How to Stop Worrying and Love the Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth - The Ultimate Doctor Strange Thread

Despite my love affair with my current team, I had another idea for variety I wanted to throw your way, see what ya’ll think: Virgil Stramge Doom, the idea being if you Devil Trigger Virgil, his Rising Sun DP assist has invin frames and a massive hitbox giving Strange something of a GTFO assist. Figure that can’t hurt, and if there’s any way to juggle a landed Rising Sun to a Palm loop, oh baby!

lol had the same idea last week, ends up not working like you want it too, vergil gets hit out alot and you can get birthdayed and comboing you need to know it’ll hit so you can teleport up and and connect. its a decent anti-air but thats about it, rapid slash is the way to go since it pushes them to the corner even on block.

Hey. You.

Yeah, YOU. The one reading this post. Check this out.


I might be late with this, but I just found this out today, and didn’t know this before. Don’t try it on anything else but those two beams, though (not even C. Viper’s beam!)


If you’re trying to play him like dormammu then that’s probably why you think he’s “ghetto”.

Its the ‘direct vs indirect gameplay’ thing again. With dorm its pretty clear how you’re supposed to play him, with Strange people are still figuring it out, so he gets rated down.

Fam, it seems you and xesaie had trouble understanding my post, Im not saying “play strange like dormammu” Im just saying Ds feels more Dormammu then Jean when it comes to comparisons imo, sure strange has his own play style and what not.

can somepone explain this for me?


About 1:20. You use M Daggers to push the opp out of the corner and be able to teleport behind them.

They can just pushblock if they know about this, but that places you fullscreen, which is where you usually want to be with Strange anyway.

interesting how he uses 1R at the start of the crumple to actually EXTEND the life 1Y even after hitting (going through, more like) the opponent.

that is a really good. thx for sharing and Rayn Hunter good looking out.

Don’t know if this has been mentioned in this thread, but does anyone know if the Seven Rings of Raggador projectile counter have the same amount of damage regardless if the opponent projectile is a super or special.


What are you guys doing against hawkeye?

I feel strange stomps him, for free.

That Ryan Hunter vid is great for 3 reasons:
-The mixups themselves
-A new presumably easier BNB (even if less damaging than the ones floating around on here, can’t wait to test!)
-A pro using Strange! Anyone know of any other top players playing Strange? Always good to have video reference!

I posted above about a Virgil Strange Doom idea, and thank you to Waffle for pointing out the problem with the Rising Sun theory (easy come easy go!). But despite the assist issue, I’m thinking that Virgil Strange Magneto should be WAY better (assuming I can find a Mag combo I’m able to execute lol). Not only less scaling on the beam, but a wayyy faster beam that should make both Strange and Virgil’s teleport cross ups virtually impossible to defend. Might be worth playing even if I CAN’T find a good Mag combo, kinda like anchoring Tron/Haggar/Cyclops/Commando, ie. abuse the assist, assume if you’re down to your 3rd, u’ve prob lost anyway (not that one shouldn’t fight!). That’s an exaggeration since Magneto is very strong, I just hope to find something better than MMHS super lol (execution not my strong suit, I’ll NEVER be able to do his “Rom.”) But that’s a personal issue, on a theory level, since most of you can do Mag’s good shit with your eyes closed, that team should be really REALLY good methinks!

Question: Which Strange assist have you guys been using and why? Seems like all 3 have utility, really. Cougar recommended Bolts of Ballsack, but when I saw Wolverine evades it by standing still I didn’t like that much. I’ve been using Eye for in-close stuff, but it hasn’t benefited Doom too much. Virgil, on the other hand, who knows? Discs seem like they could be great for a zoning team that doesn’t mind the delay, but a rushdown team really needs to have a plan for stuff to do between calling the assist and landing the assist. Thoughts?

Bolts would probably benefit Vergil seeing as the opponent’s forced to duck or block, kind of like Haggar assist. I’m planning on using EoA and abusing wall cling with Strider if I like the matchup in his favor. also, from personal experience, Magneto combos are only as difficult as you want them to be. the more execution-heavy combos give you more damage, but the simpler ones get you in the 650k range just for an easy fly loop. Hyper Grav loop was the first combo I found really difficult but once I got it down it felt really natural and effortless, especially on the P1 side.

I dropped him though because I didn’t like the nerfs he got and didn’t really see the gravity manipulation moves as much compensation, but it wouldn’t hurt to give him a try. he’s a pretty good on anchor IMO because in Ultimate you basically get access to Vanilla Mags’ speed and combos while keeping his new moves. Disruptah should tame the HSD on the followup on your left-rights, unlike say Unibeam or Plasma Beam.


I like the eye assist a lot, it’s team specific to me though. Viper (seismo)/Doctor S (eye)/Doctor D (rocks)

The eye is good for lockdown mixups if they block (at least with viper) and good for setting up viper’s full charge focus attack. - and i have an awesome relaunch combo from midscreen to corner using the eye assist, so I’m in love with it.

…but yeah, thought I’d let every Strange head here know that all the info listed so far is really helpful and insightful - much appreciated! Props to all you guys. STRANGE

re - assists:
I’m running two teams with Strange right now. First is Zero / Iron Man / Strange with Strange on Eye assist for resets and lockdown (the resets Iron Man gets from this are crazy and I have Unibeam anyway). Second is Zero / Strange / Doom with Strange on Bolts and Doom on missiles. Bolts are incredible for getting Zero in and Zero gets huge new combos from Missiles. Once Zero is out Strange gets to be backed by missiles to give him more breathing room to setup his zoning and lockdown. I think my second team is overall a better team but I think the first team is better specifically for Zero.

So I’ve found the easiest way to hitconfirm with Strange is to go with 3 c:l: straight into Impact Palm, as his :m: and :h: push you too far back. You get a little less damage but it’s much easier to actually combo with him now.

what happen when a flame of faltine make contact with other beams and fireballs? anyone tested it already on Hawkeye and Taskmaster arrows, ryu hadoken, Sentinel s.H and c.H, Magneto Disruptor, Thor mighty spark, Akuma tatsu, Chris Magnum and Machine gun? Also, what is exactly the startup of the flame and how compares to the fastests beams in the game? time to do some research…