^Thanks man yeah, mike tells me that combo is a waste, i can get better damage if i do ex hhs to cr.lp xx HHS, but I like it because it scores a knockdown, and the damage is decent.
As far as your video, lol at the ex ochio. You should really try to zone thawk out more with your normals… st.fierce, nj fierce, and st.round house more… other than that… keep it up.
To be quite honest, there might have been a little mashing going on there. I was on the virge of death. Chip damage from that t hawk dive would have killed me. Regardless of what happened I’m still amazed ex ochio caught him midair. It looked like I grabbed him before he hit he ground. Lol.
Ex ochio never ceases to amaze me. It actually comes out a lot when I need it the most at the most random times…
Here is the GFs between me and dagger_g. I got lucky, used some empty button presses as bait by turning off the last two buttons and making it sound like i was gonna headbutt or hhs He got me the tournament before and posted it in the guile forums, but I got my revenge
Wow that was awesome! I got kinda scared for you he was making a comeback! The last game was clutch. I enjoyed watching that match since Guile is one of my weakest matchups