SHE’S GONE! SHE’S GONE! Holy shit…finally. I can believe she lasted this long…it sucks she will be back in the finale. I hope she’s the last to get picked.
Balance has been restored to the force.
Man there’s really nobody to root for. I’ll go for Jillian I guess because Russel is a whiny man child.
Who doesn’t want to slap Russell in the face?
Remember when Trev and (I forget who) were in the hot tub and talking shit about him. Then he flexed his giant 10 inch pythons and stared at them? lol What a loser.
I think Russel is probably the best cook on the show now, but yeah, I don’t want that asshole to win because he’s pretty much an egotistical man child.
Nobody should win, they still fucking up bad
Hells Kitchen is a joke of a cooking show. I dont think any of the winners from the show actually get a head chef position at any of these restaurants. Pretty sure they just find 16 people who have clashing personalities and put them in a kitchen to cook simple shit that they will fuck up.
This is Fox
Russel: Gotta keep it gansta.
Haha, what? You’re making octopus man.
I can’t see any of these people running a restaurant.
But remember they are only head chef. Not executive chef. So they aren’t at the top of the heirarchy.
My god… Who has octopus for lunch? And fucking californians. Love their fucking salad. lol
Silly episode, Trev should have been sacked aswell.
Jill looked like porn star after her make over, I’d hit it once.
LMAO@Jillian’s scallops - I’ve never cooked them but I’ve watched them being like cooked 8000 times.
Nona - you wanna bang some out and see, practice??
Jillian - roll eyes It’s not that hard
I’m still hoping that Fox planned for them to all be failures and Ramsey will not pick a winner, oh the drama!
this was my favorite part
‘Gordon Ramsay betrayed me’ says Hell’s Kitchen winner Holli Ugalde over Savoy job | Mail Online
I was wondering what the hell happened to Holli, seems like she really got shafted (the bad way)
I was always under the assumption that at least half of the people who won never really got the jobs they were promised. Shame though seeing as Holli was one of the only decent people that season.
No one deserved to work at that place for that season anyways, just like no one from this season deserves to work at LA Market.
The chick STILL took the replacement cash prize. If she really wanted to make a big stink over this, she probably shouldn’t have taken the payoff. :lol:
I don’t know after 2 years I’d be happy with the cash, she probably got a years salary
Russell is a thug wannabe…
I’ve never hated anyone on Hell’s Kitchen more than I hate Russel. What a god damn child.
What’s sad is that he looks like he’ll win the whole thing…