This is a bit of an egregious 3 week bump… but I noticed that a lot of people are using Firebrand/Amaterasu; what is the best Firebrand combo with Cold Star assist? (I don’t think there is one in this thread…? Sorry if it was hidden somewhere that I failed to see.)
This probably isn’t new but if you’re any far from the corner with Firebrand and hit with a bon voyage (either comboed into or not) you can hard tag into a character with an OTG and continue the combo. I’ve been doing it with doom and it means standard BnBs with Firebrand go up to 550k-600k meterless as you can go straight into Doom corner loops.
If I’m close to the corner but not quite in it and I confirm with cr.A I do: cr.A-cr.B-cr.C-S-SJ-J.C-J.C-Helldive B-J.C-J.C-land-J.C-Bon Voyage and if you hold that last jump forwards you cross over onto the other side so you can bon voyage them a larger distance to get the hard tag setup. You can also dash when you land then do s.B-S if that’s easier.
When you use Bon Voyage you don’t want to end up closer to the corner than your opponent, in this situation you would normally dash under to keep them in the corner but that does not allow you to hard tag without hitting your opponent as your partner comes in (of course, some characters can combo off hard tags anyway).
There are probably ways to extend the combo (probably with assists like hidden missiles). I also use Sentinel so I can hard tag into him and tk.rocket punch xx hard drive for loops or x factor cancel the rocket punch into a combo.
Can’t find a way to do it when you’re in the corner though.
Edit: Found a way to hard tag when you’re too close to the corner to attempt the midscreen combo, doesn’t work right in the corner though. Basically just dive kick - x factor cancel immediately before you go into auto flight and you’ll drop to the ground straight away, then wave dash twice under them, jump and use bon voyage. You can do it from regular and super jump height. If you do it at superjump height you only need to dash once to go under them.
Double edit: never mind, this person found this all months ago:
Anybody got anything new on the combo front? I’m kinda hurting here for new stuff to try :-/ Also, how much damage are you boys getting out of Lvl 1 XFactor?
Some random hit confirms:
j.d H (normal jump height): (j. H 1 hit) > j. S > land st. M > cr. H > combo. You don’t really need the j. H
j.d H (command jump height): j. H (2 hits) xx unfly (falling) j. S > st. M > cr. H > combo
(super jump height): j.d. H xx qcb+L > cr. H > combo
Unblockable hits grounded: (slight pause) j. S > land st. L > st. M > cr. H > combo. If you confirm into st. M instead of L it does only like 4k more damage. St. L is easier for me. *For Ammy and maybe other small opponents you need to fly down a little before the j. S.
Unblockable hits in air: j. H (2 hits) > j.d. H xx qcb+L > land cr. H > combo. There might be better ways to do this, but I’ll figure it out later. This works for now. I’m not sure about midscreen but it works in the corner easily no matter which way they tech.
Thought I’d share how I confirm into combos off of different things. It might be different for others.
Not really new but haven’t seen it posted anywhere
Starter > S > j.H xx qcb+M > j.H (1 hit) > j.S (land) > s.L > M > H > c.H > S > j.H > j.d+H > qcb+L > c.H > S > j.H xx qcf+S > (backdash) > c.H > S > j.H > TAC or j.S > Super
Works anywhere, but to get it consistent at midscreen just do s.L > M > c.H after the first j.S since the H will whiff occasionally.
1 bar TAC combo for my team (FB/Sent/Dante):
Starter > S > j.H xx qcb+M > j.H (1 hit) > j.S (land) > s.L > M > H > c.H > S > j.H > j.d+H > qcb+L > c.H > S > j.H xx qcf+S > (backdash) > c.H > S > j.H > TAC any direction to Sent, j.H xx Fly > j.L > j.H xx Unfly > j.M > dj.M > j.H > j.S > Call Jam Session > TK Rocket Punch xx Hard Drive > c.M xx Plasma Storm > DHC Dark Fire (I guess you could just do the Sent infinite as well but I can’t do it yet)
Does around 1mil depending on your starter. This won’t work without an assist to hold them in place after the TK Rocket Punch because of hitstun deterioration. Firebrand’s Demon Missile M assist can work also but the timing’s a little tighter and it does less damage than Jam Session
Having the threat of a strong TAC combo at your disposal is a big plus with Firebrand. A correct TAC guess will give you a massive damage boost, and it forces the other player to mash TAC counter making the counter bait reset more effective
And I’m always looking for ways to improve my stuff if anyone has any suggestions
Has anyone seen this crap? Can anyone guess the inputs on this either? I’m having trouble with it :X [media=youtube]L8b5dv9_Zj0[/media]
Here’s a cool combo thing for anybody using Sentinel drones. End your final launch in the corner by calling drones at the same time, then do j.HS, another S as you fall, then a ground S, and then as fast as you can do sj.S, and then QCB+L to get closer so you the super connects, and do Dark Fire. This is the most damaging ender I’ve found for Drones; the damage of my corner BnB in my previously-posted combo video, which did 685k before, now does 703k (off a crouching light, no X-Factor, no Luminous Body, 2 assists, no raw tags or TACs or anything silly like that) partially thanks to this.
edit: It’s also worth noting that the animation of Firebrand’s j.S actually does have implications for when it hits; if hitstun has decayed a lot, you need to hit at the top arc of the swing in order to connect after j.H, which means some combination of delaying your launch, your jump your j.H, etc., depending on the situation.
