it’s waiting to the one millionth degree.
Can you give some basic anti-akuma tips for Ken? Here is what usually happens to me online:
Akuma runs away, throws fireballs. Because I play online, I can parry 9/10 times, but one still gets through everynow and then, so he can chip away. More so if he does the 3 hit fireball. Sometimes an Akuma will come in with a flip to try to mix it up (BTW - is there anyway to recognize what type of flip it is - throw or low?) but often some sort of fireball setup.
Worse part of it is the random hurricane kicks. His air hurricane seems to beat out just about anything I throw at him air-to-air. He can hurricane on the ground against me with impunity, over and over, and I can’t seem to interrupt it. Parrying this is pretty difficult for me, although I have practiced and can do it so-so, this falls to about 15% of the time online, which makes it almost not worth it due to the knockdown that results if I messup and the advantage he gets if I am knocked down. I am fighting with a lot of limitations here because of parrying problems. Akuma is by far the most frustrating fight in the game for me. I have even thought of switching chars just for this matchup.
Oh yeah - another problem - what do you do against someone who RD’s on my wakeup? It seems unavoidable if he stands just out of range of a shoryu (which is too risky anyway). I have even supered and have had a demon beat SA3.
Jump. More at 11.
Hahah. I’ve seen Hirai do jump back roundhouse against Uraken. Don’t get predictable
are there any hits that will go through on wake up? “unblockables”?
there is no crouch fierce with sentinel in 3s.
hahaha… :lol: thats funny!! but damn that sucks!! and that parry stuff is pretty hard to get consistantly!!
you want what’s a really good habit to pick up with ken? dashing under people when they jump. I don’t know why it’s good, but it is. They get all scared and don’t block low most of the time. A lot of the time they’ve already thrown out an attack in the air and can’t block once they land.
yay for dashing with ken.
do uppercuts and supers after each and every spinning kick. Use the super sparringly or as a warning to other spinning kick advances. these are what you call reversals. They require strict timing but pay off greatly later on when you’re on a higher leve of play…or at least offline.
hey lenin, does this parry trick work for urien vs akuma? can you test it, i dont have a console to test it on.
nope sorry doesn’t work for Urien. Urien’s crouch block is too fucking huge so none of the kicks miss. Can’t you guys just jump back round house afterwards anyway? It seems like Ryan (Gootecks) always does that.
When you coming back to So Cal? Fuck that Nor Cal Bullshit!
We need to get our beer on mother fucker.
anyone here know where I can learn to kara uppercut more consistently? I get like 3/10
yea, ive notices the dash under works and helps out a lot while they are in the air!! :lol:
as far as i know you cant jump back roundhouse unless they hesitate and try something.
I want to come back to so cal, but i already started school this semester. You guys need to come up to nor-cal, its pretty cool up here for 3s at least. plenty of beer drinking, haha.
I can kara shoryu like 7 times out of 10.:looney:
that’s why I started practicing it. That time we teamed up and were practicing on the jap cab you kept doing it, and just recently I remembered and started practicing it.
Sure thing, I got an average over 90% (47/50, but the missed 3 were randomly placed within, most in a row is 26) and I’m sure many people (probably Japanese) can do better. I have no life and practice execution A LOT and have spent probably 50+ hours breaking this technique down. (I thought it wasn’t practical for people of non Japanese decent, but found that most uptown Toronto Kens can hit about 50% or better with some (GaijenBlaze) eclipsing my consistency.
I’ll break this down as specifically as possible (as well as “HOW” I learnt to do this) because I’m also pissed at all these “Just mk/hk~jab srk” responses.
To start I’ll just list some important points about kara srks:
Make sure your trying it on characters it works on! (Dander I know this wont be a problem for a player with your level of 3S understanding, but rather this is directed at all the players I see trying to kara Dudley/Alex, using the wrong openers on the twins [e.g. you can not hit them with a kara in the corner after a cr lk - st lp - jab srk, a mp - hp - jab srk, a st hp - jab srk, or a late canceled cr mk - jab srk], etc.)
Kara srk is not only easier with cr mk (at least on your hands), but it is also safer to do so as some characters can quick roll and reversal super your wiffed cr hk if you miss the Kara and wiff.
There is no difference in range gained from using cr hk over cr mk, they both have the same first frame.
