Hibiki Strategies and Matchups

I use her as my anchor in N-Groove. (So does Buk.) Using her as an A-Groove anchor isn’t smart, but since N-Groove is all about rushdown, meter isn’t all that hard to come by and you’ll always have it when you need it. N is also nice because if you miss a chance to land a Level 3 while activated, you can just get another stock (the same amount as half an A-Groove bar) pretty quickly and get another go at it.

About the vitality, I figure it’s better to solidify a weaker character with the R2 and be really careful about it, than to make a stronger character stronger and get away with being more reckless. In the end, the better player still wins.

Here’s all the knowledge I’ve picked up against the chea… erm, “top tier” characters.

vs. Cammy:
This is definitely Hibiki’s toughest fight. Thankfully, Cammy is also a 60 stun, meaning that if you can land a short-short-short chain super, you can stun her with a wake-up crossup running slash and slash back. If you’re in N, you’ll have enough meter to burn another super, so after doing roundhouse, running slash into super, she’s pretty much dead. This means that Cammy can’t risk a Cannon Drill too close or it’s over for her (provided you can get that extra stun after wakeup, it’s worth the risk).

Cammy loves to play footsies, so if she’s far enough away, throw out the HP distance trip slash. You only need to land this once, because after that, the ball is in your court. If she tries to anticipate another slash, her two options are rolling through it (which isn’t going to happen), or more likely, a jump-in dive kick. Since Cammy doesn’t have any other jump-in that’s useful, you can assume that any jump from her towards you is going to be the dive kick, so the moment you see her jump, throw out the counter. Free damage. If she tries any other type of jump-in after that, it’s :hp: everytime.

Hibiki’s weakness is when Cammy is in close working on that stupid standing HP. This is when you’ll want to use that Counter Attack (AC) and get Cammy out of her best range. You’ll always hit it, and even though you’re going to lose a good chunk of your guard bar, it’s worth it, especially when you’re in the corner. For N-Groove, I find the counter movement back step extremely useful for when Cammy is closer to the corner than I am, since that frees me up to punish her when she most likely whiffs the follow up c.RH.

For when both of you are outside your poke ranges, any time Cammy begins moving forward into her c.HK range, stick out your c.MP. The tip of Hibiki’s sword is outside her hitbox, it won’t trade. You need to do it early, though, so don’t hesitate to stick it out there. If you whiff, you’ll usually be far enough away to recover before she storms in. If she’s coming and you don’t have enough time to stick it out again, dodge and hop back to keep the space between you. Also send out the occasional MP distance slash to keep them honest. But don’t do the trip slash again unless you’re damn sure you’ll land it.

Never do any distance slash of any kind when Cammy has a Lv3 ready. She can hit you with the super, hit or miss on the slash.

vs. Sagat
Also a tough fight, but not as hard as against Cammy since there’s more of this oaf to hit. Then again, it hurts if you screw it up. For this fight, standing :mp: is your eternal friend. This move can keep Sagat on the ground and far away from you. Do not use distance slashes of any kind, since Sagat’s roll is really annoying. Also go easy on the crouching roundhouse, since it’s a laggy move that can also be rolled through.

Against a small-jumping Sagat, there’s really nothing that can be done except to react to the close empty jump-ins with standing jabs. If he insists on it, you might be able to sneak in a counter, but the safer thing to do if you see one coming is to dodge and hop back.

Getting in offensive opportunities is hard to do too. I tend to rely on faking a lot of running slashes to get free run-ins, not forgetting to sprinkle in some running slash whiffs and blocked hits. Don’t go too deep with them, but don’t always release them at the same point, either. Be extra careful that they don’t try an anticipatory roll when you try to go for the running slash, which is why you also want to stop your runs way early with moves to see if they bite on first movement. That’s good advice for any Hibiki player, really.

vs. Blanka
This one is pretty easy, except that Blanka is one of the few characters that can overpower Hibiki’s standing fierce anti-air quickly enough to cause some hurt (his jumping roundhouse). Use those anti-air running slashes, too. Since Blanka can’t do Blanka Balls (punish with distance slashes or running slash), as long as you’re inside his max ball ranges his only means of getting in close is jumping. If you can handle that much of it, you’ll be fine.

I love playing an electric-crazy Blanka with N-Groove. If they try the wake-up elec (RC or not), I go for the counter movement back step. They’re still recovering from electricity while Hibiki’s cold steel slices through them. If they fake the elec and stop just before wakeup, they’ll be greeted with the butt of Hibiki’s scabbard (cl.MK when MP+MK are hit simultaneously). Otherwise, I don’t mind taking it once or twice.

