Okay, now that I’ve dispensed with the more egregious of your drivel, I’m going to try to keep this thread that’s lasted for two and a half years as a five star SRK info thread from devolving into a flame war and explain why, exactly, I am judging that your BH sucks.
First off, there’s the easy cop-out: I’ve never heard of you before. I’ve seen videos of the BHs that have made their way into any kind of respectable placing in tournaments, and the only one in the NE that really warrants much mention is Julian’s. Even at that, Julian tends to play BH as a battery for Cable with some really fucked up third character in back for a weird assist like Zangief, which, needless to say, doesn’t really pass most tenets of the suckage test because it lacks offensive firepower and pretty much relies on Cable to win the games for him.
Second, I’ve noticed more than once instance where you’re trying to cover for the fact that your BH obviously doesn’t pass some pretty important elements of the suckage test by shit talking me. Trying to argue that Cyclops somehow is more important than being able to kill someone in one hit for invincible assists for some reason is really, really not a good sign.
Third, asserting that you need Cyclops or any other AAA to protect you from the rush generally tells me that you really don’t have a fogging clue how to protect yourself from the rush. If you’ve got Magneto, particularly but not exclusively if he’s got Psylocke, up in your grill, you are playing with fire if you’re trying to rely on an AAA to get him back out if you haven’t seen Psylocke come out first. If your answer to “how to stop Mags rush?” is “call Cyclops”, you are asking to eventually get your BH and Cyclops both hit, which means that BH gets snapped out and your Cyclops is suddenly looking a lot less like an invincible assist while he’s being launched to death. This is, for the record, why I said I’d rather have Sentinel to protect me from the rush than either Commando or Cyclops: it’s next to impossible to snap both BH and Sentinel through the drones, which is really the most dangerous threat you have to deal with, and on top of that, if you can get the drones into the game, Magneto has to stop attacking for a moment to let them by. Yes, Cyclops, if you can get him out, will create that space for a longer time than Commando, although still a shorter one than Sentinel’s drones. But relying on an AAA to stop the rush for you is (a) very dangerous, and (b) a very clear sign that you’re not doing enough with BH on point, because your best option if you don’t have the space to call something safely is to keep on the move and wait until you see Psylocke come out, and then countercall something on her. Gee, why you suppose I’d rather have Commando than Cyclops in THAT case?
Fourth, if you really think Cyclops gives you ANY significant opportunities at any kind of decent competition to combo stuff, then that says a lot more about your competition than you’d like. What situation does Cyclops give you a combo opportunity that Commando doesn’t? If someone stupidly runs into Cyclops on the ground, that’s what. So what happens if people just don’t run into Cyclops much? Nothing, that’s what. There’s a very limited range of areas and situations where Cyclops is really a threat, and they’re very easy to wait until you see Cyclops and then react appropriately, and the space he controls effectively in a way that’s truly helpful to BH is very limited, namely to grounded opponents that walk or jump into him at very low altitude. If they get hit much higher off the ground than BH’s knees they’ll often get juggled out of the AAA before BH can capitalize on it anyway. It takes a very meager amount of real brain matter to figure out that if BH is on the ground and you haven’t already seen Cyclops, it’s probably not a good idea to walk forward for a moment.
If BH actually hits something on offense and combos into Cyclops on the ground, well, whee – this is the same thing as you get as with Commando, except that you’ve got a lot less firepower for it. The real gap comes between the opportunties that BH has to convert his other hits into big damage between the two assists. With Commando, almost any solid hit can be turned into real damage; with Cyclops, all you’ve got is pokes on the ground and hoping people walk into him as a defensive call. BH/Cyclops stops being more effective than Commando the instant people stop walking into Cyclops defensively; in every other situation, Commando is better, and you’ll ultimately get a lot more damage out of the conversions Commando gives you off of other hits than you will off of Cyclops, and Commando is also better for space control and as a countercall.
Fifth… you’re just not striking me as the brightest light in the harbor on a lot of levels. Instead of stoping to even parse what we’re trying to say to you, as far as I can tell you’re just making lots of noise and missing most of our points.
Sixth… any decent tournament player is going to have a pretty good grasp of what else is out there in the country. I may be on the west coast, but I know who Justin, Sanford, Yipes, Mixup, Julian Robinson, Eddie Lee, and Arturo Sanchez are. I’ve even met a number of these people in person, in addition to Duc (who keeps hoping that I’ll stop playing BH and start playing Spiral based on what he saw of my Spiral at B5), Valle, Viscant, and numerous others, in addition to the Seattle crowd. It has been more than once that I’ve met a new California player and they’ll relate that they know somebody who lost to me at Evolution. Meanwhile, when I pointed out I’ve played in Seattle, it seemed to completely fail to dawn on you that this meant that I’ve played in one of the all-time greatest hotspots in the country for MvC2 when it was at its best. That’s just jaw-droppingly ignorant.
Lastly, but certainly not least, your answer to our advice is generally to tell us that you’re awesome because you (allegedly) play at CF, never mind that you don’t appear to actually be good enough for any third party to have really heard of you for doing so. This generally reeks to me of “poser”, especially when you’re not really giving much of an argument for why Cyclops is allegedly better than Commando other than saying, “Oh, but he’s invincible!” and invoking Justin and Sanford’s names repeatedly, which at the end of it doesn’t establish you, yourself, as a guy who knows BH from Ozzy Osbourne. And this kind of attitude in the absence of much in the way of substance has the smell of a really loud scrub to it.
Now, feel free to say something intelligent that somehow convinces me that I’ve misjudged you on some of this, but I’m seeing a lot of hints in edgewise that you’re not just a bad BH, but a REALLY bad BH who’d rather scream than adapt.