, but if that doesn’t go well I’m stuck with my Sent against his Cable which would be a mismatch because My Sent isn’t that great yet.

By the way my 3rd place finish at last years MAT III.

what?!?!?! Samnang had to work and he has nothing else to prove.
talk pas shit amusant guy.

ok … here are more tournament results:

1 - Jiggabry (GF 4-2 4-1)
2 - Alex
3 - John. he still does wonders with old school bh/cable/cyc
4 - Gerjay
5 - R1BD

Thanx for the advice.

Jaded: I don’t know if you saw Stilt’s DHC, But if that’s not combo opportunity I don’t know what is. I have adopted this DHC and it hurts like hell. I can’t count how many times this has changed the outcome of a match for me. It’s just a lot easier to do with Commando than Cyclops because you have more time to react because Commando sends him higher up.

Jaded is only speaking for one part of the East Coast, the northeast.

I play in the Southeast, and I use BH/Sent/Cap. I’ve gotten quite a few wins against people here. But, I play different than Stilt or Blackestheart(lol crazy ass discussion in the Combo thread you two by the way), as I rush all the damn time lol. Where I play at, you have to play very crazy, or else you get raped seriously.

Think about this, any jumping poke plus Cap, leads to damage. Any set of jumping rh demons that hit lead to damage when you have Cap. As Stilt illustrated, with Cyke, you have to wait basically until they’ve hit the ground, which is bad at times, because it is a lot easier to block that crap, and the scaling of the infinite, coupled with the opponents’ meter building as fast as yours, could lead to disaster in the long run.

If you think of today’s teams, you see a lot of the Big 4. You see a lot of MSP’s, a lot more of MSS, and a whole lot more of Thrax and Scrub. Thing is, with teams like this today, and how they are played, and with the capacity and the levels now that they are played, BH really needs firepower to keep up with the craziness that is these teams. The DHC of Watts, gives BH this firepower to compete with these big teams, in a big way. After that, Sent comes and turtles, or if you’re like me, rushes the fuck down.

Cyke does not give these things to BH, and, what I think is most important here, he does not cover the space that is the most important, the top of BH. He covers what is called the near air, or the normal jumping plane, and to an extent, the horizontal, or ground plane. Blackheart can already cover the near air, and the horizontal planes well enough by himself, and he also has Sent to do that as well. So in a sense, BH/Sent/Cyke is redundant, and is inferior to BH/Sent/Commando.

So yeah, in closing, BH/Cap is sexy.

Ah I remember what I was going to ask! What do you guys think of BH/Storm-B/Cyke?? Awful? Works? Just no?

haha bh is unrushable??? HAHAHAH i’m sorry, have you seen sanford and justin play? do you know how many (good) clones there are of them , esp at cf? you will not last 5 seconds if you don’t have an invincible AAA to back you up.

the fact that you think BH is unrushable with an assist like CC shows me what your competition is like.

if you’re idea of combo opportunity is when CC lands, then you really need to see how sick competition is in the north east , particularly cf. I think we need to have a money match next big tournament. and if your bh is unrushable, i’d like to see your bh/sent/cc hold up against any of the top 10 players at cf even EXCLUDING justin and sanford. you will cry at how worthless bh/cc is LOL. i’m sorry, it’s just that you make it sound like BH is some type of god when he’s really not. to say he’s unrushable with CC is a farce

trust me i like using BH, but I also know his limitations.

BH storm cyc is fun. i used to use that team for a while. there are some stupid traps you can do with storm -g and BH point (call storm-g, inferno, inferno xx hod) but nothing that is serious. bh/cyc infinite into storm tag-in into air combo xx qcf+pp is nice tho

Yes, I have several gigabytes of Justin game film going all the way back to when Justin first came onto the scene. I was there in person at two national tournaments where he was present (and placed in the top 25 at Evo2k2 using BH teams), and I was in Seattle when he last came there to play in the Washington state championships (I placed 7th using Watts as one of my main teams, ahead of this fellow you might have heard of by the name of Ricky Ortiz) and played him myself. :sweat:

:confused: Dude, your reading comprehension fucking sucks on so many levels. Let’s back up and actually read what I said instead of the half of it that you managed to catch, eh?

Okay? Do you think you can manage to grasp both halves of what I said this time now that I’ve added boldface for you? Can you manage to fire enough neurons in sync to pull this little piece of comprehension off? Yes, if I had to take just one assist to viably defend myself from Magneto with BH, I might very well take Cyclops over Commando if those are my only two choices. But I’d take Sentinel’s drones over either of them, and once I’ve got that solved I’d rather have Commando as the third character any day of the week and twice on Sundays.

Now, as to my competition. You did actually read that bit about where I’ve played tournaments, right? Seattle? You know… Rodolfo? Kuan? Jmar? Names ring a bell at all? National tournament finalists who were among Justin’s perennial rivals when they were in their prime and actually still played the game? So, thank you, but if you actively believe you can go ten deep into CF after taking away Justin and Sanford to begin with and still be better than Row and Kuan in their prime, then all I can say is, toke on, dude. :wtf:

Frankly, I don’t think you have the foggiest idea what you’re talking about, who you’re talking to, or what any of this crap means, and you’re trying to cover for it with shit talk. Sorry, guy, but no sale. :lame:

Okay, now that I’ve dispensed with the more egregious of your drivel, I’m going to try to keep this thread that’s lasted for two and a half years as a five star SRK info thread from devolving into a flame war and explain why, exactly, I am judging that your BH sucks.

