HORI - Mobile Suit Gundam: Extreme Vs. Arcade stick

My only disappointment is that the game does not support twin stick controls :(. I would still love to play it though

I love my V3-SA the most of all my sticks. By far the most comfortable stick I own. It feels ergonomic. The slant on the front is the perfect size for my hands. The Gundam stick, while really cool, looks a little too boxy for me. As far as I see it, comfort > art any day.

I’ve got the Hori Soul Calibur V joystick and it’s more comfortable than many people think.

The only thing I don’t like in handling it is getting fingerprints and oil on the artwork!

Other than that, it’s got a nice layout and reverts back to the top-mounting buttonhead screws that were standard on the earlier HRAP SA’s and SE’s.
The main case issue that I see is still that narrow joystick cavern in the case. Either you take off the baseplate to install an LS-32 (if that’s your replacement lever choice), or widen the hole. I’m not modding my case as it is because I don’t plan to swap from the LS-32 but it was an inconvenience having to remove the base plate to install the stick from the bottom… Any time you have to Dremel a case, it’s a mess. It can release toxic gas as the plastic heats up and warp the plastic, too, if you don’t take breaks with the power towel. A file would probably be better and cleaner for mods but I would feel less than great about taking tools to mod this particular case!

(Never had that issue with the T5. I was always game to cut that case to fit parts… The SC V is just too pretty to take tools to! LOL)

Aside from that, the artwork issue that bugged me on the HRAP V3 is no longer an issue. Far, far easier to change the artwork or put a plexi on this case. Those are not inconsiderable issues for a pro-level case.

These narrow cases have been harder for me to design art for. The new SC V case should be easier to work with than the HRAP V3 or even the Mad Catz V.S. and FightStick Pro Cases. If anything, the SC V case resembles an updated Virtua High Grade Joystick.

I do wish Hori hadn’t overlooked the joystick PCB-fit issue. People are also experiencing the problem with the JLF. It’s a pain to remove the faceplate and bump the JLF lever against the sides of that narrow hole. I seriously doubt Hori’s going to alter the molds for this case unless enough people complain about the problem.

I got two of these now, booooom!

Pls post some pics for us poor folks!

anyone know of a site I can order this and have it shipped to the states? Really want one of these…

Google it or try a Japanese auction site… Most of the import stores didn’t or couldn’t get this joystick because it was exclusive to a Japanese store/website.

After you see what they charge on secondary markets for this stick, you might change your mind about importing it!

I bet it’ll cost at least $300 total if not more to import it.
Look at the prices for older-style HRAP’s on eBay and you’ll see a pattern for the prices.

thats why I was wondering if anyone knew of a japan site that ships overseas… I dont mind paying extra for the stick. the japan sites I was able to translate dont offer overseas shipping.


I did the CD Japan link that Tech7 mentioned above. They shipped it quickly to me to California via FedEx from the Namco site and total cost came to $304. Not too bad but that is an option. Looks like it is still available at Namco site.

Thank you!!!