To add on what purbeast mentioned about Championship mode…Capcom could have very easily removed ranked match entirely, tweaked Championship mode, and put it out there. It was Capcom’s own dumb decision to try to have both.
Locked ranks have been done before, and well. People need to try looking at what other fighting games have done and realize that just because Capcom can’t/won’t do it, doesn’t mean it’s flawed.
Isn’t it good tho that you have to win 75% of your games before ranking up? Seems logical to me, but them obviously you also do the opposite and you get deranked if you loose 75%. Maybe don’t do it as a promotion system but just do it as an overall win % in your current league. The biggest problem with that is obviously that we don’t fight much people in our leagues in the first place, at least past bronze.
Just got into silver league over the weekend by exclusively playing people with 800 - 1200 LP, which admittedly wasn’t too bad until I got into ultra bronze. But then I felt like it just wasn’t fair as I approached silver and then passed it and am still getting constantly matched up with people who barely made super bronze, or worse are still just in bronze.
I think the ranking system would’ve worked better if the online community were bigger, I’m sure capcom will improve the matchmaking because once you reach at least silver you either fight super bronze or ultra silver at lead in my experience kinda sucks lol
I agree i loved championship mode, it got me to level up quicker since i made me get rid of bad habits that no longer worked as i moved up the rankings. In V my bad habits get reinforced as im paired with players in the lower bronze level, then all of a sudden im paired with someone double my points and get bopped as i see my bad tendencies get punished. Then its a matter of rinse and repeat.
Sitting at bronze right now with 740LP and have had several matches today against silver players with around 3 times the LP. I just don’t understand matchmaking and how that seems even remotely fair to pit a 740LP rank 284870 player against someone with 3102LP rank 69007. I would rather matchmaking make me wait for someone closer in rank a bit longer than just throw me in the fire to get destroyed. I feel the same for when it’s even lopsided in my favor. In those cases it’s doing nothing for the person getting setup for a beat down.
Now I also understand that you don’t lose a lot of LP for losing to someone much higher than you but it’s not the LP really it’s the whole learning experience of the fight at a certain skill level. I don’t think anyone gets much out of a lopsided fight other than a beat down.
The matches I enjoy and learn from most are the ones where we’re in maybe a rank up or down or our rank is within maybe within 300 LP of each other. Matches like these are the ones that are often the most competitive and enjoyable win or lose. I feel like both players can appreciate and learn in a match as close as that.
For a game that wants to attract more new players, matchmaking like the example above seems counter intuitive to their goal and it could be solved by simply narrowing the range at which you’re matched with other players or something to that effect.