Hibiki Strategies and Matchups

im pretty new to hibiki but i was wondering how safe is her qcb+p? reason im asking is im wondering if it could be a good advancing move for say a close hk, run slash/slash back combo set up…i seem to have the poke game down somewhat but my combo game is seriously lacking and i feel im not using some of her moves to their full potential

If you are playing her in K/P you can get the spacing down to make the qcb+p safe thanks to JD/parry, but otherwise it’s not terribly safe iirc. I like to RC the mp version to gtfo of situations I don’t like and reset the match. I use mp since I can RC mp more consistently than hp.

thanks for the info but i play her in N groove so that would probably not be my best choice and it would probably be better to roll into the combo instead. also i seem to have trouble w/ getting blocked after a jumping hk connects and im wondering if its my timing on the hk or my combo afterward…i just do a crouch mp, slash so im wondering if i should throw a low in there before the mp

c.mp then slash? that doesn’t combo. Or did I read that wrong? c.lk c.lk c.lp mp slash, if you’re really close to them you can get 3 c.lp in.

ah ok thats what it was then i was doing c.mp when i should have been doing c.lp…thx

Just to note in case anyone can’t figure this out on their own: he means 3 c. lk, so if they’re big/you’re inside them, c.lk,c.lk,c.lk,c.lp xx qcf+mp

Also, depending on how you space your normals, you can actually push them farther away. If you just mash the combo out as fast as you can, then you don’t push them as far away as if you “link” them by putting as much time between the normals as possible. One use of this is to make your B&B push Bison far enough away so that he can’t scissor in retaliation.

oops yeah that should have been c.lk, thanks.

Funniest Shit happened to me while i was playing the other day. after wasting another activation in A Groove and was about to be punished by a lv.3 Blanka elect ball, i jumped and knocked him out of it clean, for free, gratis i don’t know how many others ways to say it but it was sweet.

Which leads me to ask this question how good is her j. short as an entry attack, because againts blanka he has been kicking the shit straight out of my ass with his J. RH? Hook me up please.

This may or may not be new, I couldn’t find any mention of it.

Hibik anti-crossup trick.

if someon jumps at you going for a cross-up here’s a fun little trick you can do instead of normal anti-airs. first wait till there almost on top of you and dodge (KKK) now press foward and RH. because they crossed you up, forward is now her back hop move, but she will hop backwards over them and then you get free jumping rh into your combo of choice. Depending on the spacing you may or may not recross them up. This works best if your opponent goes for some sort of crouching block string after the cross-up.

Note: You must hold the dodge for a second before going for the hop as it is not invincible.

I know this has been touched upon before as to what her best ratio is, I’m sure we are all for the most part agreed between 1 or 2.

The funny thing about ratios is that based on counter-matches and such, mere R1’s can make mincemeat of R4’s. All other properties of the moves are the same, priorities, etc.
With all that in mind the extra ratio point really just beefs up a characters ability to inflict damage with whatever it is about the usage of his/her meter that makes it worthwhile.

A-Hibiki’s use of her meter nearly kills C-Sagat as an R2, just as would Sagat as an R2 nearly kill her with all he can do (but not quite). The damage done percentage wise is nearly equal though their hitpoints differ plenty.

At R2 Her d.HP at 1100 vs Sagat’s 15XX or Blanka’s 1200/1300
And yet these two matchups in particular for her are generally considered workable.

You ask me where that extra ratio point goes on your team should go to whomever makes best the use for it on that team for whatever purpose he/she serves.
I’m a fool, I like it for the user.

Truth is she’s workable as either 1 or 2. I like her in 2 because it means less resets to kill folk, more chances of one of them reset mixups ('n she has lots) landing for that extra damage.

It’d been a while since I played N, but I’m fairly certain that MP+MK is used only for AC’s…

What was counter movement back step again? Forward/back and LP+LK on block?

Baiting Vega

I think it’s a safe bet that most Vega’s out there know they have a slight edge vs Hibiki, on the ground anyway.

Simply put, if she insists on trying to keep him out, he violates her space.

Well knowing this Vega’ll probably try to punish her feeble attempts at keeping him out with d.lp, s.MP, d.MP, with just his feeble damage pokes. (Or perhaps even RC Claw)

Her RC’d Crossup Run slash is a very fast move (2 Frames), they roll it sure there’s recovery, but you end up on the other side of the screen. Blocked not quite so far, at least if you crossup. She’s close enough that she may even be punished by Vega’s d.MP or slide.

Whatever. Sounds like bait central right there. All it takes when you look at it is a good solid jump in (probably not going to happen without kickthrow) or baiting a d.MP (or whatever) so you can knock his ass down with this move.

'course if he’s being a complete dunce with the d.MP’s just let him have it I suppose.

