I can take about 15 straight before i start to feel crushed.
i am usually smashed about 15/2 by sharizord, by that time i start to feel that iam wasting his time…
I can take about 15 straight before i start to feel crushed.
i am usually smashed about 15/2 by sharizord, by that time i start to feel that iam wasting his time…
Definition of quit = Leave the lobby and switch off the xbox.
Ragequitting is for depressed teenagers.
I never give up. Unless i have to take a shit
IMO, I think it’s generally better to play people who are a small to moderate amount better than you, but if the gap is too great you’ll just get stomped and not learn much.
Personally I’ve gone 0-30 a couple of times online and something like 2-50 in person. It’s a test of character for sure.
Having a 0-5% win ratio is pretty harsh. I can only take that for about 30 matches usually, doesn’t feel like you are learning anything at that point.
it depends on whether i’m losing to other players or backbone
Being able to deal with 30 losses in a row in one sitting is impressive, few people on line can deal with one loss before they hate your guts, 30 is impressive because that is about 90 minutes of play without a win.
I thought 15 was masochistic.
Yeah the big worry for me is that I feel like I am wasting my opponents time as well. I’ve had some 0-30 type sessions a bunch of times, and I actually often quite enjoy it… but yeah I like to know the other guy doesn’t mind either.
when i first started playing on 2df i opened it up after playing lots of twinkle star sprites, thinking “hey, i remember this game from my childhood, i was good back then…”
I proceeded to lose 140 straight games to some scrub named brian and then 125 straight games to another scrub named damdai. I was so damn determined, even to just get lucky and win, and eventually i won one game.
if i lose more than 3 im like fuuuuuuu!! but that happens alot so i just have to tame my temper haha.
You learn to take the losses when you are not that good and, to make matters worse, your execution on the stick you are using sucks. Many losses.
It depends. If the matches are close I’ll keep going until the one of us gets bored. If it’s extremely one-sided or if the connection is bad (eg. rollbacks, moves not coming out properly), I quit after 5-10.
A related question is: how many wins in a row against the same guy can you take until you get bored and quit / start to goof off.
one of the first times i played SF2/HDR I lost to Jericho (UK guy) like 45-0. That prompted him to send me a friend request and to start inviting me to lobbies with him and his friends so I could learn.
Nowadays I still have problems stopping even though it might be best because after a while you;re just not all there anymore mentally.
As for winning too much, it does get a little boring yea but I usually start playing various characters if I get the impression they are getting something out of playing me.
If I get easy wins with main I’ll most likely start messing around randoming every other character. I find a challenging match a lot more fun than dominating the other guy too hard. /obvious
I can take a lot of losses, no upper limit, really.
Unless my wife is talking to me while I’m trying to play, then it’s like two.
I actually enjoy getting losses…It gives me good motivation to play better. I also replay in my head why i loss & learn from it…
Worse beating i have was against DGV in AE i think it was like 40 to 1…haha
As for winning, usually if i win 15-20 in a row, i know its time to move to another room.
I can usually take a lot of L’s before I leave. Can’t really put a number on it cause I leave around same time even if winning or if it’s even. Sometimes I get invited to another room but I want to stay to try n beat X person. I don’t worry bout if i’m wasting other dudes time no matter how lop sided it is, cause he can leave the room just like I can. I won’t follow the dude around n shit lol. But if he don’t leave the room i’m in, then he’ll be playing me.
I remember losing like 20 or 30 something in a row to some T.Hawk cat in classic mode. I just used it as practicing springing out of tick throws, reacting to the dive and jump-ins with srk and just seeing what I have to do to win. Which is usually throwing fireballs. But hey, I figure everyone usually does what they have to ta win mostly, I mean some folks get flashy and not so hardcore hang back with hadookens and will take risks cause shit, it aint 50 cents per play if you lose so I get a lil loose a lot of the time myself. But most cats will tick throw you to death and whatever else with no problems, game after game. So you learn how to try and deal with it and overcome it.
I always feel even when you’re losing and even losing a lot, you’re getting better. Even if you don’t realize it, it’s happening. Losing will teach you how to win.
Don’t really care about losses, usually late at night the beasts come out to play, and I play until I get sleepy.