How to Stop Worrying and Love the Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth - The Ultimate Doctor Strange Thread

The hits will come less from Strange’s normals and more from assists and projectiles. Remember that assists must always be blocked in the direction opposite your point character. So therefore if you can make something, whether a Disc or a beam assist, connect with an opponent at the exact moment when Strange emerges behind them via teleport, before their eyes/brain have a chance to register “oh, now he’s on the other side. I need to block the other way,” they will suddenly be not blocking your attack. This is why Strange doesn’t have a quick hi/lo, because his side switch is so fast. This is always why I’ll always pick Plasma Beam over Missiles, personally.

Now that being said, this is part of why I was really pissed to find out Sent drones became a true block string. My Vanilla game was very based on Dante teleports crossing up with Disruptahs and drones. BUT, someone told me the “drones are a true block string” nerf was actually UNTRUE. I haven’t been able to verify this one way or the other yet. But if the drones DO still stagger between each hit on block, then you can teleport between drones and, again, they’ll be blocking wrong and get popped.

Both of these assists, though, leave them in an airborne state, so combos would need to be adjusted. This is why, sadly, I think Unibeam would probably be Strange’s best assist. Sadly because I have ZERO interest in Ironman. But he would, in theory, give us access to this sick crossup and still allow for the Palm crumple combos.

I was running Ghost Rider / Strange / Dante. SoV is really good in XF2 / 3, and in level one you still get SoV > XF > Kill combo. I really think it’s a dirty move, people should be scared to press buttons against strange lol. If they cornered themselves I’d just spam proectiles IE M rings / M mystic Sword / Bolts of Ball Sack and try to make them want to uncorner themselves. They can’t really counter zone you because you can just either 7 rings in response to their projectiles or if they try to move or do anything you can just SoV them. With that said I liked him with Jam Session since it gave him time to set some projectiles up with the block stun from Jam Session and it also pushes them back to full screen.

I noticed if you do 7 Rings and get the counter and they get behind you somehow, it looks like strange is totally invincible for the duration, so it’s pretty safe even if it misses. It also can dodge some stuff with the startup invincibility, although I’m not sure how reliable that is yet.

Reason I say he’s 2 dimensional though is he doesn’t have any high low or air mobility… most he can threaten with on a cornered opponent is lows vs throws into SoV.

Grace of Hogwarts (that’s what I’m calling that shit for now) seems kinda pointless to me. Lot of trouble to setup to do basically what you could do with M rings.

Feels like I’ve gotten much better w/ Strange over the weekend. Playing more aggressively than I did before.

I actually find myself using Grace less frequently in certain matchups. You just don’t always have time to set up. Which is part of why I have a projectile assist (arrows).

GoH is one of Strange’s best assets, and it seems fundamental to playing him. That crumple beam is a huge threat that should be taken advantage of.

Strange will more often than not, be unable to set up graces. It’s more of a setup on incoming characters after a kill than a midscreen thing. Personally I don’t even use them anymore. M Daggers + Plasma Beam + M/H Teleport does the job without any setup.

Also of note, when you are down to anchor Strange and they corner themselves, try this nifty setup when they turtle you out.

M Daggers H Teleport fall with j.S+Daggers zoom in instant j.H overhead XFC falling S/Palm. Nice little fuzzy setup leads into Palm XF3 Infinite.

It seems really hard to team Strange up but I’m doing good so far I’d like to think. Ghost Rider Strange Wesker and Strange Doom Strider.

Ghost Rider + Eye of Agamatto assist rapes most rushdown characters and DHC from Hellfire Maelstrom (Start the party!) into Vishanti is godlike damage. Wesker just being a gay anchor.

Strange with Plasma Beam gives him an easy confirm into 650+ if they get hit randomly. Vajra assist gives him DOUBLE SUPER. Also if you are fast enough and Vajra in neutral play, you can set down a M Grace and then Flames of Faltine to pick them back up. Then Doom with Vajra for easiest hit confirm ever and Strider XF3 dumb mixups.

Strange can go just about anywhere.

I was liking Ghost Rider with Strange’s bolts, since people want to duck the bolts and that opens them up for instant j.S. Also pretty easy for full screen comboing since bolts make them stagger and it gives you time to dash into st.H range. I can see agammato being good too though.

Strange / Doom / Strider is probably a really good team.

Good shit, guys! I know this isn’t the combo thread and all, but since you both brought these up, and they’re both going to be essential to anyone with Doom beam on the team (read: almost all of us), would you guys mind posting up the combos you’re referencing here? (xSAMx, I’m assuming you don’t just mean doing a 2nd SoV) Only decent one I know of is the basic ground BNB with Palm crumple, which obv doesn’t apply to either of the combos you’re refering to since it requires them to be on the ground. Honestly, I don’t even know this XF3 loop either, but that one I guess I can look up.

There;s a video floating around here for it somewhere but basically you do…

SoV > XF > H teleport > falling Impact Palm > Land [j.MH Impact Palm]x3-4 (might have to do MMH instead of MH in the last loop or so), then just launcher, air series, M daggers, SoV and they’re dead from XF1 (does about 1 mil+, probably can add assists in to make it do more.

With no X factor, I’ve been able to DHC to Zero / Dante / Vergil / Firebrand and continue their combos from it. Others can probably do it as well.

This really doesn’t have to do with anything except reading rainbow.