Yep. One reason I hated playing N. I would do a nice qcb motion and start to RC when the opponent hit me and if I’m too slow, BAM, one gauge gone and I hop back for no good reason lol.

I think hibiki shouldn’t risk doing Crossup Run slash against Vega because of the slide unless you KNOW you are going to hit. If he blocks, he gets a garunteed slide or worse: activate into slide and CC. If I could RC I would prefer RCing distance slash.

I got something to ask about RC Crossup. I’ve tried RC crossup before but sometimes…it crosses up but doesn’t hit. Does anyone get this problem? I get this a lot when I try to RC for free only to find out that I didn’t hit. Sometimes I will fly to the other end and if the end is just behind the opponent, I’m totally screwed since I cannot cancel that move midway.

Did a few runs with Vega. Hibiki’s bnb cannot be hit by vega’s slide if and ONLY if your BnB’s c.lp hits at the tip of her blade. Anywhere nearer and the slide will hit.

example: cr.shortx3, cr.lp, qcf+mp at point blank range, Vega will miss the slide.

if you only do two cr.shorts, at point blank range, Vega WILL hit the slide. It’s only a cr.short worth of knockback to make a difference.

I wonder if anyone actually use s.mk. It’s almost like Todo’s df.mk; knockdown+knockback. We all know about Hibiki’s really weak arsenal of knockdowns to support her wakeup game so I wonder if anyone considered this move. It’s pretty good on footises, and not many people will expect it. Of course, don’t do it too much, it’s highly punishable.

What I find funny about this move is that when hibiki moves forward, some people will try to jump to her location when she’s at the front. The best thing is that the camera follows her position, giving some people the illusion that she is moving front. I find this a very useful move to rushdown on people.

Btw, any help on M.Bison? I got the feeling that he’s an extremely horrible matchup for her enough to make me not make her a R2 when fighting him.

wassup srk peeps? i just wanna know how ya’ll think about S Hibiki? to me i like her normals when shes in dodge mode but, i really don’t use her knock back attack with her.

I use her for her pokes basically, she doesn’t abuse supers too well but surely she can punish real well. So if anyone can break me some knowledge about S Hibiki? I’d truly appreciate it. Thanx.

I dont think its too hot… does c.lk x 2, c.lp xx lvl 1 dash super link? If it doesnt then its pretty shit…but even if it does its not really THAT great…unless you are just that good with dodge buffer supers.

She lacks the ability to deal large ammounts of damage imo…where her Customs / lvl 3s are at…just remember that while she can punish well…her moves are very punishable as well…

So i dont feel S Hibiki sucks total ass…but at the same time if you look at it…just about every other Groove except P(unless you are good at Parrying) is a better choice for her…but thats just what i seen.


I can answer that, the c.lk x2, c.lp xx lv. 1 super works as long as it’s fast and close when you combo the c.lp immediately into the lv. 1 super. I advise you to do c. lk x2 into the super, it works on lv. 3 also.

yeh you’re probably right about S Hibiki, I was trying to make a tournament team on S-Groove it features Sakura and Kyo. Just trying to make something unique.

If you want you always could use Hibiki in S Groove. Dodge/Command Dodge mixups and stuff…but its not that reliable imo. Dont let anyone stop you of course, try it out and see if you can do something with it. Who knows…maybe there will be that magical S Revolution we been all dreaming about :stuck_out_tongue:

I sometimes use S Sak for casuals too, and i honestly recommend someone like Cammy with awesome dodge attacks over Hibiki. sh. cross, c.mk xx any super lvl 1 is too dope…but yeah thats just my experience with it.

Yeh I like S Cammy she’s hella good she’s on my team for sure. I really dopn’t like hibiki’s knockback attack but It’s gonna be a S revolution fa sho though. I’ll just keep on reading the strats and stuff, btw? are you going to the tournament in Fairfield this weekend? if so? I hopes to see you there…

Lol unfortunetly i am busy this weekend…i really would like to someday have more freedom to go out and play with locals…one of the best part of fighting games is meeting new players and having fun with them. :slight_smile:

I would say that use S Hibiki’s Knockback dodge attack as a whiff punisher. I dunno about you, but when i use knockback attacks, i only do it if i anticipate something and use it as whiff punish(unless its just that abusable like Cammy’s), especially slow knockbacks like Benimaru’s and of course…Hibiki’s. Thats only if you dont have charge though, i like to capitalize on charge time when i whiff punish with it.

I just see it that…since its so slow, i use it for whiff punish, seems most optimal to hit them in their delay. Otherwise use dodge buffer. I dont know what to link it into…i would say qcf. hp but thats a little risky…if you are close enough i sugguest into the Piercing Moon Pounce(her break guard special move…i think…) maybe and into a super or qcf.hp if you can.

Just throwing out random ideas for S Hibiki, hope that helps. Fight the power xD