Good posts, try to add damage/stun data for future reference though.
Additional notes/corrections:
-low strong xx deadly rave doesn’t combo at max range unless it was a counter hit. Also, at max range of the low strong the other super won’t even reach.
-close forward is +6, so linking low short afterwards is an easy 3 frame link. Linking low strong/fierce is a lot tougher at 1 frame, though.
-AFAIK, 2 low shorts into running slash is way too inconsistent to be used in real matches. I’ve even tried it on the fattest characters and still only got it to combo roughly 60% of the time.
-close roundhouse xx qcb+fierce xx qcf+fierce:
3400 dmg, 34 stun
Your big mistake punisher. The trip slash can be swapped with a level 1 super (not recommended, only 1200 more damage) or higher. However, if you have a level 3 available you wouldn’t want to do this combo anyway. The non-super combo is great as it does good damage and a whopping 34 stun; halfway to dizzying any character. Great set ups after also.
-close roundhouse xx deadly rave, close roundhouse xx qcb+fierce xx qcf+fierce:
7878 dmg, 47 stun
Your big mistake punisher into level 3. Very good damage, HUGE stun damage and great set ups after. If you hit this, chances are you’re going to win.
-(S/N-Grooves only) deadly rave, close roundhouse xx qcb+fierce xx level 1:
7979 dmg, 0 stun
After a deadly rave super, the combo hit count is high enough that damage scaling becomes fairly severe on the running slash xx trip slash combo. The level 1 super becomes more worth it in this case, doing roughly 1600 more dmg. By comboing into the deadly rave super you can do roughly 10000 dmg in one combo.
-counter, qcb+jab:
1800 dmg, 12 stun
Your standard no-meter follow up to the counter. Sets up a bazillion things afterwards, including a 2p glitch cross up.
-counter, level 1/3 super/blackout super:
2900/5500/6100 dmg, 0 stun
Doing the level 1 generally isn’t worth it, but the level 3 is good for a nice chunk of free damage. N-Groove can also activate after the counter and still land the level 3. The blackout super is quite a bit harder to time (at least for me, anyway) so I wouldn’t recommend going for it.
-dp+kick, qcf+fierce:
1900 dmg, 19 stun
19 stun plus knockdown off of an RCable overhead is quite nice. As with all combos ending with qcf+fierce, good set ups after.
-dp+kick, level 1/3 super:
3100/5700 dmg, 8 stun
Self explanatory.