Help! Stick freaking out after FGWidget mod

Well my fightpad isn’t working anymore and the only other PCB I have is the afterglow. I bought some of them while they were on sale for $20 because I figured it was a good deal. I’ll probably try to put the FGW back in once I get another fight pad.

Thank you everyone for all the help, I’m sorry it was kind of a wild goose chase but if it means anything I learned a whole lot from this ordeal. I <3 and appreciate TTT :lovin:

For Xbox 360 PCBs your best bet is the Mad Catz 4716 (late model) or the Mad Catz Fight Pad which is easier as it don’t require trigger inversion.
If you can still find it the short lived Mad Catz Arcade Joystick which looks like a white Atari 2600 joystick with Xbox 360 buttons isn’t bad for pad hacking.
The Paewang PCB from eTokki isn’t bad ether, as it supports Xbox 360 and PS3.

Yeah I’ve used both the 4716 and fight pad now and I love how easy they are to work with. I think I feel a bit more comfortable with the 4716 just because of the huge spots I can solder to, since my soldering isn’t the cleanest. I’m really looking forward to getting a Paewang in my next stick but I gotta save up some money before I dive into that. I’m a broke dude with an expensive hobby lol.