Oops. Thanks, already edited.
Hrm… might as well list some CCs while I’m here:
-CC, (close RHx2, c.HP xx qcb+LP)x2, (c.LPx4, c.HP xx qcb+LP)x2, c.LPx4, c.HK xx super:
7892 damage
Very respectable damage. This generic ground CC is your “big punisher CC” and also the CC to use when you activate randomly. First hits hitting low is nice too, but I find that it’s a little too slow to use as trip guard anti-air.
-CC, qcf+MP, qcb+LP, qcb+MPx3, qcf+MP, c.LK (whiff), (jump HPx5)x2, super:
6864 damage
This is your anti-air CC. The beauty of this CC is that you can anti-air somebody from REALLY far away on reaction and get a whole CC out of it. Is Blanka jumping up and down? Kill it. Blanka low jumping up and down? Kill it. Did you just block a Bison psycho crusher (or Blanka ball)? Kill it. Sak whiffing dive kicks? Kill it. You get the point.
-kick throw, CC, qcf+MP, qcb+MPx4, qcf+MP, c.LK (whiff), (jump HPx5)x2, super:
6812 damage
This is lovely. Guaranteed CC after a midscreen throw. You can also activate, THEN throw and combo off of that for a bit less damage. Still worth it, though, and pretty much guaranteed to work several times on everybody before they start catching on. And then when they start trying to jump out you do a low move and go into the ground CC…
-CC, jump HKx4, c.HP, then go into generic ground CC:
7760 damage
Overhead CC on big characters. Works on characters Eagle-sized and taller. Also handy as an easy reset mid-CC, or if you went for a low hitting CC and they blocked.
-CC, qcb+LP, c.HP, (qcb+LP, c.HPx2)x2, (c.LPx4, c.HP, qcb+LP)x2, c.LPx4, c.HK, super:
7672 damage
Whiff punisher CC. Also works as one of the best anti-projectile CCs in the game. Hibiki can be really far away from the fireball thrower and still get a CC off of it.
Now, if anybody can tell me how to consistenly get Hibiki’s CC reset with dodge xx hop back and j.rh, I’ll be your best friend for life.