Horrible Match making

I feel like maybe 1 in 10 games is actually against someone at my skill level. I float around 2000-2200, and most of the time I either get people at 1500 or below, or 2800 plus. Usually I fight 2-4 lower ranked people and earn 30 points per match, then get one match against someone 2700-3000 and lose nearly all of them, or even worse lose to a lower ranked person and lose even more. It’s really annoying, and it’s pushed me away from ranked matches simply because I hate seeing all those points just go down the drain because I had to fight someone I have little chance of beating (not that I don’t try, but I’m not on that level yet).

I realize I need to fight higher level players to get better, but I’m not going to learn anything while a 4k Mika or Bison are just having their way with me, and while it’s kinda nice to fight lower ranked people because I can practice things, I really don’t learn much that will help me progress because most people at that rank jump a lot or mash jab, which higher level players rarely do. I feel like I’m stuck, because all of my matches are either too easy and I can auto pilot, or I get blown up.

As I’m typing this, I got the same 4k Mika 3 times in a row. Thanks Capcom!

I would like to thank Capcom as well.

More often than not, I get matched with players in the League as myself.

Lame part is that you get matched with random people,at least in SF4 you have the option to chose who you fight against.

Not that SF4 “same skill” option actually worked, but at least you could had remembered people by their name and knew who you were facing. SF5 just places you into a cesspool of randomness.

Winning 4 matches with 35lp per match is 140lp
Most you lose at 2000-2200 going against 2700+ is 55

If you are losing to lower rank then he obviously deserves those points more than you

Losing to 4k you only lose 25lp
Which you can gain back easily

All I hear is "waaah waaaah waaaaah"
git gud

atleast you got matches found

Why do you want to choose who you can fight against in ranked? Only reason I see is to abuse noobs who don’t mind the beating to get some free points.

You have battle lounge to fight people again and again.

I do agree that the MM is a bit weird tho, I watch platinium streamers fighting 1.5k points players and I’m like wtf? Regular MM usually you face mostly your league and if you win a lot on it you start to face the league above, if you loose a lot you fight the league bellow. Granted there is not a lot of people in plat/gold so they could make it a bit more large, it’s still weird.

I think the range it looks for matches and scaling on points is a bit strange. I’m at the same point area ~2200lp and I frequently play people in the roughly high 3-4k area. I lost 25 points to a 4850 Chun and won ~25 for beating a ~1700lp player which I think is some really strange scaling. I get a good amount of players right around my range but what the heck is the purpose of throwing me a gold+ player. You don’t see match making in other games just saying fuck it and throwing in way higher ranked players because it’s sick of looking.

I don’t think it’s horrible I just don’t understand why it has such arbitrary barriers for the point scaling and finding matches.

It is a little sketchy. I’m not even up there in points right now, but last night I crossed a threshold into a new league, and then my next 10+ matches were all against people with, at minimum, 2k more LP than me, none of whom were in the league I’d just entered (and from which I was promptly booted).

I get that you should be exposed to higher ranked players, I don’t have any issue with that. My issue was with the fact that the distribution was totally skewed towards matching me against people who way outranked me, and didn’t match me once with anyone who was supposed to be in the league I was in.

The lack of people is killing the matchmaking for real.

Just got into silver and I had 2 super silvers in a row followed by a barely super bronze guy for my “promotion”.

Really, how is this fair. If I beat someone at 1k, I’d get 25 points.


League system feels like it doesn’t even exist. I played ranked for the first time since day three again today, and I capped off my last session from that day at 2.2k LP so I was in the low silver rankings, my matchmaking session went like this.

  • 45% Ultra Bronze
  • 20% Silver
  • 30% Gold
  • 5% Ultra Gold - Platinum

I got matched against a platinum player, seems legit for a silver right? I relish the challenge and I actually beat him(He rage quit), but some people may not.

Why introduce the league system if half of my games are against low league players anyway? There isn’t a big enough community to warrant having this system in place. You will never get consistent matchmaking results with even players without either overshooting into a league above you, or getting mass amounts of bronze tier players.

thats the smallest problem with matchmaking…

some people dont get matched with others in their region but only with players thousands of miles away.

The matchmaking is a joke. I don’t even get what it’s trying to do. It seems entirely random. Hovering around in Super Bronze I’ve fought more Rookies, Bronze, Ultra Bronze, Silver and even GOLD players than other Super Bronze…except when I rank up to Ultra then I fight guys with TWICE my LP.

I…I don’t understand what this is attempting to accomplish. I also keep playing against the same people repeatedly. I had a series of 5 matches where I fought the same guy 3 times. Whaaaaat?

I haven’t had a huge issue with being paired against the same person really often, could be too few players in your region at that time of day? I’ve only ever had 2 consecutive matches against one person.

The Ultra thing is real though. More times than I cared to count while I was ranking, I’d break 1500 and match-making would go “Oh, you’re finally over 1500? GREAT! Here, have five 3k+ LP opponents in a row! Let us know when you work your way back up from 1050 and we’ll find some more for you!”

It’s actually almost sinister. I was never paired against another Bronze after breaking 1500, I ALWAYS got someone (actually, a whole streak of someones) with, at minimum, 1k LP more than me. Every. Time.

I dunno. I’m east-coast. Not exactly isolated.

The tier match-up is SO REAL though. You are 100% right. Even after I posted that, I was in Super Bronze and ONLY fought Ultras that are considerably higher, Silvers and…surprise surprise…Rookies. WTF?! It’s like there are no other Supers out there. Actually it’s just like your own tier disappears once you’re in it. So weird!

I am at 2500~, I get matched almost ONLY against either a) people with 3500-4000 points, or b) people with 1500 points.

Its not really fun, and I rarely play with people on my skill level.


Then this also happens.

Im around 1000 LP and all I get matched up with is 400-700 LP and 1800+. Seems to be a case where there aren’t enough people searching for ranked games and the system just throws you in a match with the closest it can find.

I think that matchmaking is kinda crazy right now, but while it is crazy you will be placed over time to where you belong. As you improve you will rank higher, and if you play weaker you will lose points.

Remember that ranked is relative. As more people play, and as people get better, your placement will change too. Right now many players are still filling out the higher tiers. Once the ranked system has flushed out over the next few months a 1000 point gap in a fight may not be a significant issue.

The weird thing is that it doesn’t seem to have any logical stuff behind it. You might be at the low silver spot and fight some golds and then when you’re almost super silver you fight super/ultra bronze.

I think it’s mostly the lack of people doing this, the matchmaking is made to find you a game quickish above everything it seems. When I was at rookie/bronze I didn’t seem to have this problem, I guess because the majority of players are at these ranks.

People at the top ranks in Dota wait sometimes 30 min for a game because the matchmaking looks for balance before speed. The problem when you have a game that last at most around 5min you can’t afford to make people wait 30min for a it.

That’s why if they weren’t dumb they would have made ranked FT3 or FT5 so each time it’s a quite long session and they could afford to make you wait more.

At the end of the day it’s still kinda balance things out tho, because sometimes I feel like I steal 100 points by playing multiple low ranked players and then the matchmaking says “nope” and puts me against a way better guy to take my points back. It’s just weird.

Matching system is horrible. I’ll go through 6 bronze or low silver players before i get one gold or equal ranged person with me.

Honestly I think it’s because i only have 4 to 5 bar players on my options at all times which makes it limited, but shit - you’d think I’d not have to face 6 low ranked people which is like a risk of 600 points on my end and i’m getting 30 from them as opposed to the guy i fight every half an hour that has more points than me.

Like give me the same damn guy then more often.

Matching system is bad.