I need to put that loop that Zak Bennett does off the throw. I think that is a good tool to use.
Man I wish Firebrand’s combos were more diverse. He only has like 2 combos to know -_-
If we get another version of the game, hopefully Firebrand will get the Dormammu treatment.
So here my proof of concept of doing firebrands level 3 in a combo with the fire balls. Seeing as the fireballs don’t suffer from his stun shenanigans where you do to many and they pop out. You can fit this in were you think a combo will end and extend it. Now the way I’m doing it isn’t a lot of damage but good if you wanna do some flashy. My actual combo with the fire balls builds 2 meter so its not so bad! maybe… if i didn’t have that combo and just do fireball straight up from nothing the level 3 can do 900k+ but…thats hard to get someone into. I’ll be making a video of whats possible and what not…i’ll try to fit it in my work/school schedule [media=youtube]NRr8fq2lf60[/media]
I did as much as I could with 10 seconds btw. It can go much longer though!
Can’t see the vid at work, but if it’s the more recent labwork i seen on youtube as i think it is, then i’m also working on a way to develop firebrand with doom/nova assist to work in his lvl 3 super.
Well I made that vid now [media=youtube]BN2X72IvESc[/media]
Think I might have a Firebrand TAC infinite. I’ll post it here when I can figure it out and make sure it’s legit.
(I know they’re pretty useless but whatever :P)
Sorry for double post. But just landed two reps of the possible infinite, then dropped it. Not sure if it dropped cos I suck (most likely) or cos I don’t understand this TAC system well enough. It’s only a down TAC atm btw.
Also here’s a little commboo I like to do:
cr.L, s.M, s.H (one let it hit once), cr.H, S - sj - j.M, j.H (let it hit twice), QCB+M, j.L, j.S, QCF+H, Bon Voyage, S (I also call Shuma’s Mystic Ray assist at this point) - sj- j.H, j.S (mystic ray hit) You have a good reset opportunity. Need to work on that air dash to j.L, j.S thing. Could lead to more damage.
been messing around with firebrand the past few days. played him before but not as a permanent choice char. anyways been trying to find max damage, with 1 bar wasted max any built meter can be used as long as only one bar max is lost from the start of combo.
in corner:
cLcMcHS - sjH236M.luminousBody - sjH236M - sjLMH2H.214L - sH(1hit)cHS - sjMMH236S - dash.cHS - sjHS - airDarkFire.
588700 damage - unmashed. -
cLcMcHS - sjH236M.luminousBody - sjH236M - sjLH2H.214L - sH(2hit)cHS - sjMMH236S - dash.cHS - sjHS - airDarkFire. it’s tough to land the sH(2hit)cH
591500 damage - unmashed. -
cLcMcHS - sjH236M.luminousBody - sjH236M - sjLH2H.214L - sH(1hit)cHS - sjMMH236S - dash.cHS - sjHS - airDarkFire. slightly less damage but easier sHcH confirm
588900 damage - unmashed.
620900 damage - fully mashed.
640100 damage - fully mashed - cL omitted.
.9 meter loss. -
cLcMcHS - sjH236M.luminousBody - sjH236M - sjL(M)H236S - dash.sHcHS - sjMMH2H.214L - cHS - sjHS - airDarkFire
with or without (M), you get same damage.
632800 damage - fully mashed. -
jMMHS - cHS - sjH236M.luminousBody - sjH236M - sjL(M)H236S - dash.sHcHS - sjMMH2H.214L - cHS - sjHS - airDarkFire.
without (M):
652400 damage - fully mashed.
with (M): have to be quick with sjMMH2H, so that you are over opponent head when 2H hits. otherwise, you will miss.
653900 damage - fully mashed. -
623Hcharged.jS - cLcMcHS - sjH236M.luminousBody - sjH236M - sjLH2H.214L - sH(1hit)cHS - sjMMH236S - dash.cHS - sjHS - airDarkFire. can omit cL, but it’s a tighter link, but more damage
685900 damage - fully mashed.
703700 damage - fully mashed - cL omitted.
709000 damage - fully mashed - cLcM omitted.
to better land the starter with omitted parts, hold direction down a bit before jS. or replace jS with unfly/command dash down. -
623Hcharged.unfly.jS - cHS - sjH236M.luminousBody - sjH236M - sjLH236S - dash.cHS - sjMMH2H.214L - cHS - sjHS - airDarkFire.
715900 damage - fully mashed.
edited: for correct combo notations