i stick to HP,but i said i THINK i read somewhere
Well. im in some troubles… dont know… I used to do perfectly PTF.MP… but… a wille ago… I started to do that a little orng… then started to do with HP… done a little bether… but still… sometimes I see some wrong HP in middle of PTF…
How u ppl do that? I mean… I do that way : DP motion then I hit with the stick down, then foward, down and foward… is that the right way?
If you’re asking how to do PTF, I would suggest this: f, d, df + hp, neutral, f, d, df + hp, neutral, etc.
I must admit that I don’t do that because the stick that I have was modded and it has slower vertical movement than lateral movement.
lol is tha strange to do like that??? my riend do like that too… so… the “normal” thing is totho dp, neutral, dp, neutral, …?
Yes, I’m gonna try it when I get my normal stick in the mail soon
Also, I find it almost impossible to get more than 3 psycho banishes if doing: [f, df, d, df, f]*N in the left corner.
You guys are confusing me…But ill try to clear some shit up.
MP or HP Paint The Fence?
Like someone said, HP is ALWAYS used. Never want to hear this question asked again. MP will never do more damage, it will always be hp. Seperate DPs for full hits, or you can half ass it with continuous qcf motions.
MP with ShoShoShoSho?
If you mash like crazy on an american stick with the continuous Qcf motions, then use mp. otherwise, do half-assed continuous qcf hp motions… or do the perfect motion with seperate DPs(usually only works on japanese stick because they’re so much better.)
Half assing - 53 hits?
Full DPs - 60-63 hits. thats a big difference, thats 1000 damage.
I think even with full dp’s shoshos, you need to time it perfectly so that it does 4 hits per dp in order to get 60-63 hits. It doesn’t usually happen for me, and either way usually lands like around 50 something something hits, so to me it doesn’t make much of a difference.
But cancelling mp dp into super to end the cc is mad hard. you only have two hits of the dp for you to input the qcf x 2 motion to cancel into the super.
For both sho shos and paint, I use FP. though MP shosho’s are decent as well. any other strength shoshoo/paint will not work properly.
omg… its really possible to make 63 hitson shoshosho? i never done more then 50… I know… Im a noob… but I only do a little mashed in qcf… but not that crazy… a little timed dp.hp… buts seens that not enought…
PTF i do 50 too… something like that…but mashing in qcf must be done slowly… when enemys on left side i do the perfect dp motion… it just hurt my arm >__<
I think when H&K says ~ 63 hits he means you start off in the corner (is this correct?)
You can use the qcf method (scrubby style) and get very close to that, but if you use the real dp buffer method you tend to get 4 or 5 hits.
BTW, the [f, df, d, df, f]*N is the qcf method. It’s super scrubby and you have an extra motion in there that doesn’t have to be. I like it
No. i ALWAYS get 60-63 hits. Guys, its probably because i am using a japanese stick. The max ive ever gotten with bison(without a jump in), is probably like… 70+. easily, bison should be able to because if you are already in the corner, you paint 15 times, thats 75 hits. i think …O_o
You don’t need to be in the corner, i always get 4 hits on each shoryuken with sakura. Always 5 with bison, sometimes ill rush it to fit the 15th DP in though.
… wait a sec… its… really possible to do hits in the PTF??? when I wait that long to do 5 hit the char always fall… I menage only to do 4 hits(PTF HP)… is that really bad or something?
Well, if you only get 4 hits normally (like me) and you do about 12 DPs, then you’re missing out on 12 hits which is about 2400 damage, which is like hitting them with a weak level 1 super using other characters. So I’d say yes, we are missing out on a big damage opportunity.
Also, I find that after I get them in the corner, if I slide then I find it most natural to juggle with lp before the DP motion, and if I scissor then I use mk, which means I lose hits in the first DP (usually get ~3 hits). Don’t copy my mistake :sad:
wrong. after damage scaling on the whatever hit before 10 (8th or 9th?), each hit does 100 points of damage. so you’re missing out on 1200 pts of damage, about the equivalent of a fierce. everybody who learns bison should SERIOUSLY practice until they get 5 hits per fierce DP.
and no, i don’t have any tips on getting 5 hits other than practicing and making sure you’re juggling them at the right height.
P-ingTF i get 63 hits. more or less. never made it to 70+ like these other dudes. not in real play that is. i used to only get 50+ then worked my way up. i have no clue how much damage im missing out on,but im glad i gained what i didnt have before. which is probably small
i unno man, how can you not get 5 hits each?.. i dont understand, just time it guys its not that hard… I honestly start to trip out if i miss 2 hits. yes i am a freak like that.
ok just to clear some things up whether u do the sho sho method or the dp method there really is no difference
ive mastered the sho sho method and i can do 83 hits altogether
jump in hk st. mp into mk scissor kick activate st.hp -> then paint when u have like 1 pixel of bar left do the super (ive noticed that ppl dont use their entire bar they freak and just do super wait until the last possible moment then do ur super for max hits)
basically when u guys practice it try the alternating method mp then hp because with hp u have to be a bit more precise with ur timing because the character will be lower to the ground
and u can do it really slowly too so dont try to spaz it the key is rhythm no matter what method u use
I´m get really mad… when i started playing Bison, I just knew how to do PTF in the right corner, with buffer motion(the left corner was impossible).
After a time… I learner how to do on the left corner and now I do only 5 hits(rarely 4) … and my full combo in left corner is 83 hits… but… but… WHY THE FUCK I CANT DO ANYMORE ON THE RIGHT SIDE?..
Dam… its like… i cant do buffer anymore… but do dp motion on the right side of corner is a little bit hard…
You know it’s funny that the other guy you’re beasting PTF on probably doesn’t care; he’s just shaking his head that he got nailed and is going to loose.
Well left corner, the motion for dp and buffer seems smaller and easier to do esp. for sho sho and PTF. Right side u just have to train your brain to do whatever motion u do so u get used to it. One way u can do this is just get the motion down without training. If u feel uncomfortable by about 5 or 6, your hands and brains aren’t used to it. So basically its like doing crunches when your out of shape, u feel the burn real hard at first, but u tend to get used to it. Practice the motion, but concentrate on proper form, and there u go. Its easier to do sho sho and ptf with smaller motions imo, so find that motion.
Personally i do dp, one way to learn that is just do dp, let go of joystick for a tenths of second, then another one. Eventually u get the hang of it. Or some people just move the joystick from df to f, in an arc motion, and thats like a hybrid form of dp and buffer imo.
I am sure most people probably “turtle up” a little more when Bison’s got a full bar, since the best way for him to use his meter (and not waste it) is to knockdown and activate while they’re “floating” how often do you fuck up and end up getting your CC blocked (although I don’t see how that’s possible unless you random activate from mixed up dash attempts or try to slide through whiffs)