Honest questions to those that complain about Chun-Li

People can get mad but it doesn’t really happen that often.

In America player A loses to player B in tourney. Player A then is mad. Usually then calls player B a scrub behind his back.

In japan they respect each other. As long as you do your best you can’t complain. Don’t blame the character. Don’t blame your opponent. I mean if you lose to someone like KO how can you get mad? And it doesn’t really matter, you spent only 200¥ to enter the tournament and theres probably another one next weekend.

Not to mention the 3s community is very close in Japan. I can only speak for the Tokyo scene but everyone knows each other. They have been meeting up at tournaments all the time for the past 6-10 years.

The Japanese tourney scene will always be more enjoyable to play in and watch than other scenes.

Hate to sound lame but they really do play for the pride of just being the winner.

Hopefully people one day can realize that win or lose, wasn’t it fun to go to a 3s tourney and play? So you lost to a chun li, well if you were confident going into the match then you can only blame yourself. Why blame tiers and all that other stupid shit?

i would like to know who really complain about chun, online players only? because if that’s so its pretty hillarious

fixt. That’s what I love about old FFA and Denjin days. FFA is gone now, and Denjin besides being too far, is too cliquey. The guys are all still cool, though, it just feels like running into high school friends while hanging out with your current friends. Tee hee.

CvS2 gets more love than 3s? THat’s news to me. I love CvS2 but I didn’t think anyone really played it anymore. Marvel and ST I can understand but I didn’t think CvS2 had any kind of scene anymore. Again, the folks that think like that are window shoppers who wouldn’t stick around and learn the game anyway, so it doesn’t really matter what they think.

Why is it that people don’t want to play single elimination? Is it because of how much they’ve paid to enter?

Who knows? I don’t think its necessarily because of how much they paid to enter. I remember before the first ranbat season at Denjin we ran a bunch of different tournaments that were all or almost all single elim with like 1$ buy ins and the turnouts were about half of what they were in the ranbat season, which was all 5$ buy ins.

Hmm, that’s interesting. I wish I lived out by Denjin. We have a great arcade here in Nashville but not many 3s players that i know of. Still, getting schooled by people like Jason Wilson (who owns the arcade and claims he doesn’t even LIKE 3s but plays it like the pro he is) on a more regular basis would put me ahead of where I am. You guys still do regular ranbats?

Well, the thing about that is that even if CvS2 doesn’t get as much play, it still received way more love than 3rd Strike even during its prime.

CvS2 is good insomnia medicine, shit puts you to sleep fast

I think VF4 explained it best… in America, only Chun/Yun/Ken win and since Americans love cheese the matches become borefests…

When people look for a character to blame Chun-Li is an easy target because of how good her SA2 and kara throw is. She’s probably the best “cheap” character in Third Strike even if she’s not #1.

Americans love cheese? I do enjoy cheese but what?

Or, in the US we can have legit money on the line without it being illegal. If there’s money on the line and you’re good at the game it makes sense to pick a character who has a good chance against the majority of the cast. AFAIK in Japan you can’t have straight money as a prize. In addition arcades create groups of players who play each other week in week out so tournaments or even ranbats are mostly just for bragging rights and competition.

Chun isn’t an easy target because she’s strong. She’s an easy target because people who don’t know shit see her and Yun win in the US year in year out and think the game is broken. That’s because since there’s money on the line few people are going to take the time to become good with a character who has less of a chance. The people who complain don’t even understand why she’s strong, they just read results/watch finals videos on youtube and then whine that there’s no diversity.

To them I say “suck a dick and go play SF4”.

The best ‘cheap’ character in 3S is Alex because against people who know absolutely nothing he can KO in like 4 hits. Amongst the uninformed I’m sure he’s considered top tier.

I haven’t read all the posts but it’s VERY simple as to why Chun-Li is considered broken. (Even though she isn’t)

Think of it like this, if two new players start together, one mains Chun and the other Urien, the person using Chun exclusively will be the better player, not because he’s using Chun but because hes forced to respect Chun, and I’ll elaborate why respecting Chun is important. When these two players watch Chun, the Urien player will ALREADY have the misconception that Chun is the god of 3s, broken, cheap, ect ect. When he watches her, he wont see why shes winning, he’ll just see a cheap ass character winning, fuck her! The Chun user will respect Chun, he wants to learn from her he wants to understand why shes winning, they will see that MOV/Nuki/Riki/Ect are counter poking, keeping their distance at all times, perfectly spaced kara throws, they’ll see MOV option select jumping away from jump attacks, cr.jab super counterhits, reversals, ect ect, they will see what it takes to win in 3s in general, fundamentals, spacing, reactions.

Players that don’t use Chun seem to go the wrong direction when learning 3s. The first thing they practice is execution, once they have decent execution they want to learn the fucking flashiest combos ever and use them at every given opportunity. I know this is a fact because I and others have done this. Chun isn’t really flashy, shes pretty bland and the flash she does have you really have to be looking for. Chun demands you to learn reactions for her many hit confirms, spacing for MK/RH kara throw and pokes and execution to do these all on command.