(This again I’m sure experienced players will have already guessed but I’ll still say it) There is no character specific difference in the timing for the Kara, the cr mk must come out on the first frame after Ken lands from the first srk. You can however, execute the kara srk a frame late and still hit some characters in certain situations (eg: it is still a good idea to attempt a kara srk on Necro because even though you don’t need to in some instances, you have more frames to juggle him if you do (the first frame may be double tapped for no kara, a proper kara srk will hit, and a late kara srk will hit him as well) even if miss the proper kara.
There is only 1 specific correct timing for a proper kara srk, meaning it requires perfect timing on 2 different parts of the execution to work; those being the cr mk and the actual srk.
Now this is the method I used because it made the most sense to me; basically breaking the technique into separate parts once I completely understood how it worked (this method is also how I learnt to kara palm consistently, same with Keeper Jin).
First you need your opponent, I suggest a shoto because there is no leniency with what will and will not kara them, strictly kara’s mid screen and no kara’s needed in corner. You can also use one of the twins, that way you don’t need to go back and forth across the screen when learning and can just keep trying in the same corner, however since the shoto’s force you to stay away from the corner you’ll most likely gain a more balanced opportunity to practice both from the left and right sides.
So for me I started with Ryu, and had realized that I first needed to master pressing cr mk immediately after a srk, for openers i switched randomly between cr mk xx jab srk, st mp xx jab srk, dash srk, jump rh xx cr mk xx jab srk, and crossup mk xx mp xx jab srk. And instead of attempting the full Kara srk I focused strictly on familiarizing myself with the timing of the cr mk. I mastered executing cr mk immediately after the first srk, to do this I familiarized myself with the split second for which it wouldn’t come out at all. I practiced for like 30 minutes until i could on command have the cr mk buffered inside the last frame of recovery for the srk, as well as come out directly after the srk.
I also had to focus on the buffer for the second srk, and time the srk input during the first srk.
The input for this was now: :dp: :lp: (buffer :dp: ) (hold :df: ) :mk:
Now all I had to work on was the actual Kara changing the :mk: into :mk: ~ :lp:
I execute this by pressing mk with my thumb and then lp with my index finger while holding down forward the entire time to ensure the mk comes out crouching.
So the final input is: :dp: :lp: (buffer :dp: ) (hold :df: ) :mk: ~ :lp: (still holding :df: ) / and the :mk: must be timed to execute immediately after Ken lands, which you should be familiar with given the previous practice.
Put this all together and you should end up with a Kara around 2-3/10 if you’ve never tried this before. Keep paying attention to the timing you used when they hit and if your finding that you are executing too early or too late, go back to just the cr mk. You can determine if the uppercut was done to early (no kara) if you release the stick immediately after the attempt and check to see where Kens foot is in relation to Ryu’s. If Kens foot isn’t touching Ryu’s, the Kara was too early and the :mk: didn’t get a chance to execute. if Kens foot is touching Ryu’s it means the kara was executed but done too late, so try it a bit earlier; this is of course after Ryu rises from the first uppercut with quick roll turned off.
Keep focusing on the right timing and your success rate will quickly rise. I got from 0/10 to 8/10 in roughly 2 weeks, and about 15 hours of practice (I know it’s a lot) but keep in mind I didn’t know any of this going into it.
somebody copy this into a new thread and sticky it:wgrin:
whats all this about kara uppercuts. whats a kara upper? hows it done? and whats the sifnificance to it? also how do u roll when ur tripped?
karas are where you take the first few or first single frame of a normal attack (jab, short, strong, forward etc…) and cancel it into a special attack or a grab.
There are better explanations on youtube, so here’s a link:
I know what they do and how to do more than a few of them but there are people that dedicate themselves almost entirely to this portion of the game, so maybe you should listen to them first.
And RTSD I took the advice and buffered the shoryuken and used the mk instead of roundhouse and got 6/10 today. Good shit thanks a lot for that, I’ll update with some vids when I get confident enough.
Also try Down -> Down Forward -> Down-> downforward K~P
I dunno, that down dowforward stuff i learnt from ‘Harmonaz’ an Akuma Player. Pretty sick when you already crouching and do a Demon flip, but we’re talking about Ken, So what ever floats your boat really.
EDIT: As for pressing medium kick in the kara, bend you middle finger so that the joint presses MK and use your index finger as usuall.
Good shit, you’ll be way past 6/10 soon so I hope to see it in the FFA vids, might start to confuse them for Kansai ranbats instead!