Help beta test our fighter - TKO

Note: Swampfire Fireball up close knocks Swampfire out of super(Possibly, it’s hard to know with lag)

I’m not sure what the plan for the game is but rage quitting will probably be a problem.

We know when people ragequit. I am pushing for a “Top Quitters” leaderboard :slight_smile:

edit - nvm man just made my account. my login is : Ferdinandz . in game name is Witty Vinny Wombat
can you look my record up in a bit?
also, lol at all these zaks. TJDK

this game is fun as hell

big chill man, TJDK

Login name is DevoHZN. Lovely Connor blade.

Yeah, Swampfire is an absolute beast. 66X is great for locking people down.
Of course, that’s not really necessary when you can destroy 9/10 opponents with just walking Zs. There are ways around that but maybe you might want to tone it down a bit.

No one’s mentioned him yet but Kevin can be pretty dangerous too. 66Z combos nicely with its self and also combos into his super.

**Ferdinandz **
Big Chill = 5/0
Swampfire = 0/0
Kevin = 0/0
Munya = 0/0
Zak Saturday = 0/0
Van Rook = 0/0
Total = 5/0

Big Chill = 1/0
Swampfire = 24/1
Kevin = 5/0
Munya = 0/0
Zak Saturday = 2/0
Van Rook = 11/1
Total = 43/2

I am seeing some disconnects for you both as well. Could you describe the reasons for disconnect?

Oh yeah, was just gonna post about it.

I don’t know if it’s the fault of the other guy or server lag but a couple of games just hung on the loading screen. I left it for like 5~10min and nothing so I just exited out. Happened 2 or 3 times.

One guy ragequit on me.

thx for my posting my score btw. I wasted a lot of time playing as guest.

For quick hilariousness I’ll keep playing, haven’t done much

Name: Dhgriff9

My analysis: EVERYONE IS TOP TIER, cause no one blocks
Munya is hilarious to play as cause i feel like im playing balrog without charge
jab jab jab jab jab on most people works
Kevin juggle combos, yay
props to guest_14657 it became like an actual game in those 2 matches until i had to go get a phone. And you actually blocked. No clue if that was anyone here or not.

Not sure if it’s a problem on my end, but once in a great while I’d get a mid match freeze. Like we were both stuck in whatever animation we were currently doing and the counter wasn’t moving down. The rest of my browser was still fine, I could switch to other tabs and select things.
Also clicked away by accident during one match.

Vista, Firefox, by the way. And I’m West Coat so not exactly the optimal location.

Big Chill = 0/0
Swampfire = 2/0
Kevin = 1/0
Munya = 5/1
Zak Saturday = 0/0
Van Rook = 0/0
Disconnect = 0
Total = 8/1
Disconnect = 0%

The beta is down for the weekend. It will be back up for play on Monday and we will be updating weekly (new chars, fixes and leaderboards) over the next couple of months.

Thanks again everyone!

This reminded me

At one point I accidentally opened the sticky keys window mid match, and the entire match froze.

Then when I closed it and waited a second the match resumed like normal. Not sure if it had anything to do with the freeze or if it was coincidental.

I also was able to do Ice Dash > Jab > That other Ice move to combo.

Hi all, TKO is live:
Cartoon Network - TKO

Not many changes from what you played in the beta yet but we will be having weekly builds adding new characters and making changes.

You can view your stats at the below the game now.

Thanks again for your help and further feedback is welcome.

I’d say the Tier List currently looks like this:

A Tier:
Big Chill

B Tier:

C Tier:
Ran Vook

Game should have a 1P mode. The lag kills all the fun of VS mode.

Argh my eyes

Oh and cosign on 1p mode, online matches are ass, literally getting beat by some guy spamming light attacks until I can mash out a super…

The lag is simply incredible. I mean, we’re talking almost a full second of input lag here, pretty much unplayable. Secondly, I haven’t even met anyone who uses supers yet, so it’s pretty much impossible to know if it’s broken or not when the opponents are all, I dunno, kids.

Without lag and with opponents that do anything smart, there might be hope to give some sort of critisism here.

Regel, I agree with your tier list. Swampfire is getting a huge bump due to a couple of bugs though.

Ninja, that walking spamming light attacks is our first order of business to fix.

Is anyone getting turned away because the servers are full? Also when you are reporting lag could you please report your location?

Is everyone seeing their stats correctly below the game?

I just busted out laughing, played a Rook Vs. Rook match. The input lag was terrible, so knowing this was probably some kid, I just spammed his smoke grenade thing over and over plus some light punches after the first round. He kept doing heavy kick over and over until he had super, in which he’d just let it go and I’d block the entire thing. Alright game I suppose, wouldn’t consider it a fighter really.

Yeah fix the light punch thing, if you lock someone up they can’t really do much. I got turned away twice due to full servers, but nothing terrible that would make me rage and press the X on the tab. Just waited patiently.

Edit: I see a lot of blank slots, I’m assuming plans are in order for additional characters? Hopefully more from something other than Ben 10 and whatever that show is.

Swampfire’s vine crap is too good. I can win every round just doing that on my opponents wake up, or just throw it out randomly since no one blocks. Start up is like 1 frame so it beats light punch spamming. it can also beat jumping opponents(rising up or coming down), big chill’s tackle, kevin’s kick, munya dash punch, zak’s kick, and whatever else the opponent decide they want to do CLEAN(yes even supers).

Swampfire is a beast, especially thanks to the general glitchy-ness of his fireballs. His fireball seems to stop at least some characters’ supers completely, even if the animation and sprite are shown. I just fireball over and over, though I’m sure there are ways around that tactic if I was not playing little kids.

My login’s LikelyAPanda and my other name is Surreal April Parallax.