While I absolutely agree with that reasoning, it’s Blizzard we’re talking about; I bet the prices will stay. Just like the prices in Hearthstone are a little bit high.
I’m usually a rather civil guy, that never got himself brought into flamewars in LoL, but man…this “no /all chat except for gg, no profanity by default, no baaaad behavior, kids!” is making my blood boil. I’m pissed off at people because of Blizzard, not because of people. Still keep it to myself though, but damn, some people can rage…
There’s room for improvement and then there’s limits to the hero. Raynor’s “escape” is a slight move speed bonus and instant health regen. Walk back to lane, suddenly I’m being pulled by Stitches from 3 screens away where 5 people gank me. Nothing I can do to improve my situation there. I can’t ward, I can’t flash. Champion limitations. This is just one example but I got rekt as other champs too.
I was thinking about this last night and I can see Blizz’s reasoning. LoL and Dota2 own the market atm. Let’s try to get the casual base that might be scared of the “over complicated” systems in those 2 games. We have no chance in the hardcore, e-sports scene but maybe we can get the casual crowd in our game. It worked for Hearthstone, with amazing results. Unlike Hearthstone, there’s actually a large scene in MOBA’s. I haven’t even heard of any card game video games before Hearthstone… Yeah you had those weird ass 4.99$ games on steam and shit, but nobody wants to play those. Hence, why the game did so good. Now they pulling the same shit with HotS and I dunno how well it will do. I believe they should have went all out and go against LoL and Dota2, make the game hella competitive and complicated while keeping some casual mode for casuals. I’m sure based on rep alone they could have had a piece of the MOBA pie. But now? I dunno… maybe I’m wrong, maybe the game will do great but I don’t think its for me.
Blizzard is one of the few companies with the bankroll and clout to attack Riot directly at their front gates, and instead chose to go this route with HotS. That alone is pretty frustrating. There’s no guarantee it’ll work either, I’m sure it’ll have it’s own userbase just like DotA2 does, but I have a hard time seeing it overtake LoL as the #1 MOBA in terms of user retention and such. They want to make it so casual and inviting, but the pricing doesn’t reflect that philosophy at all, as some have pointed out. Neither does their stance on player behavior, as there doesn’t even seem to be a way to report people currently. It’s like they made all these decisions in the game design that they expected to curb poor behavior, and then stuck their heads in the sand assuming it’d all work out.
But I guess the thread title says it all, if you REALLY dislike LoL/DotA that much, then maybe you’re getting some kind of enjoyment out of this that I’m just not gonna be able to grasp.
The game is still in closed beta with hefty $40 early access. You can’t expect them to bust there load so soon. The tribunal in league was ass till they revamped it. Blizzard may have some shady practices, but they have a pretty decent track record. So I’d say wait till the game is out of beta to start seeing if they will take down LoL as best moba.
one of raynor’s lv1 traits is a ward (you’re usually better off taking marksman). one of his lv20 traits is blink (again, better off taking fury or banshees).
there’s also the option to not stand in places where enemies have a clear line of sight to skillshot you.
Played some more of the game with Diablo this time, since apparently I’m missing the point of Raynor.
Grab hero, ring of fire thingy, headbutt.
Grab hero, ring of fire thingy, headbutt.
Grab hero, ring of fire thingy, headbutt.
Every. Single. Time. Like I played this guy for 4 games and the pattern is set. You can’t headbutt, ring of fire, grab hero. Well you could but the hero is so pigeon holed into that combo, you’d be hurting yourself not using it. Are other MOBA’s pigeon holed into combos? Hell yes! But atleast their skills have multiple uses. If for example they would let you cast a return on the ring of fire, instead of being automatic with that perk, so you could control the degree of the burn, or let you cast an “explode” on it or some shit, I dunno. I’m probably over thinking it. What I did really enjoy about Diablo was his resurrect, like that I don’t have to put up with 1 minute timers after 10 minutes into the game.
Seriously, at this point, those 1 minute timer are the thing that piss me off about the game. And you don’t even see them coming. You die: 5 second timer. You die: 12 second timer. You die: 1:12 minutes timer. It comes out of nowhere after 10 minutes and in a game that’s pretty action packed (no farming in lane, no jungling, no waiting on ganks) having to wait 1 minute after you die, rush back to an objective, suiciding yourself trying to get it, then waiting another minute is unacceptable. But you know, gotta cater to the casuals, God forbid you would wanna spend more then 15 minutes playing a fucking game. Nope! Not me! I only got time for 15 minutes and 15 minutes only! Fuck!
I really like the art style of the game. I like that it’s bright and colorful and the gameplay is alright… but man… it could have been so much more.
Big patch today. Nerfs on the big 3: Stitches, Tychus, Arthas
Diablo, Sonya didnt really get the overhaul people were hoping, but Raynor did.
Tychus hit with the nerf bad the hardest, Odin is going to be very different now.
New level 20 talents that look interesting, 20% damage and slows for the melee assassins, range and attack speed bonus for the ranged assassins, shields for the tanks and Specialists get Fury
Rewind was also moved and made a level 20 talent choice
Nexus Frenzy more or less makes up for everything Tychus lost imo, while also bringing Valla and Raynor closer to Tychus/Hammer’s level.
Hammer’s 20 traits were already really good so Nexus Frenzy kinda does nothing for her lol. Need to try out the Spider Mine change but I’m expecting to dislike it, would be surprised if Blizz kept them as obnoxious as they are.
Sonya changes are weird. Dodging the spear or CCing the Whirlwind will be much more painful than they already are, while her splitpushing power goes way up. It’s like they don’t even want Sonya to do anything else but splitpush.
Word on the street is, Anub beasts at 20 with rewind though. Rewind at 20 is an interesting choice, better than 14. Sadly some heroes will now be good at 20 and not so good before. Others, Like Zeratul, just got amazing at 20 while still being good before then.
I dont get the philosophy of nerfing bad heroes who are going to get a future rework anyway, while stitches gets barely any change (though the gorge nerf was good). Overall it was a positive patch I think.
I’m decently interested in this moba, but I’m not sure if I want to pay the 40 bucks for it right now. How does it fare compared to Dota 2? I know it won’t be exactly the same, but would I enjoy it if I enjoy playing Dota 2?
In a game where you level up as a team and things like gold and farming aren’t a concept, I feel like a fully late game oriented team would be severely gimped. But again, most people playing this game really don’t care about things like that. That’s why they’re on HotS and not playing MOBAs.