Hibiki Combos and Glitches

To help with the cr. shorts -> cr. jap -> dash super, you could negitive edge the super. I started doing that because I always accidently negative edged a beckoning slash or distance after the cr. jab.

So you could actually negative edge the super, or hold down jab and press another punch button after inputing the motion for the super. The second method only works with certain grooves though, I use K so it doesnt matter which button I press to super. I use both, which ever one I do out of instinct.

Well I do it this way:
say you are going for 3 shorts, c.lp xx super

I do the 3 shorts, before you enter the c.lp, do a 21412 motion (sorry for using GGXX/ST terms :p), enter your c.lp, qcf+lp (the super should come out).

so it looks something like (sorry for using GGXX/ST terms again =p)

c.short x3, 21412 cr.lp, 236 any punch

I hardly get negetive edge for this, maybe it’s just me :rofl:

what kind of supers and specials would connect after dp+K?

I’m new here and pls don’t flame me. I’m just starting to play K Hibiki in serious challenges and I wanna know what kind of specials and lvl 3 supers would connect from dp+K aside from qcf+HP & qcbhcf+P. I tried doing Going my way root 2 from dp+K but it didn’t come out… pls help.

qcf+P (any P), and qcb,hcf+P (any level) super will cancel after dp+K. after a qcb+P that crosses up you can also cancel into counter. none of them will work if blocked.

ok, thanks.

CC, (close RHx2, c.HP xx qcb+LP)x2, (c.LPx4, c.HP xx qcb+LP)x2, c.LPx4, c.HK xx super

I have problems with this combo :frowning: I can do up to when you do the first set of crouching jabs, but that’s it =/

What exactly is the problem you’re having?

After the second qcb+LP in that first set immediatelybefore the d.lp’s, immediately mash those d.lp’s.

After the 4 d.lp’s, immediately hit d.HP and then cancel it to another qcb+LP like you’ve been doing earlier on, as you say you managed to work UP TO the jabs right?

It’s not exactly an “easy” custom to learn, but it gets easier with practice.

**EDIT:**Oh yeah I forgot, for the qcb+LP’s, you’ve got to hit the d.lp immediately after the flash saying the move actually hit. Waiting for the moves recovery isn’t a good idea.

alright. Thanks for the advice.

I’m not sure if anything like this has already been posted, but I figure I’ll share anyway. I found a trick for doing Hibiki’s cl.hp cancel into dodge. It’s pretty simple: you wait until you see the first part of the cl.hp finish, then hit mp and hp together with your three middle fingers held together and immediately slide down to the mk and hk buttons. You don’t really have to hit the punches again (you can just hold down the hp and slide down) but doing so makes timing the dodge easier. Using this method I can do the cancel pretty consistently, and my execution is awful. One drawback to using this is that the slide motion makes it more difficult to hit a kick again if you want to jump back, but it’s still doable.

can someone help me out with something i am having trouble with linking her deadly rave super can some one tell me if there are any shortcuts of doing it from short short