Hibiki Combos and Glitches

hey buktooth, what are the “good setups” after you land a qcb, hcf + p super or a dp + k overhead into fierce slash?

i know about super jump rh to hit either side, or holding the running slash so the back part of her blade hits your opponent after you crossup, but what else?


there’s like… way too many possibilities to list after a knockdown. hibiki’s post-knockdown game is super buff. problem is, she doesnt have that many knockdown moves…

mind posting a super abbreviated version/adding onto my list? i usually do something like this after hitting a CC and ending w/ her super. so far i’ve got…

-super jump RH to hit on either side
-RC DP+K overhead
-low shorts into B&B combo
-i saw otaku do the command run, which DOES NOT cross up, into close standing rh
-OR do the running blade move which DOES cross up to hit from behind (which i have trouble timing correctly for some reason)

anything else?


Close s.HK into what? That move by itself isn’t safe. Are you sure he didn’t mistime up a throw?

Hey Buktooth and David,

    Outta Rock, Kyo and Hibiki in OTK's team which character do you think he's the best? I heard his Kyo is pretty dope.  


This isn’t really the place to be asking a question like that. This is the thread for Hibiki combos and gliteches. Why do you care who his best character is anyways?

His Rock is cool but there’s so little footage of his K Rock = (. Anyway, does anyone do cr.short qcb + fierce qcf + fierce with Hibiki? I like doing that cuz it’s knocks down PLUS it’s stronger than the regular BnB.

is that punishment situation or can you hit confirm the c.lk? I know I sure can’t. I’d save that for punishing stuff, in which case swap out c.lk for s.hk so its even more damage. But hey if you can hit confirm it, go nuts. My .02 on that.

Any P-Groove Cancels for the XBOX??

Stronger, and safer against super-ready opponents. I don’t use this one as much because by the time I get to Hibiki, I’m activating my stocks and am ready to look for short-short-short supers. When I do have time for a quick punisher, but not enough time to stick out the cl.roundhouse, I use the cl.strong better. It comes out in 4 frames and does 800 dmg vs. c.short coming out in 3 frames and only 200 dmg.

I just realized this, but it’s the best to use it after landing some sort of safe knockdown move in the corners. If you know they’re going to stay down, you can do that 3K dodge forward to switch sides with them. They never expect this, and a c.short XX fierce run slash XX fierce trip slash is easy damage and stun on top of whatever landed them in the corner. If they somehow guess the blocking direction, the run slash will at least get you out of the corner.

Got a question here: how do you effectively use Hibiki’s dp+k? I haven’t been using it mainly because it is slow, but when I saw the video footage, OTK does it real fast. I remember that he superjumped or something in front of his opponent and immidiately knocks his opponent with dp+k without any delay, and cancelled it into QCF+HP.

I use an RC’ed one when they get up occaisionally. c.lk, dp+k works sometimes too especially if you’ve trained them to expect 3 c.lk.

When you do use it (which you should because it’s a very good move), make sure you’re doing it so that if gets blocked, you’re out of range of your opponent’s fast attacks. Remember Sagat can d.MK xx super you after blocking dp+K if you used it at point blank range. Rock can sweep, etc… anything fast you need to be careful of.

another question: about Hibiki’s close.HK xx QCB+HP xx QCF+HP, it seemed whenever I do QCB+HP, Hibiki occassionally doesn’t crossup. Do I actually hold the QCB+HP for a short while?

Yea, just hold it for a little bit, like a second or something. The combo doesn’t have to be done fast. As long as u take your time to do it right, it should be an easy combo.

Alright, one more thing to practice I guess. I keep screwing up the QCB and land right in front of the opponent’s face.

Hold the [P] button longer.

Yeah, I managed to get it (finally). Now for the cr.lk x3, cr.lp xx dash super :stuck_out_tongue:

For the running slash/hop over rh trick, when rh connects what’s the best button to press to actually get a combo on smaller characters? On Sagat and Blanka j.fierce works for me, but I can’t get anything to connect after the rh on anyone smaller. Thanks.

Edit: yeah that’s during CC of course.

i think it’s suppose to be st.mp, or cr.lk. not 100% sure though.