Once he’s close, just keep blocking his pokes until he finishes off the block chain with a crouching fierce or roundhouse. Step forward to close the gap again, and high jab him out of any hop or dash-in attempts if he comes back in. Also be careful here with the laggy pokes and slashes, since he can hop back and leave you vulnerable.

Never do any distance slash of any kind when Blanka has a Lv3 ready. He can hit you with the electric ball super, hit or miss on the slash.

Newbie Blanka maybe, but Blanka definately isn’t a pretty easy fight for Hibiki. It doesn’t matter how good you are, low jumping Blanka drives any Hibiki player nuts, and it’s those that always assume the match is free for Hibiki that get messed up the most. Unless you have A-groove, I don’t think anybody should ever be using her at R2.

i don’t think anyone should use Hibiki r2 in any groove. She doesn’t dish out enough damage for it to be worth it to put her R2, and she take damage like mad too.

well, I play Vega/Sak/Hibiki in A-groove. That order with Hibiki as the R2 just seemed to make the most sense from the battery/user/anchor deal, since Hibiki is my best character (boy is ‘best’ a relative term). I’ve been pondering a groove switch to N, but I just like A-groove too much. Is Hibiki at R2 really that bad an idea?

Take it from someone who plays a R2 Hibiki on K groove, its an uphill fight and from what i understand from a friend who can beat me quite horribly, its not a bad idea for casual play (mostly what i do) but if you were really giving it your all i understand that an R2 hibiki isn’t too great. The same friend uses her as a Battery character

Oh I’ve been doing it for a while now, I would say moderately successfully? I’m just surprised to see the outpouring of OMG BAD IDEA!!

i use hibiki in the battery position. It’s just that her bar isn’t as menacing as say Sagat, blanka, bison with bar.

And as anchor it is as Maker said, it’s an uphill battle.

But don’t let me or anyone else pick your team for you, try it for yourself. If you feel comfortable and doing it successfully, then by all means put hibiki r2.

Yeah, I had bison as R2 for a while, even messed around with C-groove cuz I can’t paint the fence, and I just missed Hibiki and doing customs. shrug Now someone help me get that damn reset down! jk

Here’s some quick damage numbers for an R2 Hibiki and Sagat (calculated in N-Groove for both):

7876dmg 47stun - Level 3 Super punisher (cl.:hp: xx chain super xx cl.:hp: to run slash/slash back)
6752dmg 40stun - Level 3 Super off shorts (c.:lk::lk::lk: xx chain super xx cl.:hp: to run slash/slash back)
4600dmg 23stun - Level 1 Super punisher (c.:hk: xx run slash xx super back)
3400dmg 34stun - No supers punisher (c.:hk: xx run slash/slash back)

7600dmg 15stun - Level 3 Super punisher (c.:hp: xx Tiger Raid)
7000dmg 10stun - Level 3 Super off low hit (c.:mp: xx Tiger Raid)
4100dmg 15stun - Level 1 Super punisher (c.:hp: xx Tiger Raid)
3291dmg 33stun - No supers punisher (:hp: xx fierce Tiger Uppercut)

Hibiki deals more damage and stun off supers than Sagat in every which way, except for off of low hits. Sagat doesn’t have a hit confirm for his most damaging super, and since the low Tiger Shot super w/hit confirm does about 1000 less damage, Hibiki outpeforms there, too.

The only downside to this, of course, is that Hibiki can fewer hits than Sagat. I know this firsthand, unfortunately.

Yeah, that’s very true. I don’t see too many K-Blankas over here (there’s just one that I see regularly), so I forgot to mention that aspect. Since the only small-jump groove you’ll see Blanka in is K anyway, I forget that my anti-airs are pretty useless against a good JD-er, so I have to keep my sword in my pocket and it makes for a really tough fight. I do everything I can to stay outside the small jump range and hope he makes a mistake before I do, or hope he’s a super-turtle and get in my overheads.

Yo, I honestly feel in my opinion that A-Hibiki with full bar is much scarier than C-Sagat or A-Sakura (I’ll leave Blanka and Bison because those guys are cheap too). C-Sagat can’t do throw into CC or CC into throw. CC, then RC is also infuriating. Like A-Sakura, it’s not even safe to alpha counter against A-Hibiki either because she has silly ways to bait you. Put that with A-Hibiki is a character you definately don’t want to try and block against and she’s much more than just a battery. For me, she’s downright frustrating to fight against whenever she has full meter. I’d rather put up with full meter A-Bison than fight against some of the nonsense A-Hibiki can do.

Use whoever you guys want as R2 btw. Don’t ever let some random forum guy pressure you into anything. I use R2 Akuma just because I like him for example. Unless it’s Honda or A-scrub team, it’s the person, not the character that makes the player anyway.

