Quick, nublet question… I’ve been practicing the Firebrand BnB in the first post and have been wondering what the point of backdashing is? I havent been able to add the dash in myself yet, though I can still keep the combo going by waiting a bit till the character flies over FB’s head and just C.H, S instead.
keeping opponent in the corner
Are you sure it only works on big characters? I think I got that to work on Wesker.
Edited again. Shout outs to people in quotations. I know the combo thread is a little messy but I’ve been busy :(…
Will get on it soon.
If you time the j.H’s differently you can get behind them and drag them to the other corner with air Bon Voyage.
The dash back will keep the opponent in the corner, so that after you relaunch them you can finish the combo with them being right up against the corner. I guess it’s just preference that you want to leave someone there as typically it is giving them less options. But I do find not dashing back and finishing the combo midscreen gives options as well, like calling assist and going behind them with M dive.
hi ghost town! (this thread is so dead, like anyone love this guy… thats why im maining him)
Dive ROM:
cr. :l:, cr. , cr. :h:, :s:, air :h: (2 hits), dive
, air :h: (2 hits), dive :l: (only mid screen need it) :s: air
, air
, air :h: (2 hits), dive kick, dive :l:, cr. :h:, :s:, air
, air
, air :h: (2 hits), air :s:. (i don’t like use von voyage)
total damage: 350k (meterless, builds 3/4 of meter)
Dive Lander:
cr. :l:, cr. , cr. :h:, :s:, air
, air
, air :h: (2 hits), dive kick, dive
(only needed in mid screen) dive :l:, air :s:, spitfire :h, :s:, air
, air
, air :h: (2 hits), air :s:
total damage: 326k (meterless, builds a little more than a half of meter, easy resets from this combo involving spitfire :h:)
Dive ROM Voyager:
cr. :l:, cr. , cr. :h:, :s:, air :h: (2 hits), dive
, air :h: (2 hits), :s: air :h: (1 hits), dive kick, dive :l:, :s:, air :h: (1 hit), air von voyage, air :h: (2 hits), air :s:
total damage: 370k (hard to do, hard to follow up with a hyper in middle screen, easy resets, most damaging combo, more easier on middle screen then the “Dive ROM”, meterless, builds 3/4 of meter)
that’s all for now
I’m working on getting a divekick loop going w/ sentinel drones ala lvl 3 helper loop. Seems to work but I don’t have the timing down so as to have the last divekick groundbounce… I’ll come back with a video if I figure it out and it seems useful.
In general I advocate using assists to get a spit hellfire L or M a the beginning of a combo as that gives you a lot more damage than any of his normals and has a minimal impact on scaling. I get to break 400K without gauge on easy combos by adding an early 2C+burn kick xx 236A.
If you’re in luminous body doing an early string into stand C xx 236A then link a 2C afterward is also very strong for getting a higher damage starter.
Is Dark Fire, strider’s Vajra assist, Dark Fire ender character specific?
For some reason I can’t get the :d::h: :qcf::l: loop to work in x-factor, but I found that in the corner sj.:h: (1 hit) :qcf: can be done 3 times easily and followed with sj.:h: sj.:d::h: etc. or just :s: land super
I’m looking for a nice kill combo starting with charged up :dp::h: using level 2 x-factor. The big question to me is how late can I use the xfc.
Here’s what I have so far, not optimal I don’t think, but I tried to use spitfire loops to make the damage nice and quick. Tested with x-factor 2, should do around 900k-1mil each, I can’t remember exactly. I’ll check tomorrow for exact numbers.
(anywhere ~811k unmashed)
Starter -> :s: sjc. sj.:h::qcf::s: xfc dash (either under or toward depending on position, keep them in the corner) :s: sjc. sj. sj.
[sj.:h::qcf::l:]x3 :s: land Dark Fire (note:
spitfire might work better in some situations, and you can choose to let the sj.:h: hit once or twice depending on height).
(corner 998,500 unmashed)
:dp::h:(charged) j.:d::h: xfc land [:d::d::h::qcf::l:]x2 :d:
:d::h::s: sjc. sj.
[sj.:h::qcf::l:]x2 :s: land Dark Fire
Starting in x-factor 2 (corner 991,800 unmashed)
:dp::h:(charged) j.:d::h: :qcb::l: land [:d::d::h::qcf::l:]x3 :s: sjc. sj.
sj.:h::s: land Dark Fire
edit: added the damage and corrected the last combo, a better version of the first one might be this
Starter -> :s: sjc. sj.:h::qcf::s: xfc dash under [:d::d::h::qcf::l:]x2 :s: sjc. sj.
:[sj.:h::qcf::l:]x2 :s: land dark fire (~901k unmashed)
or this
Starter -> :s: sjc. sj.:h::qcf::s: xfc dash under [:d::d::h::qcf::l:]x2 :s: sjc. sj.
:sj.:h::qcf::l: sj.:h::d::h::qcb::l: land :s: sjc. sj.:h::s: land dark fire (~947k unmashed)
Ok so i was messing around and i came up with this today i posted a vid on youtube but about two hours later i discovered that i can do this midscreen as well its kinda tight but it ends meter positive puts the opponent in the corner and leaves you in luminous body.
j.S (optional) cr.L cr.M st.H (1hit) qcf l xx luminous body dash forward st.L st.M st.H cr.H S sj.H Hell Dive M sj.H land (midscreen use hell dive l to prevent a drop) jump H Divekick hell dive L cr.H S sj. M sj.H bon voyage back dash S sj.M sj.H S Dark Fire
Corner consistent 588k you can do this with one bar it builds the bar back plus like 5% heres a link to a the vid i made excuse the bs at the beggining every time i tried to do a take with just the combo i would drop it…
I have a request and a finding.