It is still bugging the hell out of me but his Level 3 has the wrong voice thrown in there. “Astral Magic! Daggers of Denak!” He says it when his astral self moves forward. I don’t know why but it bugs the crap out of me. My OCD i guess.

I tried Unibeam with Strange today and it’s SO GOOD. keeps them right in place so Strange doesn’t need to make much of an adjustment with his combos. I liked Unibeam in Vanilla and now it’s like a weaker Plasma Beam damage-wise that keeps the opponent grounded where Strange is at his strongest. I’m very much considering dropping Vergil for Iron Man because of that assist even though I haven’t even gotten around to learning a B&B with Vergil lol! Iron Man isn’t too bad now actually and a Tony main even said somewhere on here that he has one of the fastest tridashes in the game now. I’d like to know why exactly considering his airdash became super awkward but it’s an interesting prospect for a point Strange team nonetheless. taking a break now from the lab after increasing the damage on my Eye of Agamotto combo. can’t wait to finish IRL shit to go back into the lab!

LMFAO! holy crap thats hilarious!

It’s mainly because there’s virtually no height restriction on his air-dash now, plus he has that slide and much better normals now. You can tri-jump into a low after barely leaving the ground. Tri-jumping into an overhead actually requires pretty strict timing now depending on the height though but j.M from a tri-dash is almost entirely invisible so if you go into a low after it it’s ridiculously hard to block (if they don’t push-block the overhead first, which is why I usually start by empty tri-jumping into lows to train them not to block the overhead).

I’m having trouble deciding whether setting up 2 yellow graces or doing EoA > Impact Palm xx Teleport after a character kill is better for the entry mixup. I’ve been doing the EoA setup a lot more though.

Doesn’t Unibeam horribly scale damage though? You won’t be getting the most out of his combos.

Strange is basically a male phoenix with no air dash. Dude is ridiculous.

Yeah I had a feeling Unibeam would be incredible for Strange (and even postulated such in a post yesterday). Unfortunately I have ZERO interest in iron Man. Though I did finally get to play some humans with my team, Doom Strange Sent. On the one hand, I feel like after one session I’d be insane to start preaching like I know what’s going on here, but on the other hand, I definitely did come up with some cool stuff. I’m all about having a game plan :slight_smile: Here’s where I am strategically, please feel free to agree, disagree, add, subtract, etc:

-I want Strange out with two assists, BUT I also don’t want to start him. I think he benefits from some battery love, and also doesn’t have much going for him at “FIGHT!” The solution is pretty much to, when Doom hits, combo to either a solo kill (I’m willing to keep Strange out for now if it means you die), a DHC kill, or a TAC. Now Strange is in on my terms with some momentum.

-My game is startlingly similar to the Dante Mag Sent I played in vanilla, which I think is why I’m having so much fun. I’m using Strange projectiles to set up safe assist calls. This way I accomplish one of two things:
a. A successful Plasma beam while they are on or near the ground
b. A successful drone call that will connect with the opponent.

-For the beam, I wait a split sec, teleport behind, on hit Palm xx L Sword xx profit, on block not quite sure actually. Any ideas? Maybe another teleport, a back dash, an M Sword? Not sure what’s good here.

-For the drones, and I’m proud of this idea, when they’re just about to hit, I M teleport twice in succession! The rumor that drones no longer have gaps on block are UNTRUE (thank GOD!). So to make them have to block in 3 directions rapidly is virtually an unblockable. And if somehow someone actually was able to defend this, you could of course use L teleport instead. But think about the power of this mixup. I was thinking maybe Sent wasn’t the ideal anchor (and he may not be), but this tactic is very hard to let go of. It’s basically a free combo on command for the low low cost of safely summoning drones.

-Also, I have a feeling I’m going to be a very teleport-happy Strange. not just for the crossup attacks, but just movement, trickiness, etc. Rapid teleporting from time to time just to make the sound effect keep chiming and cause general confusion and frustration. Can’t hit what you can’t see, right?

-SoV is obviously awesome. Not much to elaborate on here, though the DHC synergy with SPhere Flame is pretty sick.

Anyway, as it stands it feels like the name of the game is to make your assists do the work for you. Using your own projectiles and teleports, the right assists can become extremely difficult to deal with. The idea is to time a teleport so the assist hits so quickly after the side-switch they don’t have the chance to switch their block. Soon I’ll have this timing mastered with Plasma Beam (how long to delay between calling Doom and teleporting). I bet Disruptah would be even better for this, but I don’t anticipate being able to do Mag’s new BNBs lol

My weakness so far is my combos. I saw a few posted I havent tried yet, and Cougar in the tier thread is talking about easy 800ks off of throws and single hits and such. So I have to learn these, and master this SoV XF kill everyone’s talking about. Hope you guys don’t mind the wall, but I’d love to read anyone else’s Strange team breakdowns of what they’re doing and why. No post is too long, I could read about Strange strategy all day! :slight_smile:

more like a ghetto version of dormammu with a better teleport.

It bugs me out too. I also hate how Phoenix Wright yells “TAKE THIS” despite the text bubble saying “TAKE THIS”

Er on the topic of strange i would like to point out ( if anyone hasnt done so already ) that his illusion counters all physical assists that are not low hitting ( frank west’s shopping cart , striders vajra , akumas tatsu etc)