You are speaking truth on that one, forealz…
I just checked out her knockback attack off of dodge, it’s hella shorter then her standing forward and it recovers quickly. the only thing I need to learn about her is when to abuse supers?
You are speaking truth on that one, forealz…
I just checked out her knockback attack off of dodge, it’s hella shorter then her standing forward and it recovers quickly. the only thing I need to learn about her is when to abuse supers?
Can anyone really give me some basic-advanced ways to play Hibiki, I’ve been utilizing her, but her style of play is very different from someone say Ryu whom I play as, so I’m just wondering. I know that qcf+lp and fp upon whiffs are nice, I play on N-Groove so I run in and c.lp, or to put them in block stun(Seriously I really don’t know what to do to make her very good, atm I’m just pretty much zoning with her)…just wondering, what really good Hibiki players do.
Thanks in Advance.
Hibiki is a rushdown type of char not a zoning type, so if you know how to put on the pressure to either go for a GC or pretend to but in the process you are only setting up for a mix up to through them way off. If you know how to crazy jab then that makes you more deadly since you can keep enough distance with yourself from your opponent but still put on the pressure.
Try not to roll often with Hibiki because she can’t take hits for shit if you get caught out of the roll. Wake up rc qcf.lp or qcb.hp, qcf.hp (if the 1st one hits) to begin a set up for a mix up game. Never whiff any of her supers, ever. If you can do poptricks, do them for jump happy fucks and catch them with the dash super or catch them with a counter and dash super them. The blackout super pretty much doesnt exsist cause its her worst super. As for those “root” supers only do them off combo links or catching them on their whiffs.
Against people who like to turtle catch them with small jump+mp, c.lp, ( after jump if you know it will link). A lot of people that I see turtle are stupid cause they are the ones who has taken dmg while I have full health, but for some people it works as long as the other guy chases them for some weird reason and gets caught by the “turtle tactics” and ends up being on the disadvantage in healthpoints. If your against the corner and you cant get out of their poke string then either read the rythem to look for the opening to punish and know how to rush them right after it, if they jump at you while your on the corner either catch them with a counter, qcb.hp (to get across the screen), or catch them with the dash super.
If you face off against Sagat or Blanka and probably a couple more that I can’t think of off the top of my head. Dont rush hard, you have to play a balanced out game with Hibiki since a, c.hp from Sagat pretty much kills you and blanka catches you on every qcf.p you whiff at him. But if Sagat is not sitting on a bar then you can be a bit more aggressive but still cautious of what you are doing.
Since your an N-Hibiki take some tips from buktooth either from the forums itself or watch some of his games on youtube.
Hope this helps.
Why would you use S-Hibiki? The only thing really going for S-groove is the dodge and lvl 1 supers. Hibiki already has a dodge and her only lvl 1 super is DSoV which has severe lag when whiffed (but very useful in small combos). If this is integral in your style, then I guess maybe you could play her in S-groove… but I find that it’s pretty easy to get up to lvl 1 in C-groove. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying that S-groove is terrible, but Hibiki really isn’t a good match for it.
Its not that i was really advocating it, its just someone asked about it, and i gave some thoughts about the matter. S Groove is pretty weak for tourney play unless you are just that solid with it anyway. Do what you wish of course. I aint saying S Hibiki is awesome, theres 4 other grooves for that (A, P, N, K).
I personally think A and P Hibiki is zoning/turtle, while N and K more rushdown…i cant see her doing as much rushdown without Run.
Dodge => punch, dp K xx super o_O
Hey guys, sorry for the late post, but I do appreciate the tips, I’ve been messing around with Hibiki…I’m really not used to her playstyle, I feel like a damn noob playing her, lmao.
Anyways, I’ve been trying some stuff…just wondering if there solid…with N-Groove Hibiki I tend to rushdown more than I turtle, because I have a tendency to guard crush alot, I’ll mixup things like short jump fk, land c.lkX2 into c.lp, run c.lp, short jump fk repeat or I mixup from there into, sometimes I’ll go in for a throw, I’m not too adept at landing her cross ups yet, but it’s getting better.
If I link one of my’s, I’ll do two more’s, c.lp, qcf+lp as a combo finisher. Yes…very basic shit…but that’s all I can say for my usage of Hibiki atm. Thanks again for the info, it’s helping me out, I’ll try to pm Buk personally, hopefully he’ll give me some thumbs as well…Hibiki is getting alot of love and respect from me the more I play and use her.
Few questions of my own,
i can c.short x 2 or 3 into Deadly Rave Root super like half the time…the trouble is, sometimes i mess up at the end with close s.roundhouse into the dash slash and tun around slash…i just wonder if i am doing anything wrong…am i supposed to use fierce version…?
