Help beta test our fighter - TKO

laggy, also with the can only certain characters do jump-ins because it seemed like i wasn’t able too it felt kinda laggy, you should be able to choose if you want to play a friend or someone off a list so you dont have to play people with bad connections.

i’ll edit and add more im still playing atm

edit: the voice overs are gay is there a way we can turn them off?

also got someone to rage quit but im special because im on a mac <3

please add a single player or practice mode so i can practice that

also, from what ive seen, munya super kinda sucks, doing less damage than most supers and only having the basic stun properties.

I think you should have it do less damage, but it keeps the enemy in the web for maybe 5 seconds without attacks breaking the web, allowing for big combos.

Munya’s stun properties make his super very dangerous. Just a heavy punch (X) after the super pushes the damage beyond everyone else. Try these combos after super for big damage.

super ->

  • > C > Dash Punch (X)
  • > C > C > Dash Punch (X)
  • > C > Headbutt (V)
  • > c.C > c.C > c.X
  • > Jumping X > c.X
  • > Jumping X > V
  • > Jumping X > C > V

Munya is getting some nice tweaks next build :slight_smile:

I want to let you know that the simplicity of the modes, matching, etc. was by design. We were given the mandate of “multiplayer gaming with a single click” which I think we nailed.

Since TKO has been a hit (over 4 million matches the 1st week) we are proposing an expansion pack. This could possibly include requested features such as inviting friends, practice mode, etc. If approved, this would not be in place for a while but we *want *to do it.

Thanks again.

All I can mention is the lag since I’d input a move or two and they’d come out too late, but besides that, I found this game intriguing. Good for the ages of your install base, though all the people I played couldn’t even use a special. I had a rage quitter, but I think I would I’d have found it fun if I were younger, much younger.

Unplayable lag for me. Guam location doesn’t help much I guess.

Hi all, time for a TKO update.

1.2 Release Notes
? Added character Duncan (from Total Drama Island).
? Netcode fixes! Please test and give feedback.
? Jump trajectory/speed tightened up to be less ?floaty?
? Air-to-air collisions now resolve correctly.
? DNAlien super damage reduced to intended value
? Van Rook ? light Sneak Attack improved. Faster startup, upper body invincible, larger hitbox.
? Van Rook ? Super pattern changed (thanks Zeon)
? Van Rook ? Heavy Sneak Attack always goes behind opponent
? Chip Damage on blocked specials
? Munya ? Dash recovery plays correctly
? Munya ? Dash has upper body invincibility (goes through fireballs)
? Munya ? Light and heavy headbutt trajectory changed
? Big Chill ? Super can now be blocked high or low
? Combo test is now cooler.
? Beam supers ?picking up? opponent fixed
? Other various sound/animation tweaks.
? Various tweaks to compensate for new jump (e.g. Big Chill?s light ice cloud travels back less)

Here are some small combos vids I made.

Thanks again everyone.

Nice vids. The netcode seems to be doing better with the exception of some hiccups, usually with air attacks again. I feel more like I have to play the game instead of exploiting the system.

I like that Duncan’s specials are basically C. Viper’s EX Hammer to Flame Kick combo. I don’t know if this is because the opponent isn’t blocking again, but Duncan’s Ground Pound attack stays on the field pretty long and can pop the opponent up again on wake up. I don’t know if this was intentional but in a match against Swampfire I was able to Fly Kick through his projectile, though I need to go back and double check.

Just tested out Duncan against a random Van Rook, I like his juggle properties, though it seemed a little hard to get the move out for some reason. The ground wave into super worked well enough, even got the opponent to resort to spamming jabs at the end lol.

Might try out the DNAlien later, he looks kinda cool.

I can’t believe I’m playing a fighting game using FLASH in more than 2 hours… I applaud the designers…

So far my main is SwampFire ( So far I’m hearing he’s the top character ) . However every time I play , I end up winning because most opponents don’t block . I’m thinking Duncan ain’t great ( Maybe low tier ) due to his super being garbage .

I agree to some users above that you should have some single/two player option for people ( Like me ) to play this game without the horrible delays .

How safe is Big Chill’s FF Kick btw ? Can it be jump attacked ?

Registering was a pain and decided not to , I already attempted to register about 3 times which ended up leading me to refresh the page , etc.

just played the game for the first time with duncan, dude dropped on me D:

pretty fun

anyone else think that duncan’s a rock thing has crazy fast recovery?

Yeah, Duncan’s kick goes over fireballs.

It’s pretty safe. You could jump attack him but it would be tough. Honestly, with the new jump trajectory, it might be too safe.

I think Duncan is strong but I have to agree his super isn’t hitting consistently. Opponents are dropping through it too much. I think the hitboxes/speed of movement needs tweaking. I will see if I can get a fix in for next week.

Hi all, time for a TKO update.

1.3 Release Notes
? Added character Vilgax (from Ben 10, he’s like Guile without charge!).
? Kevin - reduced recovery on hop kicks
? Kevin - super is properly a throw (cannot be blocked, has whiff throw animation)
? Kevin - has effect on punch special
? Beam supers have more blockstun
? Backgrounds scroll to edges now

We actually had to release last Friday because of labor day.

If anyone is curious about the process, I posted a couple entries about TKO development.

I really like Vilgax, he can do both defensive and aggressive combat. I finally found someone that could hurt me and got a chance to use his super, all I have to say is wow that thing is amazing.

Can’t wait to see who else comes out.

Vilgax is one of my favorites. He can do some pretty crazy combos and it’s pretty easy to link into his light Cyber Kick. Here is a combo video for him: [media=youtube]bRyBvEAiDoc[/media]

Movement is terrible. That may sound harsh but its the only way to put it. Walking forward takes forever and you are more likely to get locked down by jabs or a long range attack before you can move.

Jumping Attacks- Jumping attacks come out really late, and only last for a bit. They aren’t viable for any kind of jump in. At least not any I have found yet.

Life bar needs to turn a different color to show damage. Going from red to light pink doesnt show much change.

Van Rook’s teleport attack is the coolest thing in the game.

You also need some sort of tutorial on low attacks because some kids are gonna swept, literally, because they don’t know how to block low.

Big Chill needs more recovery on his freeze Dash. Not much more, but it should at least be punishable. It also shouldn’t crossup everytime.

Kevin Levin is great. Most fun I have had playing a character so far. I love that his flying kick goes over a lot of projectiles, because projectile spam was getting pretty annoying with the lag. His grab super is also awesome, and so is his jugglable tornado uppercut.

Vilgax’s light kick specials (the short flash kick) is too good. It beats almost everything, hits instantly, and seems to recover instantly. It also juggles, which is cool. Just make it not so damn abusable.

I’ve tried out Chowder. I like his Kimchi Barrier move and super.

Chowder is rocking. I couldn’t even care about the rest of the game. Robo-chowder is too cool.

my little cousin was just playing this earlier and i had to search to see if it was discussed lol. I was wondering why mofos were doing grown ass man combos