Help With This Game

Well if he lives in Windsor he always has the LegendsofLore:rofl:

Lowā€¦so low! :rofl:

Why? Is he bad or something, cause Iā€™ve never heard of him. By the way Psycho, are you still doing that player index thing? Of course, I havenā€™t chosen a character yet, so I wouldnā€™t be on that list whether you were still adding to it or not.

Nohoho: Iā€™ll try that medium/flashkick thing, but when should I learn the super? I saw a video of a guy using Guile, and he did the move in like 1 second against Daigo. Of course this guy is probably 100 times better than I am.

Now, to business. I want to choose my character, I honestly donā€™t care who it is. Should I just choose someone I like to use or feel comfortable using, or should I go for the top of the tier list? Or some other way of choosing? Can someone give me there opinion?

Ice Bomb

I only put players who play consistently and are also known in tournaments. XBOX Live doesnā€™t qualify (obviously). And since you quoted my ā€œso lowā€ quote, Iā€™m making the assumption you live in the Southwestern outskirts. And knowing that area well for a great amount of years, there is no competition (for all fighting games) at all. Your best try is the World sub-forums but you wonā€™t get a chance at a valid response.

Donā€™t assume that I live there Psycho, I merely asked who he was. And thanks for the information about the index, I just wanted to know whether you were still adding to it or not.

Ice Bomb: if you want to learn this game, just choose whoever you like to play as, or feel comfortable using. If youā€™re not comfortable using so-and-so, even if heā€™s a top tier character wonā€™t help you much.

You should also know which characters are top/low tier in this game, but donā€™t let that discourage you from learning to play them. Just keep in mind that with low tier characters, you have to work a LOT harder to make them good.

Thanks dogberry for that information. I was wondering about character choices for a while.

Just donā€™t bother with the super yet. Itā€™s hard to do, hard to land, leaves you open, etc etc. It has very limited uses, and will probably only get you killed. ESPECIALLY if you go looking to bust out a super when you get meter.

Just learn the basic first. Like, throw a boom, and know how to hit them if they jump over it. Stuff like that.

Thanks, BKB. Iā€™ll practice with Guile, and then on to Ryu after like you said. Iā€™ll also do all the other stuff you recommended as well.

Ice Bomb

Iā€™m sorry for posting about this again, but I honestly canā€™t pick a character. This may sound weird to you, but Iā€™m just that kind of person. I canā€™t choose something easily, I always need someoneā€™s opinion. Can someone please just give me a random way of choosing a character I can play. To be honest, I really donā€™t care what character I play, just as long as I can get past this point and play this game. Can someone please offer their insite on this. Once again, I apologize for this. Youā€™ve all been very helpful with your information. The only thing Iā€™m having a problem with is this.

Ice Bomb

it depends on what kind things ā€˜get you offā€™ in a gameā€¦

Do you like easy wins? Or, like having to work a little bit for a win? Some ppl like player lower tiers for the challanege of it.

Do you like big combos, spinner type characters, or controlling spacing/zoning? These questions might help you find a charater.

Think about that, then we can start narrowing it downā€¦

Thereā€™s a random match-up generator here. If you want something decided for you, go that route.

But since youā€™re just starting out, Iā€™d recommend picking a character that suits your abilities. By abilities, I donā€™t mean whether youā€™re partial to turtling, rushing, zoning, or pokingā€“that would be play style. What I mean is, if youā€™re having problems doing the Dragon Punch motion, go with charge characters. If you hesitate and canā€™t do specials in response to things, go with characters with great normals (like Dee Jay) for easy anti-airs. If youā€™re having problems combo-ing, start with someone that pokes (Dhalsim), does massive damage in trades (Boxer), or tick throws as a specialty (Boxer or Throw-Li).

You should try everyone out, and eventually, youā€™ll find on that suits your play style.

Thanks for the random mathc-up generator. Iā€™ll use it, but only as a last resort. First, Iā€™ll tell you (anyone who reads this, primarily those who answered my latest posts) what kinds of things ā€œget me offā€ in a game, and maybe you can tell me a character that can do the kinds of things that I like.

