Help beta test our fighter - TKO

Experiencing the same lag problems as everyone else (I live in Florida). It makes jump ins useless because you don’t know if lag will allow the attack to come out.

Has anyone else notice that there’s no chip damage while blocking? I haven’t checked how good throws are and whether this game has any mid attacks but once you get a lead its down back all day.

Game name is Surreal Destiny Zepplin.

Edit: Throws have to be right next to opponent and walking forward for extra momentum. I was actually able to throw Swampfire out of the thorn attack, though I don’t know how much lag played in it. Still loses to light punch though.

Kevin slide is TOO GOOD!!! I keep meaty sliding them and they can’t do a THING about it!!! Super gets out but doesn’t take enough to make a difference.

Apparently if you are in the vicinity of the throw, while airborne, it’ll pull you down and toss you. Played some guy who spammed them. I tried to jump in, got caught a few times mid-air. Then I just spammed big chill’s dash coupled with some light punches to make him second guess.

Don’t know if that is a lag or program issue, or if anyone else suffered from it.

This game will definitely be in EVO next year.

All joking aside, it will be kind of cool to see what would result of SRK essentially balancing a game. I hope the devs stick with it, I can imagine something very awesome coming from it.

I agree with Big Chill and Swampfire being in the top tiers due to big chill being able to freeze opponent and do a 6 hit jab combo, then continue with jab madness.

Swampfire super interuption with fireball is great.

Munya can combo jabs after dash punchs and can combo at least one dash punch from a dash punch it seems.

Lag as usual

Full Servers alot

Haven’t played this in bit!

going to right now.

Big chilllll!!!

better be son

Cold rush > Super is GDLK YO!

these kids JDK

Was using swampfire;

while up close to my opponent i throw out a fireball while at the same time the other guy does his super (forgot which character), i then started mashing for his vine thorn shit as it freeze framed.

end result:

swampfire cleanly beats out the super with his fireball which combo’d into his vine thorn for (oddly enough) 3 hits. the damage was loldumb.

gonna stop playing this game now til new characters arrive

I’ve been Van Rook low V slide’n for about an hour now and only one loss. Also he get’s hit out of his sneak attack move, was thinking it should have some invinc frames :cybot: Also, it’s hard to jump forward, jump backward no problem though, i don’t know why.
Cool game mang

Alright not broken, but, he definitely seems tops to me. Freeze slide+Lag sucks.

But with the lag I’m receiving it makes it a bit hard to counter attack those light punch spammers, but yeah Big Chill is definitely in the top, along with Kevin. Kevin’s Liu Kang kick can seemingly cross up as I found out.

HELL no. This game is ingeniously broken in the way that mvc2 is.

These kids man, Big Chill, JDK

:lol: Van rook slide is GDLK. I use him to from time to time.

lk spam in corner absolutely DESTROYS big chill. Can’t jump due to lag and all you can do is wait for the other guy to get tired or fuck up. But yeah he’s probably top. Still not convinced that Swampfire is top though. Van Rook slide is pretty fucking good. I’d put chill at top, followed by swamp. Gonna start playing more games with kevin.

Nah dude, Van Rook is mid, not low, certainly can’t compete with Kung Fu Kevin and Big Chill. I think of Van Rook as Guile without a flash kick. That damn grenade is an anti air at certain points. Z grenades to keep them the fuck back and keep them out the air, and the slide kicks juuuuuuust to fuck with them.

Yea I know he’s not low. I’d put him at mid too.

Also, Kevin slide into Leap kick cross up is pretty nice.

But I’m Enormus Ryan Nova, my connection is laggy though. I think I’m one of the few people to play in Lousiana.

If Van Rooks super were to go at a more diagonal angle and the grenades were to be a bit more spread out, it would cause a bit more panic, cause call me captain obvious here…but he seems like a keep-away character.

Yes, we are listening and making gameplay fixes. Every Monday for the next 7 weeks expect a new character and gameplay balancing/fixes. I will post on here listing the fixes when we push new builds.

Thanks again everyone.


Is it possible to have van rooks super looks like this?

That way it could be spaced out and cover more room, but only 3 grenades would combo if you hit some without knocking them down and hovering over them.

Cause the current cluster is so bunched together that it wouldn’t make much of a difference if I needed it to keep someone away.

that will cause someone to go “oh shit, stay away” but with the other one it felt more like…how should I put this…like…when I launched it, I could only do it when I was close to them and on knockdown(risk getting thrown) and that was the only they would be scared of it.

edit: Is Swampfire’s super SUPPOSED to pick people up off the floor?

edit 2: this is probably old knowledge, but if you get a knockdown with Swampfire, and you do his little vine thing. When people get up, it seems like they can’t block it, I don’t know, maybe people just don’t block. Also, apparently only the beginning animation for swampfire’s super hits. Cause I fired it, and a dude jumped it, and landed IN the stream, and didn’t get hit.

My name "Western Chase Atom"
Kevin Levin is beast lol Drop kick of Century’s Age yo.

but there are a lot of noobs out there yo.

This game is pretty fun, jab spamming doesnt really rape but in the corner it’s pretty abusable otherwise…KEVIIIIIN LEVIIN

Should definably make a friend finder of sorts in case you wanna beat down your peeps.
And a 1p mode to practice a little doesn’t sound like a bad idea.
EDIt: How come my match record doesnt show? I’ve yet to lose and I’ve been winning all morning but nothing shows up?

EDIT2: FOrget it, if you reload the page the records show up.

Yeah. Some of these kids have gotten me sweating with that corner jab spam. Annoying as hell.

Also, I do agree that Van Rook’s super needs to be tweaked.

i have yet to lose with munya

Damn this is a fun game I barely read this thread and have been playing for like an hour. I really think this can replace sf4. I think I have to agree jab is too strong in the game. If you combine the jab and dash at the right time there’s no way at least I’ve seen to beat it. Overall this is fun and I can’t wait for other characters. :tup: