Other day at Harajuku picking up my Super Street Fighters 4, and I saw they have whole stack of Hori Fighting Commander next to the Super Street Fighter 4. Before I move back to Japan, I bought the Mad Cat Fighting Pad and I love it kinda easier to do moves without getting a blister on your thumb, but I sent the controller back to the company to repair more than 3 times due to the red light blinking problem with the wireless chip being burn out on my MadCat fight Pad. I have been using Hori Fighting Commander for couple of days now. All I have to say is that, MadCat fight pad quality is not even near the Hori Fighting Commander Controller. Hori Fighting Commander surprise me by alot, build quality feels very comfortable not bulky, buttons stiffness is just right, when you press Dpad it clicks, like those Hori Arcade sticks. Buttons are very pop out and they have the turbo speed setting are way much better and very responsive. I would like to share this thoughts with everyone, and hope they will sell this great fighting pad in the states or order one online, you wont regret it and you will love it.
MadCats Fight Pad
+Easier to Do moves
+Nice SF4 Pictures
-Wireless Chip Burns Out (Common Problem)
-DPad really sinks in easily after some usage.
Hori Fighting Commander
+Easier to do moves, I mean alot easier.
+Buttons are really poping out
+Responsive Control and turbo
+Not Bulky
+Very Very Long thick Wire (Twice the PS2 controller wire length)
Dude, BOTH my madcatz fightpads are “worn” after 3 months of use each. Been debating getting a stick since my thumbs aren’t very nimble for link combos, but I’m fighting that urge.
The question i have is the Hori, how do you find 360/720 moves to be versus the floaty D-pad on the Mcatz? The sock ps3 d-pad simply blisters my thumbs…
Thanks for the review, tho I use a stick. You might want to also put this thread/move to newbie section since many beginners are pad warriors; Not that there’s anything wrong with it.
I wanna make a note to this, actually the side of the Pad area, is pretty slide-able. The side edge of the Dpad is pretty smooth and sliding easily, I have no problem using Zangief’s special and done it with a cake. After all this Dpad is made for fighting and Im pretty sure that Hori kinda did the prepare to this, so far 360 moves are easy. =D~! This D pad is not even close to the PS3 Dpad, If I could use my PS3 controller, why should I waste my money buying and testing different Dpads?
I went back and take a Look at my controller, and edge area is very very smooth. Not hard or rough feel edges. Like I said before the D Pad Button is very very Poping out so I hardly touching the bottom of the controller it self. It stay on top of the Dpad. =D So Approved! xP
Well thats your opinion, and your own personal preference. I own Hori Fighting Sticks too, in Japan people who also wanna go out to Arcade battle others mostly will own a Hori Fighting Stick Pro, for those who Staying home just to playing this game most of them own a Dpad, because there is no point for them to have Arcade Stick if they never go to Arcade Center. Alot of families in Japan does not have a table in their living room to put a Arcade Stick so they play it on the Dpad, also Sometime they put the Hori Fighting Stick on the lap of their leg and play along and have the Hori Fighting Stick sliding all over the place. There are reasons why people stay with the DPad. =)
Does anyone know if the update which allowed the V3 and VLX backwards compatibility applied to the the Fighting Commander 3 as well? That would be a HUGE advantage!
Do you mind if I ask an entirely honest question? Do you work for Hori or a store that sells Horis? The way that you took your pictures (make absolutely sure that the Hori logo is clear, and that there’s a picture of the packaging and even the one with “Hori Super Fight Commander” or whatever it is blocking part of the screen) seems to indicate that you have some sort of ulterior motive.
I could be wrong, but honestly, I’d rather see one picture showing the layout plainly than 8 showing how pretty it is and the fact that, yes, it really is made by Hori.
The only two complaints I have about the MadCat pad is the material used to make the shell of the controller feels kind of cheap compared to the official 360 pads and that the back and start buttons are kind of small and fiddly, though that’s only really an issue in Trial mode when you press back to see the commands.
ugh this pisses me off, once again ANOTHER controller that i can’t get because i have a 360 (first one being a saturn usb controller), that hori pad looks amazing too
Shitcatz is just that, shit. I’ve gone through NINE fightpads, most of which were either defective out of the package or had issues within just a few weeks of play time.
Crapcom needs to team up with hori and get rid of terrible madcatz, nothing they’ve ever made that costs under 150 bucks has been good