How to beast on akuma whit ken

alright thanx handofabbadon

Your welcome.
Good luck getting the kara cancel timing down.

Thanks again for the info RTSD.

  1. No…

  2. Yes

Oh of course. If you ever even think of pulling that shit it better be all or nothing (Umehara x Wong @ EVO).

or you can just block the hurricane. and reversal.

we’ve stated that like 50 times vinny, this is a fucking alternative. I swear to god I’m going to choke the next person that says this.

I hate you vinny.

i didnt bother reading the other posts because this is a worthless fucking thread.
JUST REVERSAL. easiest thing you can do, why get flashy?
if you are crouching when he does rh hurricane you can shoryu inbetween the moment the kicks wiff. or you can just wait and shoryu after he lands, depending how far he is.
why did you even bother with this?!

because it does more damage, and you can’t reversal shoryu a spinning that’s too far but you can still use this. And the flash is all a part of the mind game. Besides the thread was initially intended to be a how to beast akuma thread, that was just one suggestion.

Get mad mother fucker, I’m pitting you against every akuma we go up against on saturday and you better reversal uppercut every single spinning kick.


and once again I’m after you.

oh yeah in addition, Akumas usually use their RH spinning kick to chip, this would only require you to take 2 points of chip as opposed to the 5. It’s not much in a casual match but a lot of the time tournament matches can get to that point.

Why are you arguing this? We both know I’m the best fucking Ken in the world. Whatever I say goes, and when am I going to get a response in terms of the fucking team tournament bitch?

dander your the best ken in the world.



can u follow up a jab shoyuken after the lk spinning kicks with ken??

only if you get them out of the air and it’ll be a juggle at that point.

Otherwise I’d be surprised if you even used a lk shoryuken on the ground. It’s relatively safe because no one expects it, but it’s really not worth it. And nothing combos after it, the recovery for it is too long.

so would u recommend doing the lp shoryuken after the spinning kicks?

you noob dander hes talking about punishing akumas lk hurricane with kens jaab shoryu.
and no you cant the lk hurricane recovers to fast.
im not too sure about mk hurricane. but you can shoryu hk everytime as long as you dont get pushed too far back

its not that it recovers too fast, it’s that most people will react too slowly.

or you can just block the hurricane. and reversal.

Dander, my ken will own you, beast on you like there is no tomorrow. Just ask vinny what kind of ken master i am.

third person to post this.

I guess the reason I made this is because I’m usually blocking low and don’t really bother to stand back up during moves. That’s not even what this thread is about anymore anyway, that was only like the first 10 posts.

Stevelord is thee ken god!
especially because he knows to just reversal, who cares about anything else.
how do you beast on akuma? do whatever the hell you want.
shoryu, guess, whatever just get the beefy damage on him and own him.

u telling me im a noob?? well ur dumb cuz OBVIOUSLY i am. gee… i wonder how long it took u to finger that out?? and no i was not talking that i was talking about follwing up kens lk spinning kicks wih a jab shoryuken!!

only if you get them out of the air with it but its really not that practical. And he was calling me a noob. 1 out of 3 of their posts will be even be helpful at this point because they’re just trolling me. cept steven he really is thee ken god.