My finding, is that firebrand can combo off his tag. I had firebrand tagged out and with luminous body. I have no footage but I’m positive that I did it. I did it online and when I nailed him and his assist with a raw tag. I hit him with a L and M before I dropped the combo.
Now, all I want, is a combo, that uses one meter, no X-factor and does at least 600k damage. Firebrand does so little damage and haven’t come across one. I use Taskmaster and Nemesis with him.
600k for one meter and no X-Factor? Well, you can easily do 598k near a wall without assists. If you throw in some assists you can easily reach the 650k-690k range. Are you okay with assists being in there? I might post a video of my new Firebrand BnB for my team, if so.
edit: Actually, the 598k combo I’m thinking of does over 600k if you start with a j.S. And it’s also very easy to get over 600k if you start with a fully-charged Demon Missile H.
If you want assists included in the combo, then Chrisis’ combo can replace the viper assist with Taskmaster. :a1: = taskmaster
c.:l:c. (c.:h:,:a1:) c.:h:,:s:,j.:h:, :d::h:,:d::db:
:l:, c.:h:,:s:,j.:h:,:qcf::s:,:s:,j.:h:,:s:,:qcf::atk: :atk:
Does quite a bit, in terms of Firebrand damage, but I can’t remember exactly atm. There is also another Firebrand solo combo I have in my head but I can’t remember the exact notations for it. It involves doing the H medium helldive into H, relaunch loop twice. Really hard to get the second loop outside of Luminous Body, but it is doable. Will try to think of it later and update this post with damage values, and
Yeah, but I’m using firebrand only with Nemesis, Taskmaster and maybe in the future dormammu. Most of my combos start with Jumping S, jumping H, Crouching H, or a fully charged demon missile H.
It’s appearent my BnB is infierior.
c. L , c. M, H, c. H , S, air MMH , down H, Hells elevator light, S, MMH, air Bon Voyage, H, S, air H, air S, Dark fire.
Thanks, I’ll be sure to try that.
My assistless, plain BnB (which is what I’m using currently; I don’t have the timing down on some of the assist-using versions to actually use in real matches yet) goes:
cr.MH, S, sj.H (2 hits), d+H, qcb+L, cr.H, S, sj.H (2 hits), qcf+S, if you’re near a corner dash out, s.H, cr.H*, S, sj.MMHS, land, jump and do Dark Fire (I found it does a tiny bit more damage if you’re actually slightly above them; you don’t have to tiger knee it, fortunately, you have enough time to just jump up and input qcf+PP normally). Obviously the damage will vary depending on if you started with a cr.L, or a j.S, or if you were far from a wall (which makes the damage scaling from Bon Voyage go up quite a bit), but without those things coming in to play it does 406k before Dark Fire and 598k after.
I have Ryu with Tatsu assist on my team so I’m working on a version which is similar to this but adds either qcf+L or dp+M (depending on if you’re in the corner or not) plus Ryu assist in that, as well as ripping off that thing I saw a Zero player do once where he launched and called Vergil Rapid Slash assist, and got in 2 sj.S’s before his super, except I’m using Sentinel drones to do that.
And if you ALSO take all of that, plus start with a wall-clinged fireball (which you can follow up from without needing to cancel into speed-up) and various other things, you can ultimately get to (for 1 meter, no DHCs, no TACs, some assist usage, and no X-Factor) 719k damage. But I’m not sure how realistic it is to bet that someone will get hit by a wall cling fireball out of nowhere so that’s probably just a training mode combo.
So yeah that was a longer post than I intended but I’ve been spending a lot of lab time trying to squeeze out every drop of damage possible from Firebrand under the conditions of 1 meter, no DHCs, no TACs, assists okay, and no X-Factor. Figured I’d share everything I knew.
*Depending on character size and how early you hit the s.H, this can sometimes whiff. Feel free to leave it out if necessary, it doesn’t totally ruin the combo or anything, it just makes it slightly worse.
Good call on the Vergil assist Dr. Slouch, I remember seeing that when watching the Japanese tournament and for some reason never getting around to trying it. Through the combination of Chrisis combo and the Vergil assist + Double S we can actually break the 700k barrier with 1 bar.
A1 = Taskmaster in this case, this works with other assists as well. I tried with Viper and got higher damage because of the lack of two arrows decreasing hit stun.
I think with Viper I got like 709k? I’ll have to check on it when I get home. I remember without the jumping S, and using taskmaster assist I was hitting 686k consistently. Haven’t tried anyone else though, but I imagine a one hitting assist like Viper will lead to the best damage.
A2 = Virgil
j.S, c.M, c.H + A1, Fireball L, (Taskmaster hits), c.H, S, j.H (2 hits), dive kick, L dive, c.H, S, j.H (2 hits), bon voyage, land - backdash, S + A1, j.S, j.S, Super
Not really impractical, jumping S becomes pretty easy to hit when you swoop in and hit it at the end to keep your momentum, Firebrand practically flies across the screen. Isn’t really too complicated, I was doing it consistently after about like 5 minutes. Damage is slightly dependent on how much of the Vergil assist actually hits the opponent, but still good damage either way.
You don’t even need to be in Luminous Body to combo off the raw tag.