I’m glad Trev started calling Sabrina out on being a piece of shit.
God I hate the editing FOX does to this show. In other news, episode 4 of Ramsays Best Restaurant was amazing.
lol yeh edit is terrible, I think this is the worst hells kitchen intro ever too. Have to fast foward through that shit.
“Mind your manners”
“Mind my manners? I’m a grown ass man, don’t tell me to mind my manners!”
Haha, yeah this intro is awful. 200 ft. Ramsay.
I did appreciate him sonning those asshole kids. Especially that half a homo black kid, he needed a bitch slap.
I keep thinking of Michael Jackson’s Leave Me Alone video, everytime the intro pops up.
Russell is a bitch throwing a sandbox tantrum in front of teenagers.
If you don’t know what you’re doing, definitely.
If you know what you’re doing and have enough money for a worthwhile startup, it’s one of the most profitable businesses out there.
For real. I was just blown away at how immature a grown man could act.
The characters this season are pretty ass imo, Sabrina’s fake attitude is godlike though.
Jesus the editing is starting to hurt my eyes. In the “last time” and “next time” previews the screen is constantly flashing white and making those swiping sounds. I think the show is literally trying to kill me now.
best ep so far, Red team have really turned things around. Sabrina and her whore boots won’t last long, I give her 2 more episodes max.
Yeah the red team is starting to seem competent and it was awesome to see some of the best winners come back for the chef’s table.
I’m not sure i can tolerate her for 2 more episodes. and these cliffhanger endings are why i stopped watching in the first place. just let me know who’s going home already.
hmmm at this point i’m kinda hoping trevor gets sent home, he acts like such a little bitch at times with his whining and crying.
Pretty sure Trev isn’t going to make it. I didn’t see him in either kitchen during the preview.
Hey I completely forgot this show was on a break for two weeks or something. Final six has been decided and I think I’m still watching this because I’ve already come this far.
Love the expression Trev gave after ALL the women tried to single him out…TAKE THAT BITCHES!
Trev has sucessfully tossed Sabrina’s salad…:lol:
Yea, I was laughing all episode until that was said. Then I just stared blankly at the screen in disbelief.