"Hey man, you're guessing wrong!" Makoto's Tips and Tricks Thread


a few days ago i fought a Boxer, and did an EX Karakusa(and i swear i was in good range) and he jab spammed, hitting me twice before i grabbed him.

can anyone test/confirm this?

I can get a meaty mp consistently after a sweep by dashing immediately and wiffing a cr.lp, then doing the mp.

I just wanna put my two cents in. After ultra1 not in the corner I dash and do a F.HK crossover then hold forward-jump/9 and I crossed by friend up with a mk. I did it a second time but delayed the jump for a sec and I didn’t cross up and smacked him in the face lol.

Any more mixups/gimmicks after midscreen ultra? Besides the obv dash up high/low/grab.

Ex karakusa has a 5 frames startup. Balrog can chain cancel his c.lp, so if he gets lucky and hits your ex kara on its 1st startup frame, into the armor, the following c.lp will hit on the 5th startup frame… so yes, ex kara can be jab spammed, but it is mostly luck on Balrog’s side.

Hey, what’s up guys. To go with your meaty oroshi and meaty s.mp, I found out that you can also do meaty charge hp hayate and it combos into s.mp, c.mp, and s.mk. Maybe on some characters, you can also combo into s.hp, but Ryu was just too far away for it to work.

So, a sample mixup on Ryu would be to meaty charged hp hayate (145-175 dmg depending on the charge), s.mp/s.mk >> ex hayate > f lk reset karakusa into whatever in corner. We’re talking more than half of their health gone off of two combos. Of course, you can pick and choose your meaty. Hayate meaty isn’t the best, but oroshi’s startup for meaty is obvious enough to get DP’d. At least with the hayate meaty, you can feint it in your mixups to bait out DPs.

Another thing, which I’m sure some of you guys are aware of (I didn’t see it in the posts though), you can meaty s.mp and oroshi into s.hp mid screen without counter hit instead of the c.hp/s.mp followup.

With counter hit, you can do some absurd things. ch s.hp feint s.hp xx hp hayate and ch s.hp feint ultra 1 work on Ryu. By the time you feint the hp, I’m pretty sure you should be able to react to counter hit (you’ve got all of s.hp and then the feint to decide whether or not to do s.mp or s.hp, which isn’t that bad). The ch s.hp feint ultra isn’t something I expect to see unless your frame trapping characters with slow pokes and bad wakeup. It can’t be that much harder than confirming the ultra off of meaty s.mp though, considering you’ve already buffered in one qcf motion of the ultra.

I couldn’t get meaty hp hayate to combo into ultra, with or without counterhit, but I am pretty tired, so maybe one of you guys can try it out with better luck. I’ve got a couple other tricks, but I’d like to test them out some more and post next time I get on if they’re actually consistent enough.

Finally, on the topic of ex armor, I’ve noticed that with the hyper armor moves now. I was playing against a Balrog player a day ago, and the Balrog user kept using ex upper to consistently absorb both hits of my ex tiger shot. I thought it was a fluke until it kept happening. I’ve had similar experiences using Makoto’s hyper armor too. So, I went to training mode and tried it out with Balrog against a high and low ex tiger shot. Out of ten times, I could time it and input it correctly to absorb both hits and keep going six times, so there is a science to it. I can’t figure it out with Makoto though. With Balrog, my input was b,f,b+2p f+2k. I also got it to work a bunch of times using b,f+2p b+2k. That work better than the first input for me. Needless to say, it absorbed the two hits, and trucked at Sagat with an ex upper (still yellow too), and only used one bar. Maybe this will help someone figure something out with Makoto.

If FA Lvl2 > Dash is confirmed to give Makoto great advantage for her LK Karakusa, can this also be done on the Meaty tricks like Oroshi and S.MP on wakeup?

I dunno about you but I don’t ever have an opportunity to do ex hayate xx FADC xx f.lk reset because it burns 3 bars from the super meter =/

for balrog it’s easy

or vice versa…works because the move shares an input…I believe you have to make it so that the move armors on the first frame, and cancel soon after…I couldn’t get this to work with mak at all…tried several different motions… >_<

it resets for a possibility of more damage than the super would do initially (granted you get the rest of the bar, but it’s hard to hit once you activate)

The point is the catch the opponent off guard with the reset so of course it’s not going to happen often. Because of that, the opponent isn’t going to expect it, and if you picked U1, the reset can REALLY hurt them if they guess wrong.

The main thing about it though, is that in the corner the FADC isn’t needed for the reset.

Just be careful about doing the dash-under after the reset, if you have someone who is reversal happy you might end up in a bad situation. I did it to a Sagat, who I had backed into a corner, online the other day and ended up eating Reversal TU for my trouble and then got locked down after being knocked down in the corner.:shake:

Ah damn, I’m an idiot and read your post backwards - then the first character I tried it on was Hakan, who has a rather high flip back animation so the window for dashing through was larger. I got it now. Thanks!

More visual aid for the f.LK reset -


Shoryu HITS on 3. During the frames before it hits, it is invincible(depending on the level used).

Also, you can catch it at this link too, where I showed the midscreen lk reset in the video [media=youtube]GE7uaPc2Y2s#t=3m37s[/media]
also the corner resets and fukiage juggles in the corner, though at the time I thought it was T.Hawk only but its quirkier than that (works on DeeJay, for instance)

Speaking of the F+Lk reset… I haven’t seen anyone mention it yet, but you can also do it from a Focus Crumple ala: FA2>FA1>dash>F+Lk for the reset mid-screen.
Of course FA3>FA1 and CH FA1>FA1 also work. I assume FA3>FA2>FA1 does as well, but I can never time that properly to test.

So what do you guys think is the best thing to do after hp > hp hayate? I often throw out a few medium punches or a sweep to deter them from throwing out anything after it then when they’re conditioned to just block I can go for her grab every once and a while. I honestly don’t see the point of Karaing her lk throw to grab larger characters. If someone is conditioned to block you can usually just walk forward a tiny amount and then use the hp version. It’s far more reliable than trying to kara.

It feels like s.mp > hayate cancel > s.mp > hayate cancel etc. etc. is ridiculously good. Once I get in, all I do is poke into hayate cancel. I use s.lk if I’m far to start the mixups. If they throw pokes after my s.lk hayate cancel, you instant axe kick. Just have to know when to block.

Also an interesting FA crumple combo.

FA Crumple > dash up > cross up axe kick > Fukiage > EX axe kick

True about corner ex hayate and the surprise element. I wasn’t saying that I would be saving up, but throughout the course of a match, I’ve always found that I need to burn barns, and I never find myself with more than 2 in stock.
But the corner tip definitely helps.
Also for noobs like me, I’ve found that the reset is much easier if you do :r::r:+:lk: rather than :r::r: -> :r:+:lk:

so should work mid-screen on most characters? awesome…that makes it the highest damage FA combo from mid-screen on most characters (with 1 EX)

So one of the option after a hayate, the st. MP into another hayate. what if the st.mp gets blocked? Is there an option select where you can only make the hayate come out from a st.mp that HITS? because if you just do st.mp to a hayate that’s blocked you can get punished… Someone needs to address this because st.mp is such a good option after her hayate, but pulling out the hayate after you visually see that your st.mp has hit upon reaction seems pretty hard.

I don’t think you can hit confirm any punch into its respective hayate.

One of the other threads, or maybe this one, said the only real hit confirm was c.LK into Hayate+LP.


Sorry, the thread said a good way to check if you want to hayate is this combo:

c.LP xx s.LP , c.LK then Hayate+LP.

Cut it early if you see blocks. Hope that helps.

Why does that hit confirm?