Hey, I actually just started working on a video for Dhalsim’s hit boxes. Unfortunately, I’m recording it off of my digital camera so the quality is poor. If someone could get me a real screen capture I’d be glad to go through and highlight the boxes and do some other tricks. Seriously, even if you can get my the video files for the ones you already have, I can make those boxes pop. PM me.
First of all, I just wanted to say that it’s totally awesome that there are people who have the motivation to do this. Big thumbs up to you! :tup::tup:
Now, I hate to rain on anyone’s parade, but today I happened to check out T.Akiba’s page, and I noticed that he is actually doing the exact same thing, but with still images. Right now he just has basic standing/ducking/jumping/blocking hit boxes, but his to-do list indicates that he will be documenting everything in the game.
I’m not saying you should quit doing what you’re doing - that’s up to you. I just want you to be aware that someone else is also doing it as well, and for those who don’t know T.Akiba, he is an extremely detail-oriented person who does an amazing job of documenting stuff like this.
Hey NKI, do you ever talk to, or have a way of contacting T Akiba? I think something that would be really important is to show hitbox comparisons between moves that have been changed in ST. I realize that technically, this is going to happen if he acquires all the frame by frame pictures; but, maybe a side-by-side comparison would be good? For example, it took me a long time to notice exactly what was changed on some things, like say, Chun-Li’s Lightning Legs hitbox.
an overlap might be even better (if not too cluttered).
One question I have is, why are there hitboxes for the blocking frames?
Or, a head/midsection blue box when blocking standing up, and a low/midsection blue box when crouch-blocking?
Is that designated “cross-up-only” somehow? For the same reason I don’t see why they don’t display the throw ranges. In T.Akiba’s picts I see the red dot at the bottom of the low blue boxes on each picture- I suppose that’s the character’s throw range/cross-up point?
Hey, NKI, are you sure he’s not using this to document CLASSIC mode’s hit boxes? I noticed he is using the old sprites, so I’m wondering if he’s just using the hitbox feature of HD Remix to show the Hit Boxes from the original ST. I mean, he writes the HD Remix name all over that main page, but I’m wondering if he’s just saying where he got the hitboxes from.
- James
I’ve been using the old sprite because they look better. What I don’t have right now is a way to capture off of my screen. Can someone hook me up with the videos so that I can work on them. I’d like to touch up the boxes so that they are easier to read and do some composites so that you can get an idea of what spaces you can control (especially with Sim).
I could also do some side by side comparison of changed moves. I actually do video effects for a living.
Yeah, I’ve talked with him quite a bit, actually. I don’t think he really needs to go out of his way to show side-by-side comparisons, because we’ll be able to do that on our own once he’s done.
Attacks can still make contact with you while you’re in block stun. If there were no hit boxes during block stun, you’d be invincible.
Not sure I understand this question…
That is the character’s cross-up point, and throw range may be calculated off of that, but I’m pretty sure throw range has nothing to do with your own vulnerable hit box. Look at Dhalsim. His throw range is definitely wider than his vulnerable hit box.
Right now he only has the classic mode hit boxes up, but he has “Old Characters” and “HD Characters” on his to-do list.
Nice find this should be interesting. I really wanna see Akuma’s crazy hit boxes cause I’ve heard all the rumors plus I love picking him apart
Ah ok… might be a good idea if those were different color than hittable blue boxes(?).
The above answers it (they are still there for block stun) but I figured, if you’re blocking while standing, why would there be mid/head section blue boxes (answer: block stun push back). The leg blue box makes sense while you’re blocking while standing, for sweeps and low attacks. While you’re crouch blocking, the head blue box makes sense for overheads and early jump attacks connecting (answer: but you still need block stun boxes, they just happen to be same color as hittable blue boxes).
Sorry- yes, I meant that the throw distance was calculated from that point, whatever it was (they don’t show boxes for throws I guess, again I don’t have it to test but Zangief’s 360 doesn’t show range in R|C’s video.
re: “Look at Dhalsim” hitboxes-- I’d really like to! Come on R|C don’t forget about this.
…How’s that next vid coming along, R|C? Hope you haven’t gotten to busy with something else like sf4.
btw to me, (original) ST seems a lot less “random” of a game, esp. of anything at all since it came out. But now that I see these 3 sets of blue hitboxes for each character, I’m thinking, maybe the “randomness” in damage taken for a given move we see could be, at least to some degree, attributable to the fact that different attacks are connecting with a character’s mid-section blue box, and the same attack another time could be a headshot (hitting the character’s head blue box). Or both, even. Damage scaling is there at the beginning and end of lifebars. Maybe it’s the same… easy enough to tell I guess, keep doing the same attack at exact same distance and measure the pixels taken off each time for a few rounds.
just wanted to say great work. but your blanka vid is missing all his crouching attacks…
Are you not doing these any more R | C?
I’m still looking for someone to get me good video capture of 'Sim. I have the equipment to edit and do the FX, but I don’t have a way to capture from my TV. If someone can get me some good video (of any character) I’d love to help out with this project.
It would be nice if RC or someone would complete this project. The work done so far has been excellent, and the help it would give the ST community is priceless.
Gears of War 2 is consuming my life right now.
I’ll try to get an update done this weekend.
Excellent. Someone sticky this shiz please.
Hate to be a nuisance but i can’t see the links to the videos !?
Links are gone >.<
What happened?
nice 1