Some people are giving it a bad review cause its a team based moba, the whole point of the game IT IS A TEAM based moba. I can not wait to play it though
I’d much prefer the Dota2 model with everything available, but the thing is, its basically super casual and easy to get started, so F2P gets in a lot more players. They can’t benefit like steam from just getting people to install the bnet client. They could do free heroes and only charge for skins. Its still alpha and subject to change, but I don’t expect it will. Personally I don’t find it so bad, but Im not the kind of person who feels the need to play/own all the heroes, I have my favorites and that is that.
been playing a lot of it and its pretty fun. i like the whole forcing you to play as a team thing. still a little weird coming from league but still enjoyable.
Ya basically.
Charge for skins, and whatnot. But I don’t want to wait for a rotation to try out Deckard Cain.
Your loss. Game is amazing.
Just went 22-0 with Zera. I don’t know how everyone else builds him, but I build him straight glass cannon and aim for the squishies or pick off the specialists. Only problem with this is that the constant DPS characters with sustain like Arthas are virtually unkillable solo, but I guess that’s why you have team-mates.
I’m thinking of doing a video series with introductions to the various characters.
Or they can be jerks and do the SMITE model and do free rotations and you can pay for all the characters and any future characters… Then pay for costumes. But yeah, I’d rather stick with the DotA2 model and pay for cosmetics, which you really can’t see well cause of the angle.
Another option for Blizzard would be to gift players champs/skins based on previously purchased content from WoW, Diablo, etc. Make the grind a little less intense for long term customers.
But it’s Blizzard, they won’t because they don’t have to. They have an army of marks that will pay top dollar for their product. You can’t really blame them for being greedy when their customers are rewarding them for it.
To be fair I’d been telling everyone all the ways Dawngate alleviates the content grind, then EA mysteriously swoops in and nerfs the existing reward system. Still nothing in place for the “coming soon” slots on said system. Repeat rewards result in nebulous “crafting currency” that devs swear is being tracked, but they also promised us free passives/champs from the highest reward tier, and that got nerfed to the ground. Their word that crafting currency is being tracked and we will get it in full doesn’t really mean anything anymore. So it’s not just Blizzard that does this.
Zeratul is basically all I play competently, this is my build:
Really bursty with the double aoe spike. Basically you want to find somebody squishy/taking a merc camp/in the back of a team fight, and open up with spike -> Auto Attack -> Cleave -> Auto Attack -> Spike - Autoattack
Each ability makes the autoattack powerful, the assassins blade lets you deal huge burst out of stealth, the spike slows them down, and most people are dead or fleeing after this barrage. Save blink always for escape, unless its a bodyblock/surefire kill.
Ive toyed with seasoned marksman but dont find the bonus particularly powerful except on maybe hauntedmines where you’re getting skulls anyway. Otherwise you want to roam, shut down the enemy abathur/gazlowe where possible, float in for ganks, then retreat to safety. Never fight straight up, alway sflank and pick up stragglers, make them fear you popping up to own them at all times.
Why sustained anomaly over gathering power?
Edit: oh I see you cast it twice. Nice. I’ll give this build a go.
@Korbidon did you get a chance to try it out?
Gathering power works too, really it depends on what you want to do. there used to be a bug where the person would get hit by the AOE and the non aoe hit, so it was super deadly lol. But the aoe helps clearing waves, camps, grouped up harassment, mines/garden mobs, etc. The aoe vs gathering power or even focused attack are all viable I believe
Yeah, I tried it and it didn’t work for me. I prefer building for the Q.
Uther is free this week and he is amazing. Tanky, stuns for days, decent DPS at high level and great heals. Top tier for sure.
Didn’t think a Dota clone could get worse than LoL.
I was wrong.
I’ve been semi-following since a lot of people I know are in and playing it. But… it just doesn’t look too interesting. Not a “friendlier, casual” Dota, because it seems it’s even worse solo-queue, but just a lot more watered down.
You wanna play Dota, play Dota. This game is really different.
I’ve been playing a bit over the past 2 days.
I bought Diablo cause I push blow and got cash to show.
Diablo has some fun moves, I prefer arthas for tank he’s so strong
Arthas is indeed super strong.
I like Diablo for his positioning control.
Hip-tossing people is fun.
I promised myself I would play him when I heard of the game, just because I’ve devoted my teens to destroying him.
Also, still trying to get used to the meta game…
New trailer for Jiana, Thrall and the Lost Vikings.
In the group shot in the end you can also spot Rexxar, Voljin, Sylvanas, Leoric (the Skeleton King) and the Butcher
I was just reading this also, I guess they were having problems with rage quitters
is there open beta yet or a date on it