Well, to be fair, he IS the best cook on the show, but his juvenille attitude fucking sucks. If he wins, I’m sure being a chef at a real, high class restaurant like the LA Market will humble him. If not, he’ll probably be doomed forever being just another chef.
Nothing to say about this episode that hasn’t been said about any other. Russel’s a kid and this season was the biggest let down yet.
He’s not getting the job at the LA Market lol…he’s probably gonna go around advertising for the winery thing.
Well…the final 2 have been announced.
[details=Spoiler]It was obvious that Russell was going to make it to the final 2. I have to give props to Trev though for making it to the final 4…pretty much everyone else gave Trev hell from the jump.
That threw me off was Nona over Jillian.
Anyway, hate him or not…Russell looks to be the favorite to win[/details]
There should be a set of weights downstairs waiting for Russel in the end. Fuck that guy.
Russell will win.
And nothing of value was gained.
Go go double post.
Worst season ever.
Vinny wins this season.
Hahahahaha at Russel. “My team lost it for me.” Hahaha. Get the fuck over yourself. I wish that piece of shit is found dead in a gutter after drinking himself to death because he is so bitter about losing. Russel is probably the worst human being to ever be on that show. Vinny had every right to not want to work with that asshole.
Russel lost it for himself; his kitchen didn’t sink him at all. Judging by what was shown during the finale, the blue kitchen did a lot better than the red kitchen, but what probably killed Russel completely is when he wanted to FIGHT Rob. Seriously? If one of your employees is not doing well, you’re gonna go try to bully him around like you’re going to fight him? Hahahahaha. What a fucking low-life piece of shit.
Don’t forget he black balled his team so they’ll NEVER work in the same town as him!
Lol yeah. Man… that guy. What a fucking man child.
Hahaha I am so glad I didn’t miss it. Pretty happy Russel didn’t win, he was a jerk and is thinks too highly of himself. I completely agree with the post 2 above mine >< can’t wait for next season
That’s probably why Ramsey didn’t pick him, he was a douche and threatened people.
So glad Nona won over the other guy. The best part was seeing him sulk during the celebration afterward.
It seems that my thoughts towards the end of each season is “Are they really going to give this person the job?”
Lets hope that next season has some real talent.
im happy for nona, even if she doesnt get the job, im sure she will get some cash
and she was a total underdog, never thought she would make it to the final
very happy that russell lost, wtf is with this ghetto attitude? gangsta octopus? frontin’ on his cooks? and the stupid looking eddie munster widows peak http://www.gamezone.com/images/screenshots/Eddie_Munster.jpg
all he does is bitch, i wish vinny would have slapped him
true NY stylin’