How good would HDR have been if it was feature complete

I think its pretty obvious he’s one of those butthurt, its obvious that its an alt account…

Its pretty sad to see all these Pro ST players ended up having a scrub mentality…Then they decide to poison the well so the rest of the butthurt generation from remix flock back to ST GGPO. Where the talent is diluted.

I think you’re right

*Also let me reiterate it isnt relevent, it seems you are attempting to conflate the 2 distinct entitys of “new breed” and the statement i made about people who never touched ST becoming experts. I have already said that new breed of player very much encompasses old hands on ST. --Elton Chong

(Where are all these new players? Why aren’t they showing up for tourneys? Who are the “many people” who are currently experts at HDR without having touched ST?)

The above questions were asked to get you to clarify/elaborate on some of the comments you made in a past post. I’m not attempting to conflate anything, I didn’t even address the “new breed” directly in any of my past posts. It was/is irrelevant to the questions I asked and to the information I was trying to gather. I was simply responding to some of the statements you made in a post, that’s all.

*Your unrelenting focus on that tells me you cant address the central point im making, that there are indivuals who are most definately butthurt and who are propagating the whole babyzone lie, attempting to sway opinion and suffocate remix to satisfy their own ego’s and so they dont have to play second fiddle and address their failings. —Elton Chong

Unrelenting focus??? How so? Look at all my posts here, and the responses, and you can see I’m not being unrelenting at all. I’m trying to get clear answers (backed by clear reasoning) to questions. I responded to a few people who were trying to make other points, that either didn’t make sense or lacked complete information that could possibly have revealed flawed reasoning. I believe there’s a good example of me responding to someone who defeated an argument that wasn’t made. I’m sorry if my posts seem to give this negative impression of me or my motives, but I can’t help that others make somewhat flawed or incomplete posts.

As far as your central point goes, who are these individuals who are butthurt? Can you clearly define babyzone and explain why it’s a lie?

*It seems you want a comprehensive list of the people who never touched ST but became expert remix players even though it isnt relevent to the central theme of the argument. I’ve adressed that already.

I’d just like to point out again that I was asking you (and some others) to clarify your statments. I think/hope you would agree that every comment made in a post, especially ones that appear to give the impression that they are factual, can be addressed.

*If you want and just to satisfy you i will attempt to speak to people considered experts to 100% determine whether they played ST or not. It may take time.


*Out of interest do you consider yourself to be new breed or butthurt generation?

I think you have to answer those previous questions I asked about the “babyzone” and how it’s a lie before I can give a clear answer to this.

What’s with the accusations? Have I upset you in some way Rcaido?

This is not an alt account.

Go reread my earlier posts.

I’ve already given reasons that outline why babyzone is a lie.

Also I think my signature kind of sums up the flawed reasoning and stupidity of the butthurt generation - oh and theres one name just to kickstart the proceedings.

So are you butthurt or new breed?

Which posts should I read? Better yet, if it’s not too much trouble could you clearly define the term please? Everything would go a lot smoother working with an actual definition rather than me going through past posts an trying to extrapolate a definition for myself.

Is Cigarbob the only one? What’s the context of his post? I don’t really want to comment about this going from so little information.

I dont need to answer your questions. Iv said most of what needs to be said.

It is you who needs to explain yourself and what your purpose is here.

Exactly. He’s trying to dance around the issue and argue on the fringes, or on technicalities.

Go Damdai :wow:

Fed ex’ing vaseline as we speak lol

Yup, watch, next he’s gonna turn into a grammar nazi.

I’m trying to have a discussion like everybody else here. In order to continue I need some terms defined and a few other things cleared up. Is that a crime? I’d think you’d want to avoid any hurdles in understanding before any type of in depth discussion continues. It seems you’d prefer I and other future posters just jump in any conversation on these forums with limited knowledge rather than asking for clarification and specifics. Is that really the best way to communicate?

Why do you say this? Do you think it’s wise to enter discussion while having little or no knowledge on the topic at hand?


Lol at least you admit you dont know what you’re talking about.

Edit: i think geo just said what i said a little more succinctly.

some of you remix protagonists sound just like ssf4 peoples. i like both ST and remix so i’m not trying to side one way or the other. it’s just that it’s weird to hear the same arguments for remix as there are for ssf4.

Yes, when it comes to things like “babyzone” , "butthurt, and “new breed” I don’t know too much. Any help?

I always thought Damdai’s argument regarding ST/HDR 'Gief was full of absolute shit. It takes skill to win with any character in an HDR tourney sans Akuma, I don’t see where he was coming from. All I see was an attempt to discredit the accomplishments of a person who challenged the ST hierarchy of elite players because he won with a mid-tier character. Let’s not forget that 'Gief still loses to Dee-Jay, Guile, Honda, Dhalsim, Vega, Sagat, and even Cammy! This “babyzone” term is retarded shit. HDR has some faults, sure, but it is a decently-balanced game based on, in my opinion, the best fighting engine ever created.

I just feel so great when I wake up every day and realize I can play both ST and HDR without being a dumbass prick.


Quoted for truth and emphasis. You are my hero and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

hahaha, yeah right.

Edit: or maybe you used to have a different account - care to tell us under what name?