What about if i have a lvl 1 stocked as well…(use her in N and K)? Do i do qcb p xx into(assume i am facing left):
1.) qcb;hcf p
or 2.) qcf; hcb ?
Basically i am not that sure which way to go and if i am doing it right…-_-
Thanks in advance, i feel really newb asking this but i dont have my game at the moment and would appreciate any help ^^
yes you do the fierce version for both slashes, if your N groove with 1 stock left during the finish of the Root super then do the 1st slash then do the qcb,hcf.p (i dont have the game on me but do the original command for the super). also after the s.rh you need to hold down the fierce for like 1sec or you may not cross over to the other side and get punished hard on recovery.
TrueSephiroth, your suppose to finish the combo with but qcf.lp is a starter I guess.
Thanks SanGye, i appreciate the help, and yes you are right about the 1second hold, i did not do that the first time and i got pwned pretty bad (K Groove hurts).
I always thought people do qcf.lp because it has less lag…or something like that…>_>;
The speed it comes out and the recovery of the qcf.lp and is pretty much the same. If you get caught on the recovery, ea. Blanka ball and some lvl 3 supers it wont matter if you did the qcf.lp instead of you get caught no matter what.
Ah I see, thanks for the tip I thought mp was slower too, since now I know, I’ll use mp instead. On a side note, do you know what strategies that can be used up against Guile and Sagat?
c.lp > Guile lol. rush Guile with full aggression if hes not in a rolling groove, if he is in a rolling groove then rush/set up so they roll and throw them. Don’t jump at Guile unless you know how to angle your jump to own his AA for the, c.lp, pick off.
s.fierce > any jumping attack against Sagat, if hes not a fireball whore rush him but still keeping your distance. If he is a fireball whore then you have to be smart on how you pick your shots and small jump on the right moments to advance. Go for crossup set ups everytime Sagat is knocked down since for some reason j.rh owns a Sagat on their wakeup. If he likes to wake up dp.p then bait it and punish, on the 2nd attempt combo him or grab.
And if you can rc then you only have to put in half the effort to beat them.
This guys fuckin wrong. Go back and read earlier posts or something, or read more detailed posts by buktooth. Off the top of my head, lp slash is -19 on hit, mp slash is -17 on hit. Im fairly certain lp version comes out a bit faster too. It makes a BIG difference which slash you ended the combo with. Look I wrote this years ago
Its in THIS SAME THREAD. Blanka nothing will hit you if you do it right. Im not even gonna start on the other shit. Stop f’ing up the forums please.
Aren’t you wrong? This is on the 1st page of this thread posted by noodleman and has all the supers that can punish Hibiki stating if its hit or blocked as well. Unless its really outdated then someone needs to post up on what Hibiki can get punished by after finishing her BnB with a jab version and strong version.
um, i stole that off an old page from SRK itself…i believe later on Buk has mentioned that the list is inaccurate.
iirc if Hibiki is in K-groove, she has an extra frame to JD with, meaning it’s near impossible to punish qcf slash on hit.
when i played hibiki, i always ended BnB with the MP version…not that it really matters, if you want this settled, get Buk to chime in…he’s the Hibiki expert.
I c so its outdated, BUK we need a new list! Does he see it? 0_o lol Guess i’ll PM him about it if he can post it up here. I could use the chart myself I’m sick of not finishing my BnB against Blanka, Bison, etc. on people who I thought could punish me. >.<
Like I said… read. My post is directly in response to that one. Educate yourself the answers are yours to behold. OR… training mode!
i swear to god… f this site.
Well I got caught by a Blanka ball lvl3 once after a jab slash finish so thats why I’m confused. Like does the punish not apply if I connect the BnB as late as possible to get as much distance or will I get punished either way against certain supers? I currently don’t have a CvS2 on me to figure it out so I need to ask.
Look man, PLEASE read my post which I continually refer to. I said, this combo (c.short x3, c.jab, qcf+mp), when done correctly, cannot be punished by many things, especially things on that old list. For the umpteenth time, mp slash leaves you at LESS of a DISADVANTAGE (that is, safer), than jab slash, no questions asked. Link the shorts (and jab i guess), you will NOT be punished by Blanka. Ever. Balrog level 3 will hit you. Sagat will never hit you. A-Bison (im 90% sure here) will not be able to hit you. In this case I know RH scissors doesnt work, FP psycho might, it may be position dependant. Bison with a level 3 WILL hit you. You can gauge all the other supers off these, I don’t really know for certain but you just have to classify the supers or guess right. Honda level 3? Probably not, don’t think its faster than Blanka super. Rock kick super? Maybe. level 3 tripwire? Possibility…Chun li level 2? Nah. Level 3 probably. Its just educated guessing until someone, (or you yourself) goes and figures it out for certain. Its not very complicated and I’ve tried to make this as clear as I can.