Hori Soul Calibur V Arcade FightStick & Mad Catz Soul Edition!

There more in play how lighting effects color that what I went though, but that was to give you and idea how colors can be skewed.
Often a Camera flash or studio lighting make colors appear brighter/lighter than they actually are. Also Photographers are train to compose there shots aesthetically more so than trying to remain color accurate, photography equipment and technology also follows this path.

Using different brands of film, different film cameras, or even different digital cameras will also slightly effect color on its own.
On film colors can be effected from everything from dark room procedures to the age of the photograph.

The only way to really tell the color difference between different objects is to have them side by side under the same lighting. It is why paint from home improvement stores come with little color samples on paper to compare the sample with the object you want to match

Markman’s needs to chime in if this is even going to be in the US market. If its like SFIV vanilla sticks legal licensing only went for one market Hori had japan, Madcatz had US. But if the states miss the SC version, I’m sure there will be a generic version sometime importing kills the price. The $78 dollar VS-HG made it about the same price as a TE (which was still a good deal) so you know this will retail around $150 and importing will make it over $200 easy

Technically, all non-SA HRAPs have Sanwa sticks and Hori buttons (except for -SE HRAPs)

I remember Hori don’t use Seimitsu buttons unless they go full Seimitsu, IE the SE variations on the Hrap line.

Definitely need more info on those Soul Calibur V Horis.

I predict it’s going to have a Sanwa stick and Hori buttons. Soul Calibur hasn’t had a full Sanwa licensed Hori stick (see SC2 and SC3 Horis).

Wrong! Hori stick for BlazBlue CS, Arcana Heart 3, UMvC3 all have sanwa buttons and stick

If it turns out to be hori stock buttons then I hope they use quick disconnects to make modding easier instead of buttons being soldered directly on pcb.

Ah damnit, my bad, I meant Soul Calibur hasn’t had a full Sanwa stick from Hori.

But ultimately I don’t think that matters. The reason I say this though is because of the XBOX360 mockup. It has the four buttons colored like the Hori sticks with Hori parts.

well there were no quality licensed sticks when the last soul caliber came out.Things have changed…

Might get the hori if modding doesn’t prove to be to much of a hassle.

Hori art looks like shit.
Like they found the intern, told him “here, take these character images and copy-paste them on top of each other. Make sure at least 1 character is covered by the dust washer, and another is slightly out-of-frame. Fuck designing something cool, NEEDS MORE CHARACTERS!”

Buttons are most likely going to be stock Hori (judging by the mock-up).
And what the FUCK is that big black square in the top-right?

Madcatz for SC all the way.
INTERESTING art, a well-designed bezel (makes it stand out so much more), translucent coolness and full-arcade spec parts.

MarkMan, any chance you guys are working on new pads?

I know what that black square is for. It’s so we can manipulate the breasts of the Soul Calibur girls, right?

It was done before!

Lol? those perverted Otaku’s working for hori are creative only if it actually made you feel like your fondling huge breast. (Grunt)

I’m really into this Hori stick. If this gets a larger release and sold on Hori’s US site and Amazon, I’d like to see Tek Innovations make a plexi.

Both sticks look great, but the Hori stick is just more of my style. Very understated and classy. I’m eager to change the buttons and art.

Just got word from Jaxel (who got word from Namco) that the square thing is a flip up cover for the START button.

Cute gimmick.
Will get old fast.
So Japanese.

So do you think the start button cover makes the sticks design look better, or was it implemented to prevent accidental press of start button, which with the location of the button the cover is not really needed. What do you think about this.

According to Jaxel, the cover was so that the Start button would not be pressed by accident.

I’d go w/ the Madcatz stick. I personally think it’s the best design out of the two. BTW what are the 2 ports on the hori PS3 stick? I see a headphone jack, but what’s the other port?