Do you know how to do those Japanese tricks? I can’t do them at all, but my friend does. You kara-cancel or something the second hit of the two hit close HP into the command dodge. Then either run away or do the hop back. It makes your anti-air safe against JD. If you can get the right angle, d.HP is pretty good anti air-JD as well.

I don’t think Hibiki as R2 is a bad idea at all, she’s a VERY solid anchor type character. Strong defense, strong mixups, strong everything. You really don’t have to worry where to put her in A-groove if you are solid with her.
She doesn’t dish out enough damage ? MAN that’s just wrong :stuck_out_tongue:

you actually kara the second part of the fp. so hold the fp down, then wait for the beginning of the down slash, then kara it with the dodge. you can kara anything else you want, so if you hit close st.hp on the ground, you can kara into runnign slash xx distance slash.

you can also mix up the timing with jump back fp/mp for anti air. If you think/know they’re going to just jump in a jd, then throw something else out for them to jd instead, like jabs or something.

edit: just read your post again kcxj, i just said the same thing you did about the kara fp into dodge. I shouldn’t try to read or post in the morning… :xeye:

On a side note ive done a little more work with the ken player i mentioned before hand on Hibiki’s dodge (the built in move) and while its not the best way out of a situation, think about it like this. If your opponent jumps in and is attacking you have several options, a quick :hcf::k: , the built in dodge, (if you use K or P groove a Just Defend or Parry / counter) or even a simple s.:hp: all are options open to you for that particular instance, (feels dumb for stating the obvious) atleast in my mind the more options you have at any one particular moment can be a great advantage if used correctly. (my 2 cents)

close s.hp kara cancel running slash is fucking good in corner. do the slash part as they are falling into it and it’ll hit on the other side.

counter, dash/run, close s.hp xx slash

any setups after AA close s.hp xx dodge?

C groove hibiki is fun. level 1 dsov are cool and you get the meter for it FAST. use level 2 as an AA, cancel into run to get up close. you can also do c.lk c.lk c.lp xx dsov (not sure about level 1).

Hi there.

I’ve been playing Hibiki as my main character for a long time, but after visiting several sites an FAQs, there are a few questions I need help with.

  1. I’ve heard of Hibiki’s ‘knockdown game’ (can’t remember the name of it). In this ‘game’, Hibiki is to start with a knockdown and do somethings that would confuse the opponent…like a guessing game. Problem is, the ways I ‘discovered’ are no different from using other characters if doing the same. I hope I’m clear in this :stuck_out_tongue:

  2. Up to now, I’ve been using N-Hibiki and sometimes K-Hibiki, but I’ve heard that A-hibiki is very powerful. How so is it powerful? Her CCs? How do you make a reliable CC for Hibiki?

  3. And finally, a stupid general question. How do you ‘counter attack’ in N-Groove andso a Safe Fall?

To safe fall: tap PPP at the moment you hit the ground.
To counter attach: block a hit, then press forward on the joystick, and tap mp+mk. You have about 1/4 second to get the counter out, so the leeway is decent, but still needs to be learned. For instance, if you are blocking Sakura’s shoshosho CC, just hold forward and mash mp+mk.

Reliable CC with Hibiki: throw(can’t remember which one), activate, free damage.

Knockdown game is not something I see a lot of with Hibiki. She’s still strong on the mixup, but not as many knockdowns as a lot of other characters.


Care to elaborate about the CC? :smiley:

kick throw, CC, qcf+mp, qcb+mp x3, after that I do close.hp cancelled into a whiffed lp, then repeat j.mp x4 j.hp until you run out of meter then super. it should probably be all j.hp but I can’t get the juggle quite right so I just stick to what I can do.

Hey whats up… I had to play against a really big turtle Akuma and it took me who knows how long to figure out how to beat him. He would just jump back with his air hadoukens and I couldnt roll in cuz Hibiki’s roll is to slow. And if i jumped in he would just anti air me with S.Hk. I know i should have RC’d her running slash thing through his Air Fire balls but i had a controller which i cant RC for shit with. But if anybody has some good Strats to beat a Turtle Akuma without the use of RC plz post some up thanks.

yeah, sometimes shotos can be more problematic than Sagat. I try not to jump in with Hibiki…it will only get you killed faster. True Hibiki has slow rolls too and Akuma’s air fireball does not cuz his jump direction to change.

I would suggest poking him with MPs. MP is like one of her most annoying moves in the game. If he tries to air fireball, jump with him and use MP…it should shut him down. Try to predict when he is going to jump at you so that you can get a early roll. Don’t roll too much though, or that will get you into trouble.