NO need to apologize. That is a good piece of advice. See my post about finding out what “gets you off,” in this thread. It is along the same lines as your post. I was helping him understand the characters and just trying to give him a starting point w/ Rog.
Thanks guys. I’ll probably have to think this over a little bit. I’ve been thinking of starting CvS2 as well as this game. I dunno about that though. Anyway, thanks for the character picking advice.
Ice Bomb
I have some noob questions, so I hope you don’t mind me posting in this thread.
What does the xx mean in f.fierce, c.roundhouse xx hadouken ?
What is a “meaty” attack?
xx means cancel or “into”. It means that you combo those 2 moves by canceling the animation of the c.roundhouse and go “into” hadouken animation.
A meaty attack is an attack which when one characters frames will overlap another characters frames,most always used on wakeup. It means you launch your attack at the time your opponent is first vulnerable,therefore your attack frames overlap their first recovery frames. I like to use cr.strong with the shotos for a good meaty in ST. Meaties have the ability to make performing reversals harder for the opponent and can also stuff reversals
Thanks a lot for the explainations Ramza.
I don’t know if I’m even fast enough to cancel the c.roundhouse into the fireball.