@Zeon. I really like your formation for VR’s super. I will try that arrangement. That should help it hit more consistently. I am going to reduce the startup on his super slightly so its easier to hit it after anti-air standing X or V.
When you hit with Van Rook’s super full on, it’s the most damaging move in the game. Try throw to super or if you can throw someone into the corner throw > V (or X) > Super.
That picking up off the floor with the super is a bug. As is jumping into the beam.
@yingyay. Record updates after every match (without page reload) will be next build I think.
@Niko: I saw you mention invincible frames. I was thinking about making VR’s 66C start up much faster and have a larger attack box. That way you could use it to escape easier and use it as a counter when cornered.
I hope BaTB Batman is one of the bots, I would rep the hell outta him. I expect the next wave of people to be BaTB and Star Wars: Batman, Blue Beetle, Anakin, Dooku, etc.
Glad to see you are making adjustments to the game play and listening to positive player feedback, don’t see that so often, especially for a game area like this.
I can’t really play, Im playing from Massachusetts and I am getting completely unplayable matches. I have only been playing as guest though, not sure if that has anything to do with anything…
1.1 Release Notes
Added character DNAlien.
Light attacks now buffer into each other.
You can no longer move forward while performing consecutive light attacks.
Big Chills Ice Cloud no longer destroys projectiles
Swampfires Vinespike no longer destroys projectiles
Swampfires Vinespike no longer does double damage
Super projectiles/beams now destroy normal projectiles
Super beams now hit correctly
Hitstun/block stun no longer expires during super startup
Supers now have invincible frames on startup
Statistic window updates immediately upon win/loss
As you can see not any character specific balance issues in this build. We were really chasing core engine bugs & issues and we fixed some really huge ones. And of course adding a new character took up time
Thanks again for playing. Stay tuned for 6 additional character and more improvements.
I seriously think people just don’t block right but…if you get a knock down with Swampfire’s vine…you can just stand over them and Vine them to death. Cause it hits them the moment they’re able to get hit…which is uh…well useful.
A Tier: DNAlien - Seems to be a mixture of Swampfire moves (ranged vine? =O) with Big Chill freeze property effect. Super is also very powerful, maybe its another glitch? Swampfire Big Chill Zak
People still don’t throw either, but the low jabs seem more responsive than before so that helps.
Maybe it’ll work out if the netcode improves but it’s still near impossible to punish Big Chill’s freeze tackle. I don’t understand the Ice Cloud tweak either: Since supers having priority over normal projectiles solve any problems against Munya and Zak, Ice Cloud stopping projectiles is only a problem in three matches: Swampfire, DNAlien, and Van Rook. As Regal noted SF and DNA are already good and Van Rook can just teleport kick behind IC spam so it doesn’t do anything other than make his match against the two best characters worse.
Still so far no one seems horrible, so keep it up.
Ok to make note are beams supposed to be countered by blocking first hit? Swampfire vs Swampfire, Did super, first hit blocked, then hit with a fireball.
Thanks! Thats a bug where Munya’s dash is not playing the correct recovery. Fixed in the next build.
Big Chill is the most winning character in the line up. His Ice Cloud wasn’t supposed to be destroying fireballs in the first place so the tweak a) makes things work as intended and b) nerfs him slightly. More projectile characters are on the way