Honda Videos

u r the suck


Thanks Couch.

In all honesty I had no clue what to do against vega.


if your not a fan of lil wayne or rap mute the vid until 0:50

Some good Honda videos from Team USA vs Team World exhibition matches in Rennes, France.

Honda vs Abel: [media=youtube]QIsE85Dqb0s&feature=PlayList&p=BB32FC568EAAC324&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=1[/media]

Honda vs Ryu/Dictator: [media=youtube]BsYJlc5bhwY&feature=PlayList&p=BB32FC568EAAC324&index=2[/media]

Honda vs Boxer: [media=youtube]Yr3n1PxlAAk&feature=PlayList&p=BB32FC568EAAC324&index=3[/media]

If the above videos were like a year old it would be a pretty solid honda.

If not…

Anyone care to share why buttslam spamming was so effective in these matches?

because when isnt it?

when someone knows how to focus attack?

It’s still pretty effective because often times they’ll absorb it after its crossed up and you’ll recover before them. It’s like double dmg when you’re lucky. Sometimes it won’t cross up tho and they’ll punish you for 1/2 your life. I still use it sparingly depending on the match-up.

I splash like a retarded kid at a public pool against guile in corner tho :x

FAs are almost always a risk, and most Japanese players tend to favor safety over possible reward.

For example, do you know how many people have eat sumo smash trying to focus it? In a tournament situation, which I assume most of these are, why take the risk?


what he said

Only lk splash is safe right? I saw some HK ones being done there.

On second thought though, they were wiffed to get closer. I’ll have to watch again to see if any HK slams were blocked.

Their was also an instance where buttslam beat out EX-Headstomp. Wtf? I’m guessing slam has way more priority on the way down?

The safety of splashes depends on which you use and who you’re fighting. lk and ex are -2 while mk and hk are -3 i believe. It’s not safe against certain shotos and never safe against gief. Additional splash mileage may vary.


Amazing Honda vs Boxer match against the worst type of boxer (turtle). Very good execution w/ no hand slap usage however.

Pieguy, you are my hero. Thanks for ALL the great info and posting so many vids I never would have found myself!

A-cho have some Honda vids uo.

Can anyone say if Akimo is in any of them?

Glad I could help.

None are akimo cause akimo’s pushing 75k bp atm. Ii desu Tetsu Bat is around 35k and Namameso is around 55k so it’s just some random hondas.

Can someone write Akimo’s name in japanese so that i can spot it in the future?

Any Honda player who can go through Justin Wong and John Choi in one sitting gets my respect. His fundamentals were solid and that can get you far with Honda. Flashy HHS combos are fun to watch, but unless you can execute them 100% of the time, the large reversal window makes them risky.

If a Honda of this caliber can take out that much of ‘Team America’, imagine what Akimo or Namameso could do. These guys need way more practice against Honda.

Dashio (Vi) vs Akimo (Ho) - TRF 15-05-2009

Akimo (Ho) vs ? (Ch) - TRF 15-05-2009

Akimo is years ahead of other Hondas.

Akimo vs Umehara, and then against a random Ken