First off, there’s the easy cop-out: I’ve never heard of you before. I’ve seen videos of the BHs that have made their way into any kind of respectable placing in tournaments, and the only one in the NE that really warrants much mention is Julian’s. Even at that, Julian tends to play BH as a battery for Cable with some really fucked up third character in back for a weird assist like Zangief, which, needless to say, doesn’t really pass most tenets of the suckage test because it lacks offensive firepower and pretty much relies on Cable to win the games for him.

Second, I’ve noticed more than once instance where you’re trying to cover for the fact that your BH obviously doesn’t pass some pretty important elements of the suckage test by shit talking me. Trying to argue that Cyclops somehow is more important than being able to kill someone in one hit for invincible assists for some reason is really, really not a good sign.

Third, asserting that you need Cyclops or any other AAA to protect you from the rush generally tells me that you really don’t have a fogging clue how to protect yourself from the rush. If you’ve got Magneto, particularly but not exclusively if he’s got Psylocke, up in your grill, you are playing with fire if you’re trying to rely on an AAA to get him back out if you haven’t seen Psylocke come out first. If your answer to “how to stop Mags rush?” is “call Cyclops”, you are asking to eventually get your BH and Cyclops both hit, which means that BH gets snapped out and your Cyclops is suddenly looking a lot less like an invincible assist while he’s being launched to death. This is, for the record, why I said I’d rather have Sentinel to protect me from the rush than either Commando or Cyclops: it’s next to impossible to snap both BH and Sentinel through the drones, which is really the most dangerous threat you have to deal with, and on top of that, if you can get the drones into the game, Magneto has to stop attacking for a moment to let them by. Yes, Cyclops, if you can get him out, will create that space for a longer time than Commando, although still a shorter one than Sentinel’s drones. But relying on an AAA to stop the rush for you is (a) very dangerous, and (b) a very clear sign that you’re not doing enough with BH on point, because your best option if you don’t have the space to call something safely is to keep on the move and wait until you see Psylocke come out, and then countercall something on her. Gee, why you suppose I’d rather have Commando than Cyclops in THAT case?

Fourth, if you really think Cyclops gives you ANY significant opportunities at any kind of decent competition to combo stuff, then that says a lot more about your competition than you’d like. What situation does Cyclops give you a combo opportunity that Commando doesn’t? If someone stupidly runs into Cyclops on the ground, that’s what. So what happens if people just don’t run into Cyclops much? Nothing, that’s what. There’s a very limited range of areas and situations where Cyclops is really a threat, and they’re very easy to wait until you see Cyclops and then react appropriately, and the space he controls effectively in a way that’s truly helpful to BH is very limited, namely to grounded opponents that walk or jump into him at very low altitude. If they get hit much higher off the ground than BH’s knees they’ll often get juggled out of the AAA before BH can capitalize on it anyway. It takes a very meager amount of real brain matter to figure out that if BH is on the ground and you haven’t already seen Cyclops, it’s probably not a good idea to walk forward for a moment.

If BH actually hits something on offense and combos into Cyclops on the ground, well, whee – this is the same thing as you get as with Commando, except that you’ve got a lot less firepower for it. The real gap comes between the opportunties that BH has to convert his other hits into big damage between the two assists. With Commando, almost any solid hit can be turned into real damage; with Cyclops, all you’ve got is pokes on the ground and hoping people walk into him as a defensive call. BH/Cyclops stops being more effective than Commando the instant people stop walking into Cyclops defensively; in every other situation, Commando is better, and you’ll ultimately get a lot more damage out of the conversions Commando gives you off of other hits than you will off of Cyclops, and Commando is also better for space control and as a countercall.

Fifth… you’re just not striking me as the brightest light in the harbor on a lot of levels. Instead of stoping to even parse what we’re trying to say to you, as far as I can tell you’re just making lots of noise and missing most of our points.

Sixth… any decent tournament player is going to have a pretty good grasp of what else is out there in the country. I may be on the west coast, but I know who Justin, Sanford, Yipes, Mixup, Julian Robinson, Eddie Lee, and Arturo Sanchez are. I’ve even met a number of these people in person, in addition to Duc (who keeps hoping that I’ll stop playing BH and start playing Spiral based on what he saw of my Spiral at B5), Valle, Viscant, and numerous others, in addition to the Seattle crowd. It has been more than once that I’ve met a new California player and they’ll relate that they know somebody who lost to me at Evolution. Meanwhile, when I pointed out I’ve played in Seattle, it seemed to completely fail to dawn on you that this meant that I’ve played in one of the all-time greatest hotspots in the country for MvC2 when it was at its best. That’s just jaw-droppingly ignorant.

Lastly, but certainly not least, your answer to our advice is generally to tell us that you’re awesome because you (allegedly) play at CF, never mind that you don’t appear to actually be good enough for any third party to have really heard of you for doing so. This generally reeks to me of “poser”, especially when you’re not really giving much of an argument for why Cyclops is allegedly better than Commando other than saying, “Oh, but he’s invincible!” and invoking Justin and Sanford’s names repeatedly, which at the end of it doesn’t establish you, yourself, as a guy who knows BH from Ozzy Osbourne. And this kind of attitude in the absence of much in the way of substance has the smell of a really loud scrub to it.

Now, feel free to say something intelligent that somehow convinces me that I’ve misjudged you on some of this, but I’m seeing a lot of hints in edgewise that you’re not just a bad BH, but a REALLY bad BH who’d rather scream than adapt.

All I have to say is BURNED!:looney:

All I have to say is BURNED!:

Adding, just because you play at an arcade full of talented players, doesn’t make you any more or less know what you’re talking about. From what I remember, CF has two marvel machines, a big one and a small one.

Anyway, one thing. When I’m in Charleston in the next 2 weeks, I’m probably going to try and tape some matches of me while I’m down there (Stilt and Blackestheart, I’ll be looking forward to critque).

Wait jaded you’re a female aren’t you?