This could be done just by adding notes to the Youtube videos with the frame data for each move displaying during the animation, and then having a little index in the video description for what time each move is at.
Awesome shit R|C.
This could be done just by adding notes to the Youtube videos with the frame data for each move displaying during the animation, and then having a little index in the video description for what time each move is at.
Awesome shit R|C.
Youtube does allow for annotations now during video playback.
I may consider adding move identification and frame data.
Anyone know if Sirlin made any changes to the frame counts?
Sirlin definitely did change frames here and there, but for the most part everything is the same. It’s easy enough to add a note for moves that have been changed.
Instead of doing individual annotations, it would be easier to use subtitles/captions, which Youtube also now supports, because you just make all the notes in a single text file and then upload that at once, instead of having to create tons of separate annotations 1 at a time.
I’d be willing to create the .srt to add on to a video to test this out. I’m trying to learn Fei Long right now anyway, so I’d be happy to do that for his video, if you’re interested.
Definitely some frames were changed. eg.Fei’s Flying Kick recovery was increased slightly, Honda’s Jab Headbutt covers less distance so has less frames. As well some “new” moves are not covered on NKI’s site eg Ryu’s Fake Hadoken, Claw’s Fake Wall Dive.
This is a really great thread. The videos are awesome. Really looking forward to one for Boxer. As a newb, I found the explanation of hitboxes and priorities by R | C and jchensor especially helpful. Thanks guys!
I’ve been away from youtube for awhile, so these additional features are all new to me. But Yes, this sounds like a great idea. I don’t know what a .srt is, but I assume that’s the text file you mentioned.
Send me one for Fei Long and I’ll figure it out. If all goes well, we (or whoever wants to help) can do 'em for all the cast. Just Fei Long for now though.
I’m going to experiment doing hitboxes on different stages - maybe I’ll find a stage that allows the hitboxes to appear more prominently without blending into the background colors. If so, then I may re-do some of those videos.
Seeing Blanka’s shit in slow-mo was great. Especially the damn electricity…
Edit: double post.
From what I remember reading on dustloop before, that Priority value doesn’t exist in Guilty Gear either. I would need some confirmation, but that’s another topic for another game.
And concerning a priority value in capcom games. Did it exist in capcom fighters such as CvS2 or MvC2?
OK, here is the SRT file. I had to append a .txt on the end so the forums software would let me upload it, just remove that when you download it.
You can watch it here:
You can add the subtitles to the Youtube video directly as well, which people will be able to see by clicking the arrow next to the progress bar and turning captions on. Instructions for that are here:
This took me about 2.5 hours, but it was my first time using Overstream and I made some editing fixes along the way, I estimate doing it again for a second character would probably only take 1.5 - 2 hours.
Oh, one more thing - you are missing Fei’s b/f+roundhouse command normal in the video.
That would be a good idea, also choose a pants color not being blue
Great work
Wow, thanks a lot RC and zerodotjander. This really helps my game now. Can’t wait for Ryu and Ken.
Good stuff, R | C, great idea. But I’d like to see the hitboxes of Blanka’s command hops too.
no sticky in this thread? =(
These are too awesome! Thanks for taking the time to make them.
Your totally right a couple of pixel can make a difference.
And some times a couple of pixels don’t. Take Honda’s HH Slap (or Chun’s LL Kicks) for example. :wgrin: There aren’t any new ways to stuff it, that I couldn’t use ST.
In feel that the HHS comes out so fast now ( due to less inputs), he is my face lot faster now. And though it may do less damage on an actual hit, it still does the same amount of block damage. I just don’t think in this case, the change of hit box by a few pixels made much of a difference in trying to tone down the total utility of the move.
PS. The vids are very sick!
Actually, I don’t think that’s the case. Block damage is directly proportional to the amount of damage the move does. So in Honda’s case, it might be a few pixels less than before, but the Block Damage does do less. That’s why everyone who uses Akuma’ Red Fireball as a Meaty attack is wasting their time. The Blue fireball does as much damage as the Red Fireball, so conversely, the Blue Fireball does just as much BLOCK damage as the Red Fireball. Try it out yourself.
But yeah, the ease of using the HHS has made it’s more vulnerable hitboxes moot, plus most Honda only use it in Meaty situations anyhow, so it’s not that big of a weakness for Honda.
^^^ Will check tonight…
hard work
One recommendation- don’t use Thawk’s stage, the bg is very light.
I’ve been waiting for someone to do this for a while. Any chance you can do this for the original ST characters? I’d like to see 'em all. I’m mostly interested in that. For Ryu’s dp, which frame starts to get the first hitbox, is it like the third? Cause sometimes it seems like I’m getting hit out of it (in original ST) when I try to go through a projectile but I guess it’s just a later frame, also dictator’s headstomp has hit me out of an early frame of ryu’s dp more than once. If your motivation is disappearing to continue on with this for more characters, you probably wouldn’t tell us would you?
There should be definitely more, with framedata like posted before. That’s amazing.