I was trying out some things and it seems that with the right assists she can set up a high/low/throw mixup in the corner. Unsurprisingly, I found this using Fortune as a tag partner with dp+LK.
So this is the main chain:
s.LP, s.MP, s.MK, j.LP, j.LK (1 hit), j.MP xx j.LP, j.MP, land, s.LP, s.MP, s.HP, assist, qcb+HP
The assist has to be able to lift the opponent off the ground. I haven’t tried with any other assists, but I believe Parasoul’s Pillar, Filia’s Updo and anyone’s launcher could also potentially work.
So here’s what happens: If you time the assist right with the cancel into the item drop, the item drop will force a restand. All that’s left to do is follow up with one of these options:
- c.LP, s.MP, s.MK, continue
- hold HP item drop, air throw (only works on launchers and Fortune’s dp+LK), release item drop, c.LP, s.MP, s.MK, continue
- throw, qcb+HP charge for wakeup mixup
- IAD j.LK, s.LP, s.MP, s.MK, continue
By IAD j.LK I mean cancelling also the dash startup with j.LK to stop yourself in mid air. As for mixups, I love charging an HP item drop to at least the first level up, then j.MK and release. Or release, then j.MK. One person high/lows are funny.
Another high/low/throw mixup involves a j.MK combo. This is the chain (mind you it’s harder on some characters):
s.LP, s.MP, s.MK, j.LP, j.LK (1 hit), j.MP xx j.MP, j.MK, land
The bolded and underlined j.MP is the hardest link in there, and what makes it character specific outside the corner. From here, you have three options:
- c.LP, s.MP, s.MK, continue
- throw, charge qcb+HP for wakeup mixup
- IAD j.LK, s.LP, s.MP, s.MK, continue
A note about resetting using IAD j.LK: you’ll likely have to delay the jump slightly; not only to make it more ambiguous (that’s a nice side effect) but more for the fact that it comes out so damn fast that it might combo, IPS might trigger and… wait, you’re Peacock, you don’t care if you’re full screen lol