Hori tekken 6 stick

just got my hands on one. so far nothing but bad news.

buttons are similar to the t5 hori except in color.

stick is somehow worse than the t5 version. it feels like there is plastic on plastic rubbing action going on inside. makes a weird sound. has a shaft cover though.

case is all plastic and very light. good for portability i guess, but it feels cheap.

biggest WTF are the screws. they arent philips and they arent flat heads. it some kind of 3 groove screw that i havent seen before. im trying to open it up with a smaller flat head and pliers but no go so far. pretty lame.

anyone know what the these screws and what kind of screw driver i need to easily open this thing up? i think i already know whats on the inside though, pcb soldered to buttons. i just really want to see whats up with the stick, where is that noise coming from?


>>> Tri-Wing Screw Bit is required to remove the bottom portion of the joystick.

>>> XBOX360 INSIDES > http://forums.shoryuken.com/showpost.php?p=7762086&postcount=51

>>> PS3 INSIDES > http://forums.shoryuken.com/showpost.php?p=7765119&postcount=73

>>> HORI / JLF Hybrid mod > http://forums.shoryuken.com/showpost.php?p=7787859&postcount=146

>>> FULL SEIMITSU mod for 360 > http://forums.shoryuken.com/showpost.php?p=7813000&postcount=184

>>> possible template > http://forums.shoryuken.com/showpost.php?p=8005137&postcount=346

PS3 version confirmed to work on windows.
PS3 dongles sync with each other. Very bad news for tournaments.

use a dremmel tool and make your own screwdriver port :smiley:

A guy wants me to modify his Wireless Tekken 6 already.
He has not received it yet.

Your experience would be good for me.

sounds like you’re going to need a tri-wing screwdriver.

yeah that looks what what i want. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tri-wing_screwdriver

no lag. dongle is small and black.

was using the green aa batteries it came with at about 15 ft away and the single was cutting out. move closer to like 10 and it worked fine again.

Do you mind taking some pictures of the stick and the inside? My friend wants me to help him mod his as well even though he hasn’t received it yet haha.

A Tri tip Screw bit are also used on Nintendo Products. Just find a Nintendo Tri Tip and you should be fine. However, I like the Hori Stick myself.

That’s not really a “WTF” at all to most everyone with a common tool set…


I don’t find tri wing drivers to be all that common, at all.

Like i said…anyone with a common tool set that actually uses them periodically should have it…its included in every bit pack…
this is a $10 bit kit i got for my snap-on driver, 2nd to last on bottom right row has it.

you can find tamper proof bits through snap on or mac dealers if you have availability.
You can also buy them online. :slight_smile:

When someone gets he’s Tekken 6 stick opened, id appreciate a picture of insides.

Where’d you pick up that tool set from? I really would like to get a tri-wing driver without having to order online if possible.

I like the Tekken 6 stick. Clearly prefer the MadCatz TE over it but for a stick that emphasizes convenience and portability it’s really not that bad if you’re just looking to play and don’t feel like hauling out the heavy artillery. I like it more than the EX2 at least. I have access to a tri-wing screwdriver so I’ll get pics up as soon as I can. But, based on what I’ve seen and felt from the outside, I wouldn’t get my hopes up for anything more mod friendly than Hori’s other middling sticks. Overall, I’d give it a solid B unless it somehow proves to be defective or something like that in the near future.

I was seriously thinking about picking up the Tekken stick. I don’t have a good Arcade Stick at the moment and haven’t been able to pick up the TE stick nor the SE stick yet. I don’t have the money to toss around for a sub par stick. Do you think this would be a suitable substitute for the TE Stick or is it better to hold just out until I can get my hands on a better one.

Thanks for the info. Looking forward for the pictures.
I have EX2 that i’ve modded with sanwa buttons, cherry switches and oct-plate.
Mod-job was actually as funny as it was challenging so i thought that if it is possible to mod this Tekken stick sameway as EX2, then i’m going for it.

People have also reported that this Tekken stick is REALLY lightweight and made all by plastick. Doesn’t it have even a metallic baseplate as EX2?

I’d say yes and no. I realize that’s a non-answer but it really depends. The game is $60 and assuming the art book is about $10 (it’s decent but nothing fantastic) that means the stick runs about $80 which if you think about it in those terms does admittedly make it overpriced. You can get a MadCatz SE for that or less which is decent when left stock but also very mod friendly, probably more mod friendly then the T6 stick. If I were to recommend one stick and one stick only I’d say hold out for a good deal on a MadCatz TE. It’s just too nice. But I won’t say to avoid the Tekken 6 Special Edition package if it’s something you were looking for.

It’s plastic all around, bottom included. The battery compartment is on the bottom like a standard kind of plastic cover you’d find on a remote control. It is light and will move around if you’re rough with it. Decent as a lap stick but people who really like to jam the stick around while playing will find it too light for their liking.

Well you didn’t expect the best of the best of the best coming bundled with a game, now did you?

I have my pre-order for this waiting, was pretty much just gonna jam sanwa parts in it anyway. I could get a TE stick from play-asia.com (and prolly get it before tekken comes out here) and all together will only cost me about $50 more (inc. buying tekken)

So do you guys think i should bother with the tekken stick or just go straight for the TE?

Tri tip screwdriver.