I hate to use Justin Wong as a reference but if you watch him play Chun, he doesn’t even play her to her up most potential. He rarely kara throws when he can, doesn’t really frame trap, doesn’t set up fakes from throws, ect. He wins with fundamentals, reactions, spacing, and knowledge.

It blows my mind how people managed to put Chun as “cheapest character of 3s”. That title belongs to 50/50 characters like Makoto/Yang. Being forced to guess is the most uncomfortable feeling in fighting games to me, rolling the dice… all game long.

Oh, and like 90% of the posts here are from GGPO players or people that haven’t been playing longer then 1 year, lol.

You know what? I played Metric, and at first I called him names, but I respect the fuck out of him and think he’s a great player. Totally agree on his analysis of Chun. I think she is Over Powered, but not broken per se. In the same way that Ken is really powerful and can kill you in 2-3 combos, but he’s no broken. And yeah, a lot of people have only played on GGPO or have not played it enough. If you’re using a mid-tier character, you shouldn’t be losing to Chun 6-4. If you are, you need to work on that matchup. I also agree that people who have watched match videos are immediately afraid of Chun, and I think just ‘flinch’ and do things they shouldn’t be doing out of frustration or just not knowing the matchup.

I don’t see Yang as being that dangerous though. He can be dangerous, that’s a fact. Because of the Twins’ Dive Kick mixup and their command grab they can be a force to be reckoned with. I would replace Yang with Urien any day. Once Urien gets you in the corner and does Aegis, you have to guess to block high or low, or try to parry to get out of there. Yang mostly relies on EX Rekka mixups to get full stun. I wouldn’t put him on the same pedestal as Makoto who is all about (let’s face it) one grab, then SA2 juggle into stun.

I will say this, I would like to see a rebalance still. Yeah, we’re not only beating a deadhorse, but raping it, cutting it up, and eating its flesh. The main argument is that a rebalance would disrupt the ‘scene’ but I wouldn’t call a handful of arcades in Japan, Socal, and NYC a real ‘scene’ ya’ know? Not trying to troll, but the game is dead. So I think that argument isn’t a very good one where it only applies to roughly 50 men throughout the world who still play this at arcades.

I have some honest questions for all of you that say Chun Li is broken.

Did she or did she not avenge her father’s death?
Whatever the answer, did she do so gracefully?

Do you guys turtle? Maybe that’s why she beats you.

btw, I think she’s tons better than a lot of the characters but I don’t think she’s broken.

Urien corner aegis set ups are not guess blocks because you can react to all of his overheads (he’s not dudley)

Even Dudley’s isn’t that fast.

It’s possible to react to it but by far it’s one of the harder to react to things in 3s

I agree about command throws. Esp yun/yang/mak/hugo since theirs are relatively faster compared to alex/q. they are true 50/50s. Maybe more like 30/30/30 since you can guess parry a direction and jump. Still though, most people here complaining won’t understand why command throws are scary cause they block a lot less. Lol

To answer the questions posed in the first post…*

Reasons why I used to hate Chun:

The sound of her screeching voice as she smacked you with a FP

The sound of her screeching voice as she clipped you out of the air with a cHk.

The sound of her screeching voice as she snuffed out your normals and specials (and that whore Makoto too).

The quick timer event that is her SA2 (you’ve a fraction of a second to parry).

The way your health was full when you last checked but now you’re down to 1 pixel.

The way she threw you from god knows what distance.

The way she dominated you after a knockdown.

The way she could super cancel from almost anything.

The way she literally stomped on your head for half the match.

Reasons why I began to see that she’s not all that bad:

Holding back cured most of the above symptoms (the ultimate QTE solution).

She can’t actually cancel from everything - it’s an illusion created by proper knowledge of the character.

Learning the proper mechanics, and strategy go a long way (-VS- game this is not).

Reason I began to dislike her again:

She feels very limited while playing as her (I don’t like her style), but…

She is very efficient at what she does, and so…

I have no idea what it means when I select her and win while fighting a guy who was hammering on me for 9 or more matches in a row when I had a different character. So maybe I could beat more people if I played as her, but not to the extent that I would just automatically win a tournament.

Edit: I guess, now that I look at it, Chun Li might be the tool by which one’s faults are exposed. A solid foundation will yield a more even match.

I’ve never liked her style, in any game, so I generally avoid her - save for headstomp trolling.

I’ve got mad respect for MOV, the only Japanese player I knew of when I started the game (yeah, I thought Daigo was American :stuck_out_tongue: ).

Sean’s flaws lie in is his SRK, sMk, and lack of knock down on certain moves. I just wish more “high level” online players would stop quiting when I picked him, though. I know he’s good, but he aint THAT good. You don’t have to run at the sight of him.


Ken’s an asshole. Discuss.

It’s because he’s the bottom to Ryu’s top.

Does anyone else hate Elena aka Ms. Target Combo? She’s the one character in the game that just annoys me.