I like a challenge, not insanely hard, but not easy either. I like big combos, who doesnā€™t? The only problem with that is, that I have barely trained to learn any big combos yet. As for spinner type characters, I donā€™t even know what those are. Zoning and spacing arenā€™t things Iā€™ve practiced either.

In addition to those things, here are some other things about my style. Canā€™t do a Dragon Punch motion, mostly cause I havenā€™t practiced that. I can do charge moves, but I canā€™t do Guileā€™s super. Thatā€™s all I can think of right now. If any of you can help me choose a character with this information, Iā€™d be very happy. If you need more information, just ask some questions about my abilities and Iā€™ll try my best to answer.

Ice Bomb

Well, if you love big combos, Iā€™d say take up Boxer or Dictator. Both of those guys can deal 40~90% in a single combo. Boxer is definitely top tier because no one is more deadly when he gets within half-screen, and because he can also poke and come out ahead in trades. Boxerā€™s Buffalo Head-butt can advance through projectiles (and itā€™s a charge move), heā€™s got the vicious walk under tick trap that can auto win against 60% of the field, and heā€™s got no REALLY bad match-ups.

Dictatorā€™s got issues since he doesnā€™t have a solid anti-air, and his super is his sole reversal move. However, his normals have excellent reach, heā€™s got numerous touch of death moves, he can deal a ton of damage without a super bar, has numerous ways to cross up, and heā€™s got ways to chip away life against many contenders.

I think I go with doughboy here. If you canā€™t do some of the most difficult motions then that help eliminate some of the cast for you. If you feel comfortable with charge characters, but not the flash kick super motions then that leaves you with:


You can break these six into 3 groups:



Honda/ Blanka

Of these three:

Boxer/Chun, take the least amount of work to win with. They have many solid tools to win matches with.

DJ/Dic take an insane amount of practice to use properly. They can do crazy amounts of life off of one combo, but theyā€™ll have to work very hard and be very patient to actually get to do them in a match.

Be warned, it is going to take HELLA work to make those combos seconds nature, so you can pull them off in a match consistently.

Honda/ Blanka are the easy to use, but have to work very hard to get it. They are slight combination of each of the above. They have to work hard to get in. Once they are in, they can take off a fair amount of life pretty easily with simple combos and throw mix ups. You can get a little more creative with Blanka but essentially there are very similar.

  • Note boxer does take a fair amount of practice to use. But not nearly ass much as DJ/ Dic.

I personally would go for Boxer (agreess with doughboy). He is easy to win with, but takes time and practice to get him to that point.

You could say Chun. But I hate herā€¦ LOLā€¦ and donā€™t want to breed ANOTHER Chun playerā€¦ Sorry NKI

Blanka would be my second choice. Heā€™s fast, has small HARD hitting combos, and a good throw. But you may become frustrated with him. There is a big learnig curve to learning how to get in, and youā€™ll eat HELLA DPs/Flash Kicks/ and other things learning. So, he may test your patience.

Anyway there is my 2 centsā€¦ Good luck

Thanks to both of you. Iā€™ll go over the material here, and figure out who Iā€™ll pick ASAP.

Ice Bomb

P.S If anyone else has anything at all to add, it would be greatly appreciated. Well, Iā€™m signing off.

Sorry for double-posting, but I was bored today, and started playing, and figured out how to use Guileā€™s super. I was just doing the movement commands too slow. I mean, I canā€™t land the move 100% of the time, but I did it a few times when I used Guile. I guess that changes my options for characters now.

Ice Bomb

Here is a vid showing what Boxer is like in the hands of an expert. Fucking beastiality!


Starting from 4.12 is pure pwnage

Naā€¦stick with Rogā€¦ i would at leastā€¦

Iā€™m going to go out on a limb here. IceBomb, my suggestion would be this. Try out every character in the game. I mean all of them, the new and old versions. Get a feel for the mechanics of the game. By doing this you can find out who you like using the most.

Not to be a dick but when it comes to suggestions for what characters to use donā€™t take anyones advice. Not mine, not fatboyā€™s(sorry), not nohohoā€™s(sorry), nobodys. Just playing around with the game and the characters and see which one you enjoy the most. Because it is after all, a game. A really, really fun game thats like crack.