Help beta test our fighter - TKO

Actually it has happened before. The game Death Vegas for Adult Swim’s website got tweaked due to input here (I’ll look for the links later). The engine is a little unconventional so I could easily see if people wouldn’t like it but input helped some things.
EDIT: Found the Death Vegas links for reference

Big Chill’s freeze tackle crossup is nasty. Needs a bit of tweaking on it’s recovery when blocked. Likewise, Vilgax might need more recovery on his flash kicks. Might want to lower the chip damage on Vilgax’s light projectile since it has such fast recovery.

Duncan’s super sucks. It has noticable startup and hits inconsistantly. However, I like the concept of it working a bit more like Magneto’s Magnetic Shockwave (instead of just another beam) so perhaps some hitbox tweaking and speeding up the activation will straighten it out. Speaking of the long activation, he’s vulnerable that entire time.

Don’t know if it was intended or not but you can be hit and thrown before the announcer says “Fight”.

Since it’s easy to jab spam, you might want to reduce the amount of meter they build. Don’t know how much time/manpower/budget you have but you might want to add a move using X+V in order to break out of blockstun so you don’t get jablocked in the corner.

Hi all, time for a TKO update. Things have been tight with the holiday weekend and I have been out due to family stuff so no big engine updates for this week or the next.

1.4 Release Notes
? Added character Chowder

@Brento - it sounds like you were having a very laggy experience, though I agree about jump attacks. Lag seems to affect them more than other things so I may need to expand the active hit frames on heavy air attacks. Light air attacks hit the whole time in the air though so if you are getting messed up by lag switching to light attacks for jump-ins should help.

I hear a lot of complaints about Big Chill’s dash. I find it so easy to block and punish. When you say it’s crossing up are you doing it to people on wake up?

@Zam - Yes, Duncan’s super is getting fixed. Not next build but the build after.

Jabs do not build meter. If you are seeing that it’s definitely a bug. I do think I should increase the block knockback on jabs.

Again, thanks for playing and the feedback.

1.5 Release Notes

  • Added Chef Hatchet (from Total Drama Island)

yo. needs config

ediT: man everyone SUC KS on here so far. cant find anyone good

The game is for kids so I am not surprised.

Look for me playing. I am “infamous duke octopus”

ah, I see… wasn’t aware of that. well to counteract what I said last time, I did find 2 guys who were good enough to get a round off me. dominated them though. not to brag or anything just stating my experience. Duncan has some pretty stick moves… that rock special can combo into his super

Big Chill is on broke Tier

Ice tackle + sweep.

rinse and repeat.

kinda reminds me of CE Dictator

also life bars look like sf4

huh? ice tackle is punishable. plus… why sweep after it, throw them and combo off that

1.6 Release notes

  • Added character Shnitzel (from Chowder)
  • Knockback on jabs increased
  • Duncan’s super comes out/moves faster. Hitboxes changed.

From the lack of posts I see interest has waned in TKO. Here is the final update!

1.7 Release notes

  • Added character Flapjack
  • Any move is bufferable from any light attack (this makes combos MUCH easier to perform; it feels like a different game with this update)
  • Big Chill’s Ice Dash does not “roll through” on miss
  • Big Chill’s Ice Dash has more recovery
  • Fixed multi-hit supers being affected by damage scaling
  • Chef super damage down to intended value

Well everyone, thanks again for playing and for your feedback. TKO has been a huge success and it’s very likely we will be able to add some new features/characters in the future. SRK will be the first to know and help test. Thanks again.

Also here are some combo and match videos:

Kinda cool that you guys are still tossing up updates for it… good stuff.

either the game froze or i got a ragequitter on my first match :frowning:

Zac sweep spam too strong against melee

Awesome additions man, need to bust out Vilgax again for a beatdown. Good to know it was a success for your crew, should give you more leeway in the future.

It had lag like it would freeze up in the middle of the of a match it was kind. But other then that it was okay for kids to play. I will not play it again.

These kids just don’t block. I really want to add something to teach them block then punish.

I had literally 2-3 seconds delay. Sure, i’m in Europe, but 2-3000 ping even overseas is insane. You really need to work on that netcode :stuck_out_tongue: