Over 40 matches of Momochi playing at a casual station at Canada Cup. The Ibuki player is local, the Akuma is Cynistar (I believe he got top 32 in the tournament). I don’t recognize the other players.
He’s really, really consistent with the two 1f link BnB and stuns his opponent in almost every round he wins. Momochi has incredibly good defense, as well.
I watched a bunch of the Momochi Vid yesterday, he’s got a setup I don’t think we’ve discussed here.
Ex rufian, cr.HP wiff, step back a couple steps, jump towards HP. Fei wiffs his Flame kick both times that I remember. See link below for setup.
EDIT: The forum is formatting my link and removing the time. its at about 24 minutes 22 seconds.
He used this setup at least twice that I recall, only vs fei. I watched about 35 minutes or so, and not super intently, but I did notice this.
So, I said I would upload the rest of the unblockable setups that you can perform on Seth (they are combo specific) and here they are, along with some other new – corner and mid-screen – unblockable:
Also, here’s what you can do on Makoto after both grabs and an Ex Ruffian Kick. These setups beat ALL of her options except U2.
I also have two other safe jumps after CU but each one loses to U2 and one other wake up option depending on the one I use so she still has to guess (I’ll try uploading that later if I have time).
it’s just a general tip if you upload something street fighter related. I can make out everything just fine, but if someone is new to cody it might be tricky to spot a min ibackstep or a split second of wait.
was watching some of the page 1 vids again and saw the one about the anti-air ex.criminal upper fadc u1, went to training to see how this ever could work in a match
…heh took a long time for me to land this, shit my pants when it worked. not practical ofc (3bars + u1 + luck/reaction) but a ‘party trick’, works on backdash too
nah, I read it somewhere in the forum and tested it. did a very shorty crappy video about it and posted it on c-unity to let the developers know (if it’ll be forwarded). sended it (weeks ago) to EH aswell for general infomation spreading. as far as I’ve tested, sagat is the only one where it happens. it works btw with a little spacing.
No matter how late I did the Jack Knife, it’d still whiff. Back dash brings him back to you so you don’t need to OS anything, just get ready to punish whiffed specials with ultra or anything else.