According to the guide, d.H is +11 on block.
c.H is -11 on block.
The d.H that is plus on block wouldnt work in Immortal Koi’s combo.
What is the rushing command dash? is it Air Bon Voyage?Ground Bon Voyage?
If you have the reactions to confirm c.H then props to you.
If you do confirm with either Bon Voyage then doesnt that change the BnB because it already has one in it?
It’s not Bon Voyage. Sorry, have forgotten name. After doing c:h: you can do qcb.:h: to cancel the cooldown into a retreat. It’s not amazing by any means, but it keeps c.:h: from getting punished.
Hell’s elevator. I prefer canceling with the M because then you fly behind them and you can do down+H dive kick that is relatively safe. also if timed with drones assist you can get a nasty crossup.
Yeah H is the safer of the two, but if you’ve got the read on the opponent and you get them to the point that they’re afraid to push buttons then doing M hells elevator is a great way to keep the pressure on and cross them up.
You can also cancel the c.:h: into the swoop to make it safe. The combo is only good if you’re in or near the corner and are just going for straight damage.
cr.L, cr.M, cr.H, S, j.H xx M Hell Dive, j.H, Land, H, S, j.H, j.dH, L Hell Dive, Land, S, j.H, Air Bon Voyage, S, j.H, S, Land, Super
See I can only do it with st. H not cr. H. Maybe Im a scrub but I just can’t do it lol.
Is cr. H easier than st. H to you?
I’ve been playing a lot of Iron Man so I probably am doing s.H and not even realizing it.
Not sure how consistent it is but you can do cr.H instead of st.H after you land from the L Hell Dive. Does more damage and it’s one less hit so it’ll help scaling.
L-M-H(1hit)-S, sj. H(2hit) xx Hell Dive M, j.H(2hit), j.H (2hit) xx
-2H xx Hell Dive L, cr.H-S, sj. M-M-H-S, Dark Fire
-Bon Voyage, [backdash, cr H-S, sj. M-M-H-S, Dark Fire]
variation on the Hell Dive Corner Loop. The idea was to use both a dive kick and bon voyage in a combo, but now the “loop” works if you started your combo with a dive kick or bon voyage.
now works @ the corner and midscreen [If Bon Voyage gives a far wall bounce you can do Demon Missile M xx Luminous Body or Demon Misslve M xx Dark Fire]
round about 525K+ dmg, good meter(I think combo comes close to paying for itself)
works while in Lumious Body.
Change the timing of Dark Fire ender to change the post super mixup situations
**I’m currently running Firebrand and Ghost Rider teams. If I have two meters I will try to THC instead of Dark Fire Ghost Rider and Firebrand together is nice damage.
Any comments or concerns feel free.
Hey everyone, just posted a video of Firebrand doing a combo into Luminous Body. It’s not very practical, but it’s just something to show that it can be done. Hopefully, more things come out about his Luminous Body Hyper.
Neat video, but just two notes:
- When mashing for hyper damage, you can just tap L over and over and get all the damage. No need to go so hard on the stick.
- Bon Voyage takes your opponent to the corner; faster than wavedashing, IMO!
End an air combo with L Hell Spitfire, M Hell Dive, Air Throw, land, call Dante Jam Session, H Demon Missile (unblockable), j.S, land, continue combo.
Use M Hell Spitfire on smaller characters like Wolverine.
That setup seems to have a lot of “if” moments in it.
Nope, they can’t even pushblock it.
Can’t he just roll forward on oki?
Depends on how short they are, characters like Vergil get hit anyway.
j.(l)instant overheads vs big, crouching characters.
Which leads to j.:l::h::s:, land, [insert combo continuation here]…
Which leads to the standard loop:
j.:l::h::h::s:, land, :l::h: c.:h::s:, sj.:h::d::h:, :qcb:+:l:, :s:, sj, j.:h: :qcf::s:, backdash, :s:, sj, j.:h::s:, :qcf:2:atk:
528,500 dmg
Or this (which imo looks better :D):
j.:l::h::h::d::h:, j.:h::s:, land, :h::s:, sj, j.:h::qcf:+:s:, backdash, :s:, sj, j.:h::s:, :qcf:2:atk:
516,800 dmg
LVL3 X in the corner:
Throw, x-factor, :qcf::h: x7, :qcf:2atk -
Can do 7 spitfires before super on big chars. 947,200 damage. Tested on Sent, Nemesis, Hulk
Can do 3 spitfires before super on small and medium sized chars. Tested on Arthur, Joe, Wolver, Chun Li
The amount of spitfires doesn’t seem to differ with Luminous Body active or not.
If the situation arises…
c.:h: :qcf::s:, j.:h::h::s:, land, :h::h::s:, sj, j.:h::h::s:, land, dash, :qcf:2:atk:
Alot more activity as of late. Great job guys. I shall update later tonight.
Can you post this in the mix-up/reset thread?