Restaurant ownership are the worse business to get into.
Sabrina is also a guilty pleasure for me, haha. I got the hots for her. I miss Holli though, and JP
That blonde chick totally threw her team under the bus. The absolute cuntery she exhibited was unforgivable. WTF…I cooked this for you chef. I want to show you that I cooked it. YEAH…AWESOME TEAM WORK THERE YOU PREP COOK OGRE. I was furious enough to want to toss those plates to the ground.
Also I’m disappointed now. I hate the editing and the excess drama.
I wish Sabrina would get hit by a bus made of a rusty daggers.
Something about this season just feels soulless and empty, I feel nothing for the people or the challenges.
This might be the first season where I don’t watch.
I hear that. I don’t even know 3/4 of the cast’s names.
^ Same here, even after 3 episodes.
No one knows how to cook at all this season. Fucking up prep, fucking up simple dishes…it’s not even a competition anymore - pure drama. May the marginally less sucky person win??
All the drama is happening so early, should save some for when it matters.
hahaha that fatass got thrown off so fast.
Now i’m just curious to see how far Sabrina will make it. She can apparently pull off diner service, but can never do challenges without being an ignorant fool.
It was cute at first but Sabrina has got to go, I’m really hating her right now.
Everytime Jillian talks I’m expecting her to say “MOST EXCELLENT DUDE!”
Calling it now, Jillian wins.
IMO Jillian is the best looking female on the show.
Who also sounds like Bart Simpson.
WTF, did anyone catch this story, 2nd chef that has appeared on Kitchen Nightmares has commit suicide -
^ Restaurant ownership are the worse business to get into.
That sucks, I’m surprised tha Rachel brown committed suicide as well. She seemed like a cool person on the show.
I’m waiting for the episode where one of the contestants grabs Sabrina by the hair, shouts “YOU’RE WHITE!” and slits her throat on camera then goes back to cooking like nothing happened as the bespectacled bitch chokes to death on her own blood.
Just watched both new episodes and already forgot what happened. Think that’s a sign to quit.
damn that executive chef melissa broad really fucked up…either that fat guy fucked her by rejecting her scallops or she is just terrible.
And yeah Sabrina needs to get booted in the most humiliating way possible.
I hate Nona, particularly her facial expressions. That is all.