*Also let me reiterate it isnt relevent, it seems you are attempting to conflate the 2 distinct entitys of “new breed” and the statement i made about people who never touched ST becoming experts. I have already said that new breed of player very much encompasses old hands on ST. --Elton Chong
(Where are all these new players? Why aren’t they showing up for tourneys? Who are the “many people” who are currently experts at HDR without having touched ST?)
The above questions were asked to get you to clarify/elaborate on some of the comments you made in a past post. I’m not attempting to conflate anything, I didn’t even address the “new breed” directly in any of my past posts. It was/is irrelevant to the questions I asked and to the information I was trying to gather. I was simply responding to some of the statements you made in a post, that’s all.
*Your unrelenting focus on that tells me you cant address the central point im making, that there are indivuals who are most definately butthurt and who are propagating the whole babyzone lie, attempting to sway opinion and suffocate remix to satisfy their own ego’s and so they dont have to play second fiddle and address their failings. —Elton Chong
Unrelenting focus??? How so? Look at all my posts here, and the responses, and you can see I’m not being unrelenting at all. I’m trying to get clear answers (backed by clear reasoning) to questions. I responded to a few people who were trying to make other points, that either didn’t make sense or lacked complete information that could possibly have revealed flawed reasoning. I believe there’s a good example of me responding to someone who defeated an argument that wasn’t made. I’m sorry if my posts seem to give this negative impression of me or my motives, but I can’t help that others make somewhat flawed or incomplete posts.
As far as your central point goes, who are these individuals who are butthurt? Can you clearly define babyzone and explain why it’s a lie?
*It seems you want a comprehensive list of the people who never touched ST but became expert remix players even though it isnt relevent to the central theme of the argument. I’ve adressed that already.
I’d just like to point out again that I was asking you (and some others) to clarify your statments. I think/hope you would agree that every comment made in a post, especially ones that appear to give the impression that they are factual, can be addressed.
*If you want and just to satisfy you i will attempt to speak to people considered experts to 100% determine whether they played ST or not. It may take time.
*Out of interest do you consider yourself to be new breed or butthurt generation?
I think you have to answer those previous questions I asked about the “babyzone” and how it’s a lie before I can give a clear answer to this.